NYT reporter: Journalists need to ‘surrender or fight’


By Savannah Luschei, Daily Californian

James Risen, the New York Times reporter facing imprisonment for refusing to disclose his sources, denounced the federal government’s infringement on the press in a rare public appearance Thursday, saying it is time for journalists to “surrender or fight.”

Risen spoke to a crowd of about 300 lawyers, journalists and others at Berdahl Auditorium in Stanley Hall on Thursday evening in a talk hosted by the UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism titled “Prosecuting the Press.” He spoke alongside Lowell Bergman, director of the graduate school’s Investigative Reporting Program.

The lack of protection for national security reporters, he said, has allowed the federal government to demand that journalists like him reveal their sources, which threatens the integrity of the press.

“The basic issue is, can we continue as journalists to protect and offer the confidentiality to someone who knows something going on in the government but doesn’t want to go public?” he asked the audience, which included high-profile guests such as Daniel Ellsberg, the whistle-blower responsible for leaking the Pentagon Papers to the New York Times in 1971.

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This article was written by admin


Comments (15)
  1. CJ McCoy says - Posted: November 26, 2013

    Obama and his Attorney General Eric Holder have brought a chilling wind to “our” freedom of the press.

    They abused their powers and spied on reporters that opposed their politics. THAT IS UN AMERICAN, a high crime indeed!

    EVIL in my book!

  2. BijouBill says - Posted: November 26, 2013

    CJ McCoy,
    The “chilling wind” brought to our freedom of the press started decades ago. In this case the original subpoena was issued by GWB’s attorney general in 2008 because they didn’t like Mr. Risen’s accusations of corruption and malfeasance in our intelligence community. His book, “State of War: The Secret History of the CIA and the Bush Administration”, reveals just how much power we have allowed these agencies to wield and how dangerous they have become to our freedom of the press.
    I know these facts don’t fit with your bufoonish daily hate diatribe against Pres. Obama but facts are always strangers to the teababblers. Our access to the workings of our government have decreased significantly in my lifetime and our 4th Estate is a mere shadow of what it used to be. The fact that corp media has been consolidated in so few hands is the biggest problem imo.

  3. CJ McCoy says - Posted: November 26, 2013

    Yes BB,

    We know, it is all Bush’s fault.

  4. BijouBill says - Posted: November 26, 2013

    CJ McCoy,
    I didn’t place the blame for the decline of real journalism solely on GWB. I think it has been an ongoing problem that started to really intensify in the ’80s. Your pathetic response is, as usual, fact-free nonsense that reveals your lack of critical thinking skills and propensity for bombastic BS as a debating tool. Try again.

  5. Perry R. Obray says - Posted: November 26, 2013

    Destruction of cameras, hacking (reduction of file transfer speed)resulting in material not being edited and uploaded to the internet are systemic at SLT. Free speech is a joke here.

  6. A.B. says - Posted: November 26, 2013

    I have no empathy for the press any longer. State Run Media has done nothing but enabled the Obama Regime to become a tyranny. We have lost the republic to a lawless dictator who was elected under false pretense.

  7. A.B. says - Posted: November 26, 2013

    Locally, LTN has very little credibility when they have knowledge of scandalous behavior locally at the municipal level and refuse to report on it.

    So again, liberal media outlets enable government to run roughshod over the electorate.

  8. admin says - Posted: November 26, 2013


    Do tell what this knowledge is that we have that we are not reporting on?

    LTN staff

  9. CJ McCoy says - Posted: November 26, 2013

    There are Death Panels in Obama Care

    Leftwing media starting to own up to the truth.

    This from Drudge link

    “The Affordable Care Act contains provisions for “death panels,” which decide which critically-ill patients receive care and which won’t, according to Mark Halperin, senior political analyst for Time magazine.”

  10. dumbfounded says - Posted: November 26, 2013

    C.J. – “Leftwing media starting to own up to the truth…” Followed by a quote from Drudge? Is the Drudge Report a Leftwing media now? Thanks, I needed a laugh today.

    Again, no substantive information that supports your claim. For instance, the quote from the ACA that supports the “death panel” claim. Possibly a page number or section number. The truth is that insurance companies have had the equivalent of death panels for decades. But they call it by a different name. Profits, I think.

    Despite our differences, please accept our wishes to all of you for a very Happy Thanksgiving!

  11. BijouBill says - Posted: November 26, 2013

    CJ McCoy,
    Gee CJ it seems your foaming at the mouth, off topic “death panels!” whine is being denied by Mark Halperin. Here’s a clue: You don’t enhance your side of the debate about this freedom of the press case by randomly posting the headlines from the Drudge Report. How stupid does one have to be to bring up the “Lie of the Year” Sarah Palin fabrication from years ago?
    And also too A.B. has nothing on CJ when it comes to the foaming. You betcha….. Caribou Barbie

  12. CJ McCoy says - Posted: November 26, 2013

    BB and dumbfounded,

    The Drudge report is a news aggregator.

    If you read what I wrote you would see I said a link from Drudge. That takes you to a quote from Mark Halperin, senior political analyst for Time magazine. Leftwing news media.

    So, if you had gone to Drudge you would have found the link. Or you could google Mark Halperin (his name is in my earlier post for a reason). You’ll find much more on the story of Death panels.

    It really was laid out simple for you. It was a bit of a test, a simple one, you two failed. I’m sure other people followed it easily, what was your problem?

    BTW, I won the bet, I knew I’d trip you up. Easy bet really.

  13. dumbfounded says - Posted: November 27, 2013

    So, no substantive arguments, then? OK. “Tripped up” applies somewhere in here but not as you suggest, IMHO.

    BTW, I would love to hear about what this site is “not reporting on”, from A.B. Unsubstantiated claims just don’t cut it. Regardless of your “tests”.

    Happy Thanksgiving to all. We have a lot to be thankful for.

  14. Dogula says - Posted: November 27, 2013
    Here is the youtube interview where he admits that there are death panels built into obamacare. Though he tries to say that our current medical insurance plans have them, they do not. Currently an individual can decide they don’t want to spend any more money on treatments, but under 0care, there will be bureaucrats determining where to allocate the scarce resources.
    Do you trust the IRS to determine whether or not YOUR life is worth saving? I surely don’t.