Lights go out on traditional light bulbs


By Josh Levs, CNN

It lit up the world and showed us all our way. It served presidents, princes, and paupers with equal alacrity. It brought the writings of Yeats, Joyce, Rowling, and Trudeau to millions of bed-readers, and helped countless people around the world avoid stubbing their toes in the dark.

And now, it is no more.

Farewell, traditional light bulb. As the clock struck midnight New Year’s Day, the light dimmed on your reign as the mechanical illuminator of human existence.

Rest in peace.

This was no sudden death. The diagnosis came in years ago, in 2007, when President George W. Bush signed a law to replace standard incandescents with more efficient bulbs.

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Comments (16)
  1. BitterClinger says - Posted: January 4, 2014

    I learned of this impending ban a couple of weeks back.

    Any time the government wants to ban anything, you have to get in front of the curve and outsmart them.

    I spent about $2,500 on incandescent bulbs and placed them in storage. I will be selling them in 6-12 months at a massive profit as most people didn’t recognize that this ban on light bulbs was coming.

  2. cosa pescado says - Posted: January 4, 2014

    And we have a front runner for dumbest post of 2014.

    Have fun spending more money on your electric bill, thus losing money in the long run.

  3. worldcycle says - Posted: January 4, 2014

    Good for you Bitter! I just might be looking you up. Florescents do not dim. Almost all the fixtures I have are dimmable. Dimmable LED’s are at least $15 each and so far out of the 6 I have bought, 4 blew out within days. Not to mention other standard LED’s in “non-standard” designs I have bought have not fared much better. Not a fan here of the spiral bulb that comes on dim and then brightens up. LED’s are the future, yet I think for household replacement, the technology needs to be improved a bit more.

  4. Ice Gal says - Posted: January 4, 2014

    Fluorescents will dim, but they have to have a electronic ballast. The compact fluorescents will say dimmable right on the package.

  5. Gus says - Posted: January 4, 2014

    CFLs ruin radio reception and put out much higher EMFs, for those who care. They also release a harmful amount of mercury if broken – one reason to never put them into the regular trash. Funny how our nanny government is banning lead bullets but forces poison mercury into everyone’s home and places of business. Given a choice I would like to use both; each have (or have had) a proper location in our homes. Goodbye to another, albeit small, freedom. And goodbye to all those easy bake ovens out there! I wonder what dangers Uncle Sam will protect me from in the future? Freedom and liberty dangerous dangerous things.

  6. TeaTotal says - Posted: January 5, 2014

    Thanks Bitter C-because of people like you there wont be any shortage of dim bulbs around here-for quite some time

  7. cosa pescado says - Posted: January 5, 2014

    “They also release a harmful amount of mercury if broken ”

    You seem concerned about mercury.

    I am curious, what do you think about burning coal?

  8. Perry R. Obray says - Posted: January 5, 2014

    Pretty cool that the freest economy on the planet outlawed our winter luminating heaters. I have been exposed to the cooler thus more efficient lights in the private sector since around 1970, but does the government need to break it’s own laws on free economic practices to offset it’s incompetent building codes that don’t require a mandatory passive solar evaluation on every new building and remodel? Remember buildings supposedly consume around half the energy in this country, retarded government going after low lying fruit and trying to look cool, shame on em for abusing the supposedly free market.

  9. Atomic says - Posted: January 5, 2014

    What’s next Bitter, burning bags of cash in the backyard?

  10. Moral Hazard says - Posted: January 5, 2014

    Perry I own a passive solar house. About 10% of houses can have passive solar because you need a perfect unobstructed south view. So if you want folks up here to have passive solar then we need to start by clearcutting south shore. I have a few trees in my backyard left from the fire and even those few trees interfere with passive solar. Where it works it works well, I don’t pay for heat. But like anything to do with energy no one thing will offer a complete solution.

  11. A.B. says - Posted: January 5, 2014

    CFL’s do not last long, at all. Further, they are poor substitutes for an incandescent bulb. LED’s are OK, but very expensive.

    I do not like the light emanating from either, so I went out and stocked up on incandescent bulbs to last me at least 5 years.

    Screw the government, I will use what I darn well please to light my home.

  12. Dogula says - Posted: January 5, 2014

    True, A.B., about the cfls not lasting as long. I tried the cfls and found they don’t last half as long as my old bulbs, especially in rooms where we turn the lights on and off a lot. It’s just how they’re designed.
    But for those who forgot to stock up on incandescents, they will still be available, though they are NOT cheap. Fluorescents can have a detrimental effect on people with migraines, and some auto-immune diseases, so this company makes a ‘compliant’ incandescent.

  13. Atomic says - Posted: January 5, 2014

    Now, now now, I know, change is hard. And yes, preserve your right to use as many KW as you please. Do not concern yourselves with the future and the reasons behind this change. It’s all about you and your precious little rights. Freedom to be an idiot.

    In a few months you will forget all about this government conspiracy and move on to the next one. Because, there is always a next one…….

    Resistance to change goes hand in hand with low IQ. So much anger,so little time!

  14. sunriser2 says - Posted: January 5, 2014

    How can I get a job as a light-bulb cop. I need better insurance and early retirement.

  15. Gus says - Posted: January 5, 2014

    Hey Atomic…chill. All that pent up hate can really eat you up.

  16. Atomic says - Posted: January 5, 2014

    Gus, please. The anger comment is referencing the government haters. I’m happy to navigate my way through any maze. Flexibility is king.