South Lake Tahoe parolee back behind bars


A South Lake Tahoe resident who was just released from prison could be headed back there.

Dismas Womack, 47, was arrested early Wednesday morning in the Al Tahoe neighborhood of South Lake Tahoe.

The SWAT team arrived in its souped up mine resistant ambush prevention vehicle, which is used in high risk-situations.

“We found firearms and ammunition in his residence,” police Lt. Brian Williams told Lake Tahoe News. This is a violation of his parole.

Womack had been in court this week regarding a restraining order that his ex-girlfriend has against him. Williams said Womack violated the court order and a warrant was issued for his arrest and to search his residence.

Womack was being held without bail at the El Dorado County Jail.

— Lake Tahoe News staff report


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Comments (11)
  1. copper says - Posted: January 29, 2014

    Say goodbye, Dismas. Being a pretty good football player in a town that was not, back then, much minority friendly, might have provided the opportunity to be a good citizen, but you didn’t hold up your end of the deal. It was, and is after all, your life.

  2. hmmm... says - Posted: January 29, 2014


  3. random citizen says - Posted: January 29, 2014

    This is what we’re using the MRAP for, a stinking restraining order violation?
    not sure if i should laugh or move …

  4. Dogula says - Posted: January 29, 2014

    Because it’s so much easier to just move in with massive brute force than to expend the energy of doing good police work. . .
    Welcome to the militarization of America. There’s a reason every little PD has armoured vehicles and SWAT teams. And it ain’t for your benefit.

  5. go figure... says - Posted: January 29, 2014

    Dont do the crime if you cant do the time. If your paroll requirements include not having guns and ammo lying around or in your posession than back to jail you go. Im sure some gun nuts think its somehow a violation of your 2nd amendment rights. Boo hoo hoo

  6. Chief Slowroller says - Posted: January 29, 2014

    I have known Dismas all his life

    the gun belongs to his Dad its a 30-40Kraig from 1896.

    you ever herd the story about getting bit by the poisonous snake ?

    if you know that story then you know what happened in his life.

  7. ljames says - Posted: January 30, 2014

    I do not know the person in the article (nor the folks in the Ted Long letter), but it’s clear from the variety of responses that making news articles, with actually very little detail, out of someone’s arrest (an arrest where one is by law innocent until proven guilty – rather than conviction) can damage someone beyond repair which may in fact not have violated the law. This isn’t a slam on the LTN, tons of papers etc do this as well – but why are Americans so fascinated with reading about crime over breakfast? You do not see such crime stories in European news? Is it they don’t have as much violence-related crime, or is it just not what folks there consider news?

  8. random citizen says - Posted: January 30, 2014

    I realize that from an outsiders point of view this article seems trivial at best. To me, the real horror is the use of S.W.A.T. and their military force (i.e. MRAP) to serve a parole violation warrant to someone for violating a restraining order.

    Mr. Womack and I grew up here, I went to high school with this man, I am concerned that the law enforcement in this town is projecting the wrong message. That is the real news here

  9. Dan Stroehler says - Posted: January 30, 2014

    I just thought of something. Why not install a plow attachment to the MRAP for use when not “serving warrants” with it?

  10. Old Long Skiis says - Posted: January 30, 2014

    Sorry, had to self delete. OLS

  11. TahoeKaren says - Posted: January 30, 2014

    How funny that you should mention putting a plow on this vehicle. We were just talking about how the garbage collectors always seem to make it to your house no matter what the weather. Perhaps the garbage company should retrofit the garbage trucks with plows to assist the road clearing on snowy days.
    (I know, I know….totally off subject)