Congress may be least productive in history


By Michael A. Memoli, Los Angeles Times

WASHINGTON — By the numbers, this Congress is on track to make the infamous “do-nothing Congress” of the late 1940s look downright prolific.

Before the Senate adjourned Friday for an extended holiday break, the two bodies of the 113th Congress sent President Obama fewer than 70 bills for his signature. That compares to 395 enacted during the first year of the 80th Congress, which Harry Truman famously campaigned against for its inaction.

The showing has put the current Congress on track to become the least productive in history, likely beating the previous record-holder, the 112th Congress, during which 231 bills became law.

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Comments (22)
  1. Gaspen Aspen says - Posted: December 25, 2013

    What a shock! Idiots!

  2. tahoe Pizza Eater says - Posted: December 25, 2013

    It’s the harm they do that I worry about. Most years, I would rather congress do nothing, than screw things up further. This mentality that they must always be doing things is screwed up. They don’t screw up anything on Christmas. So, Merry Christmas !

  3. CJ McCoy says - Posted: December 25, 2013

    The year that the President of the USA was caught openly lying to the country. Defrauding them.

    2013 will be known as one of America’s worst years.

  4. Steve says - Posted: December 25, 2013

    Congress, like the SLT City Council, is one of the few professions in which the people who employ them would actually be better served by their simply not showing up for work.

  5. cosa pescado says - Posted: December 25, 2013

    CJ, do you have any figures or data that supports your claim about 2013 being ‘one of America’s worst years’.

    You wouldn’t just post hyperbolic partisan nonsense. Surely you were pressed for time and will be following up later with substance.

  6. BitterClinger says - Posted: December 25, 2013

    The less the government does the better.

  7. cosa pescado says - Posted: December 25, 2013

    Which is why Somalia is the betterest country in the world.

  8. Parker says - Posted: December 26, 2013

    You mean North Korea!

  9. CJ McCoy says - Posted: December 26, 2013

    Will 2013 be known as the year that Reid, Pelosi and their leader, Barack Obama tried to steal America’s Freedoms once and for all?

    Some people need teachers and celebrities to tell them what to think. They need facts and figures from a book or some authority figure to support their position. These are simple minds, lead around like sheep. Lies and incompetence mean little as long as the apparent intention was politically correct.

    Fortunately others use the power of personal observation, personal experience, intuition and their principles to make up their own minds. They rise up and challenge the lies and interpretations and outright failure of the leftists.

    For the simple minded, when their leaders in government lie to them they accept it, when others point out the lies of their leaders they get upset with the the people pointing it out. They tend to attack them personally with lots of personal name calling. They make up outright lies about people to discredit their informed opponents. They are generally a vial group, fueled by their hate and anger. They lash out at the massager since they can’t fight the truth of the message.

    We call these types of brainwashed people, sheeple and Gorebots. In New Jersey they call them Jersey Tramps, South Lake Tahoe is plagued by these types of shallow minded liberals. I call them South Shore Tramps. In fact many work for your government and it’s minions of agencies. They are over paid, under productive and in the government employees case, way over pensioned…

    I plan to pay for none of it. I along with many others plan to attack the lies and damage done by the leftists and fight it and beat it.

    I encourage free thinking people that are tired of the decades of lies from the leftists to stand and fight for your nation’s and your children’s future.

    We must stop the Liberal Corporatist from destroying the benefits of free enterprise and FREEDOM.

    Obama is recognized as a socialist and a corporatist, look how well big corporations, Banks, Insurance companies and drug companies have done under Obama, they are run by progressive liberals not conservatives. FYI, Nazis were “socialists” and corporatists also. Yes, that is the truth. Look it up for yourself.

  10. Dogula says - Posted: December 26, 2013

    CJ, I applaud you. The fans of central planning and King Puttmore I will not be swayed, however, by anything we say here. I have determined that the best course of action will be the occasional comment, just for fun, but actual engagement with those who shriek their lies like ravens on these pages is not worthwhile.
    In the new year, let’s continue to live subversively and seek prosperity and happiness without allowing the fools any power to affect our well being.
    Happy New Year, CJ, and to other seekers of liberty.

  11. Old Long Skiis says - Posted: December 26, 2013

    CJ,You seem a little grouchy today. Did a Santa of color put a lump of coal in your stocking? I’ve got just the thing to cheer you up! I just got the latest edition of Mother Jones magazine, when I’m done reading it you can have it. Also I let my membership to ACLU expire so when I re up I’ll sign you up to!
    So this oughta cheer you up, some of the funding for food stamps was cut as well as some funding for Medi Care and on top of that umemployment exttensions have been halted. Now doesn’t that make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside?
    Old people, hungry people and people out of work are startng off the New Year on shaky ground. Hope your New Year is a good one. Old Liberal Long Skiis

  12. rock4tahoe says - Posted: December 26, 2013

    Hey CJ! Want some cheese with all the whining you do? Do you get paid by the amount of whining dribble you type or what?

    Wow! As Americans we have Social Security, Medicare, Unemployment protection, Health Care for people caught in the “private insurance market”, regulations on Wall Street to prevent greedy crooks with “fat fingers”, Environmental regulations to prevent massive pollution problems (like China, India, Africa, South America), schools for anyone that wants to learn, National Highway system for moving goods and people. And just think, most of this PROGRESS started with a Four (4) Term Liberal Democratic President named Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Whine about that CJ Pub.

  13. dumbfounded says - Posted: December 26, 2013

    Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night! Especially those who apparently need a little good cheer, or more fiber…

  14. go figure says - Posted: December 26, 2013

    Cj and dog face your rock is calling your names

  15. Dogula says - Posted: December 26, 2013

    See? They have absolutely nothing productive to say, so they attack the people who dare to think differently from the way they do.
    And they call US intolerant.

  16. rock4tahoe says - Posted: December 30, 2013

    Oh please Dog. CJ starts with some crazy talk about Reid, Pelosi and the President taking our liberty, then goes on with brainwash and gorebots. And you think that is “productive?” Lmao.

  17. Deep Breathes says - Posted: December 30, 2013

    Absolutely hilarious! CJ McCoy is clearly irony-impaired. He denigrates progressives because, “They tend to attack them personally with lots of personal name calling,” then goes on to call them:

    1. Simple minded
    2. Lead around like sheep
    3. L[ying] and incompeten[t]
    4. Brain washed people
    5. Sheeple
    6. New Jersey Tramps
    7. South Lake Tramps
    8. Minions
    9. Overpaid
    10. Underproductive
    11. Liberal corporatists
    12. Socialists
    13. A vial group, fueled by their hate and anger [BTW, brainiac, it’s “vile”]
    14. They lash out at the massager since they can’t fight the truth of the message [I hate my massager and often lash out at her too when she’s too rough!]

    Okay… there’s a lot more, but unlike Dogula, CJ, Morally Hazardous, and the others that post on this site 24/7, I have an actual job that I need to perform and don’t get to waste my life on the internet all day.

    Happy New Year!!

  18. Deep Breaths says - Posted: December 30, 2013

    Absolutely hilarious! CJ McCoy is clearly irony-impaired. He denigrates progressives because, “They tend to attack them personally with lots of personal name calling,” then goes on to call them:

    1. Simple minded
    2. Lead around like sheep
    3. L[ying] and incompeten[t]
    4. Brain washed people
    5. Sheeple
    6. New Jersey Tramps
    7. South Lake Tramps
    8. Minions
    9. Overpaid
    10. Underproductive
    11. Liberal corporatists
    12. Socialists
    13. A vial group, fueled by their hate and anger [BTW, brainiac, it’s “vile”]
    14. They lash out at the massager since they can’t fight the truth of the message [I hate my massager and often lash out at her too when she’s too rough!]

    Okay… there’s a lot more, but unlike Dogula, CJ, Morally Hazardous, and the others that post on this site 24/7, I have an actual job and don’t get to waste my life on the internet all day.

    Happy New Year!!

  19. BijouBill says - Posted: December 30, 2013

    If you’re having problems caused by constantly blaming the “massager” for everything, I’d be more than happy to recommend

  20. Tahoe Bob says - Posted: December 30, 2013

    I think all this thread proves is that CJ McCoy and Dogula are covers for liberal commentators trying to make the Tea Party look unhinged and ignorant. Cunning ploy.

  21. copper says - Posted: December 30, 2013

    Obtaining and cashing a paycheck under the false pretense that one is doing the job for which the paycheck was issued, to wit: refusing to perform the duties of an elected legislator in the government of our nation, is a Federal crime.

    And as to the Tea Party, so is conspiracy.

    I’m not even certain if I’m on topic here, but it seemed like a good place to post this.