Incline couple reports death threats over bear issue


The bear-people issue in Incline Village has gotten so bad that a couple filed a report with Washoe County sheriff’s investigators saying they have received death threats because they reported a problem bear to state officials.

According to the Reno Gazette-Journal, Nevada Department of Wildlife trapped a 263-pound male black bear outside Richard and Adrienne Evans’ house on Dec. 13 and later euthanized it.

A trap was set because the bear had tried multiple times this month to get into one of the Evans’ vehicles and finally did so last week. The bear had been captured and released earlier this fall.

 — Lake Tahoe News staff report


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Comments (15)
  1. Arod says - Posted: December 20, 2013

    It is a people problem not a bear problem. The stupid woman left food in her car with the doors unlocked. That is not a break-in its an inviting buffet. The woman is an athlete with local sponsors. More info;

  2. Kathy says - Posted: December 20, 2013


  3. Raina H. says - Posted: December 20, 2013

    I agree. Leaving food in cars is a bad idea. The bear was killed because they allowed a trap to be placed on their property. If you can’t deal with the bears here, you should move. I’ll help you pack.

  4. Gaspen Aspen says - Posted: December 20, 2013

    Yes, ignorant people from the flatlands need not move up here. If you can’t keep your garbage in the appropriate containers, the bears will invade. It’s what they do.
    As far as death threats……I think that’s a bit over the top. But I don’t live in Incline fortunately. Interesting that in this whole basin, most of the bear issues are with Incline people. Just sayn’

  5. Steven says - Posted: December 20, 2013

    yeah Gaspen, people with money, don’t tell them what to do.
    If the Incline council members-or whatever they are called- would pull their heads out of the dark and require bear proof trash bins, the problem would go away. This bear was originally attracted by garbage.
    If this lady left food in her car, she should be prosecuted.

  6. Perry R. Obray says - Posted: December 20, 2013

    I guess we need to talk to neighbors about their garbage.

  7. Irish Wahini says - Posted: December 21, 2013

    Perry, if you don’t want to talk to your neighbors about garbage (some of them get defensive), call the Bear League with their address & they will mail info to them – or you can call “Clean Tahoe” in SLT.

    Some blocks have a bear problem because of one resident, and they should be warned and then fined if the problem is not corrected. The Incline Village lady who left food in her car should be fined and also charged with all expenses related to the incident. It is too bad that some folks with too much money, don’t have equal parts of common sense & consideration.

  8. Kat says - Posted: December 21, 2013

    Wow! So let me get this straight. They claim that a bear had been repeatedly trying to get into the car? Yet, according to information posted elsewhere online, this car was left unlocked AND with food in it? Death threats are ridiculous and out of line for sure, but I do think the sheriff’s department should write this couple a ticket with a hefty fine while they’re out there investigating. And maybe the judge can sentence them to some sort of education course about bear awareness. Ridiculous people who seem better suited for city living!

  9. Steven says - Posted: December 21, 2013

    Food in the car must be removed, and if it was some type of spill, or crumbs or even chapstick, the car needs to be cleaned.
    Also, I have heard of and seen bear prints on car door handles, they know how to open a car door, so leaving it unlocked can save damage.
    But food is the problem and the idiot lady. Maybe on a training run she can just keep on running out of Tahoe for good.

  10. careaboutthecommunity says - Posted: December 21, 2013

    People need to be responsible in their storage of food, and waste in bear country, but your love of animals has gone off the deep end, when you threaten the life of another living thing.

    Educate, work towards changing the laws, but don’t threaten, and I hope the organizations that work towards protecting the wildlife are not promoting this bad behavior, and are in fact working at discouraging it.

  11. hikerchick says - Posted: December 21, 2013

    Why do we continue to allow this bull***t? These articles are almost carbon copies of the ones we have read in the past. Unless agencies and residents get serious about this problem it will continue until there are no bears to complain about. I don’t feel sorry for the perpetrators. They can wise up or leave town. What happened to the concept of requiring bear boxes at every house and bear proof dumpsters at every business? Elected officials, agency folks, garbage companies and individuals should be ashamed for turning their backs on this problem. This could be solved by spring if the above folks would collectively get off their asses.

  12. Kirsten says - Posted: December 21, 2013

    Stupid is as stupid does.

  13. sunriser2 says - Posted: December 21, 2013

    How many bears were killed by cars last year?

  14. careaboutthecommunity says - Posted: December 23, 2013

    Taken from a interview with the couple being threatened (Tribune)

    “The bear had been sleeping in a nearby culvert and was being fed nightly by a neighbor, Adrienne Evans said, adding she has photos documenting the activity. ”

    Stop trying to be friendly with bears! Run them off, make them scared of humans, if you care about them.

  15. Steven says - Posted: December 23, 2013

    Here is more of the story and another big problem..
    “The bear had been sleeping in a nearby culvert and was being fed nightly by a neighbor, Adrienne Evans said, adding she has photos documenting the activity.

    Feeding wildlife is illegal, Healy said, and the Department of Wildlife intends to issue a written warning to the individual. Repeated violations could lead to fines.”
    Until Nevada Department of Wildlife spokesman Chris Healy and the rest of the State and Federal Wildlife officials get serious with fines and prosecutions, bear problems will continue.
    Heavy fines from the first violation that double with more violations, plus jail time, will get peoples attention. Giving a warning is baloney ! The person who was feeding this bear should be in jail and the Evans woman should be fined for not reporting the feeding. And because Evans didn’t report the feeding she ends up killing the bear, she is an idiot.