Letter: Design Workshop helps out at Bread & Broth
To the community,
Design Workshop, a local landscape architectural company, was the generous sponsor for Bread & Broth’s dinner served on Jan. 27 at St. Theresa Church’s Grace Hall.
This was their first time hosting a B&B dinner. Gina Montecallo, one of Design Workshop’s landscape designers, said, “Great to give back to the community and everyone appreciated the dinner. Glad to see a program like this in South Lake Tahoe.”
Montecalla and her fellow Design Workshop crew members, Xue Yao Wei, landscape designer, and Ben Fish and Sarah Nitchman, both landscape architects, spent the evening on the serving line, running the dishwasher and assisting B&B volunteers with the dinners cleanup.
“So happy and satisfied to see the smiles everywhere”, said Wei, summing up her volunteering experience.
Bread & Broth is fortunate to have sponsors like Design Workshop who support our efforts to provide a weekly full course dinner to the members of the Lake Tahoe South Shore community. Design Workshop has beautified Tahoe with its design projects at Heavenly Village and Harrison Avenue and with the sponsorship of an Adopt A Day, they helped beautified the lives of those less fortunate in our community.
To help B&B as a donor or sponsor, contact me at (530) 542-2976 or carolsgerard@aol.com.
Carol Gerard, Bread & Broth