Small businesses grapple with health care law


By Andrew Doughman, Las Vegas Sun

Americans now know that President Obama erred when he told the nation that people can keep their health plans if they like them.

In Nevada, about 25,000 people in the individual health insurance market received cancellation notices, leading to an apology from the president and a proposed fix.

But this isn’t over.

The same principle that led to people receiving cancellation notices also applies to businesses. Workers will face a lot of changes to the health care market in late 2014 as business owners seek to comply with business-related provisions of the health care law that start Jan. 1, 2015.

The timing means workers and business owners will face disruptions in the health insurance market right as Republicans and Democrats are competing to win votes in the Nov. 4, 2014, election.

“It’ll be what you’re hearing now about the individual (health insurance) plans times 10,” said one health insurance broker with large-business clients in Las Vegas.

That’s because the individual insurance market is small. Many more people get insurance through small-group or large employer health plans.

Many of these plans already provide better coverage than individual health plans, but they’ll still have to comply with the law come 2015.

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Comments (6)
  1. CJ McCoy says - Posted: November 25, 2013

    Andrew, You are a propagandist not a reporter.

    Americans know the President lied, he did’t “err”, he lied. Get it straight.

    Typical deceitful liberal..

  2. Squawllywood says - Posted: November 25, 2013

    Let’s be candid – Barack Obama LIED to the American public.

    Any questions?

  3. cosa pescado says - Posted: November 25, 2013

    “You are a propagandist not a reporter. ”

    Ironic, coming from you.
    Because you never support anything you say.
    Alex Jones, sans the documents and the entertainment.

  4. tahoe Pizza Eater says - Posted: November 26, 2013

    Hopefully, Obamacare will be scraped by November 2014. Then we won’t have to deal with these problems anymore.

  5. rhinopoker says - Posted: November 26, 2013

    Why are Americans being forced to buy coverage that they will never use? Why was this so important as part of Obamacare? Does a 60 year old woman need Maternity care? The answer is that this is part of taking away freedom to choose what is right for the individual and have the government tell you what is best for you. What ever happened to freedom of choice?

  6. dumbfounded says - Posted: November 27, 2013

    The question that I see is: do you want to pay for the complexity that would be required to have all services taliored to your individual needs? Shoud your taxes be used for military operations that you do not approve of? Should you only pay taxes for items that only you personally need? Should everyone’s tax bill be adjusted to whether you want snow removal, or potholes fixed, or sewer connection to your home? Should those who do not have children be given tax breaks so that they don’t pay for schools? Should young families not have to pay for Senior Centers? And on and on.

    The fact is that complexity is expensive and inefficient. If you want smaller government, you have to make some compromises for expediency.

    I certainly don’t advocate the ACA or not, but honesty and accuracy are important. Problems, and all their complexities, need to be studied and resolved through careful analysis, not emotion. And certainly not partisan political manipulation, regardless of what party does it.

    Happy Thanksgiving to all, we have much to be thankful for.