Shots fired near Ski Run, 1 person arrested
Updated Feb. 20 1:15pm:
A 22-year-old South Lake Tahoe man is behind bars on charges of assault with a deadly weapon and shooting into an inhabited vehicle.
Bail for Angelo Anderson has been set at $100,000. More charges are possible.
The incident started Feb. 19 at 4:42pm on Fawn Way one block south of Highway 50 in South Lake Tahoe.
Officers said when Dennis McQuitty, 57, of South Lake Tahoe was leaving a friend’s home Anderson approached him. The two used to work together. Anderson allegedly began making inflammatory remarks toward the victim. McQuitty closed his door to avoid a conflict and started to drive away.
Several witnesses then reported to police that they saw Anderson raise a handgun and fire approximately three rounds at McQuitty’s truck as he drove on Fawn Avenue. At least one bullet struck the truck. Anderson then went back into his residence, a room at the A&A Lake Tahoe Inn with his girlfriend, Leslie Monroy.
She was detained, but later released without charges. Anderson was arrested. Officers recovered the firearm used by Anderson.
Witnesses should call Detective Jeff Roberson at (530) 542.6100 or Secret Witness at (530) 541.6800.
— Lake Tahoe News staff report
If you look on the El Dorado County web site, they list everyone who has been arrested in the past 48 hours. I believe the person’s name is Angelo Fitzgerald Anderson, a 22 year old male. His charges are: 1/shooting into an inhabited vehicle 2/assault with a firearm and 3/fugitive from justice arrest warrant. His bail is over $150,000.
Thanks JM, hopefully they were only shooting at some of the crappy reporters in this schity.
Wouldn’t these arrests have been handled by the SLT PD as opposed to EDCSO, thereby not being on EDC website?
Because the jails are a county function South Tahoe arrests are on the website. However, reporters cannot assume, even if it seems obvious, who in custody is tied to a specific crime scene.
And, Nimby, how does any sane person say anyone should be shot?
LTN staff
Nimby, find someplace else to comment. That was pathetic.
Nimby Green — Really?
we are going shooting today, down to Carson City
to shoot the krap out of some paint can lids
These are the kinds of insects invading our town now. I see more and more of them and it will turn our town into a ghetto……more than some of it already is. These pukes should be culled from the human race.
Eliminate all parking restrictions at the Lakeview Commons area and at the Lakeside Beach area and make everything free and you too can have the opportunity for these types of individuals to park in and around your neighborhood sleeping and living in their vans/autos for the entire spring/summer/fall! Why bother having laws to help our law enforcement attempt to control the quality of visitors to our community; let’s just turn everything over to the indigent and lawless, they’re a high quality group that will bring lots of revenue to our community while attracting a really great crowd. (Sarcasm intended.)
Oh yippee! more gun owners playing with them on our city streets. Sure am glad their 2nd ammendment rights havnt been removed so they can exercise their rights out there shooting up cars, trees, buildings, whatever might move. Im sure glad they are here to be a part of our community, those fine upstanding citizens.
now the part I really mean, thanks to the police force regardless of your jurisdiction, for getting the scumm off our streets. I hope noone was hurt.
I have no problem with someone getting hurt or killed, as long as it’s the right ones.
The tone of the comments posted here are a fine example of the degradation of our society. Advocating “killing the right ones” and attacking the poor and less fortunate shows a lack of compassion.
Times have changed and the 2nd Amendment has become obsolete. How long before we have our own local school shooting or casino rampage?
Arod, unfortunatly any day now… but there will be all the same clowns coming out in support of their rights to carry and shoot any kind of gun for any reason. And they say I should feel more safe because of it. WELL I DONT!
Chief-have a great time!
Go figure-Really?? Do you honestly believe that these shooters are responsible gun owners? I would venture to guess that there are a lot more gun owners here in Tahoe than you think. And 99.9% of them are responsible, safe, and cautious owners.
Gaspen-what a horrible thing to say!
Arod, we’ve already had someone go on a shooting rampage in a casino. Back in the 80’s at Lakeside Inn (or was it still Harvey’s Inn at that point?). WITH an automatic weapon.
“An armed society is a polite society” is nothing more than a catchy bumper-sticker slogan and has NO correlation to the real world.
Hey Gaspen…
And I bet you know who should get shot or killed don’tcha? Pathetic.
Tahoe karen, I do not believe that these thugs shooting guns in town are legal gun owners. Neither do I believe that most of the gun owners in town or our country are legal gun owners either. I believe there is
no way of knowing if a gun weilder is legal until they do something stoopid and get caught. I really dont care if there are law abiding gun owners because my philosophy is that guns are evil things meant for one purpose and I dont feel safe around anyone who carries or uses guns, regardless of being legal or not. I think the second amendment has been completely bastardised to make the NRA and gun makers money and the tea partiers a platform for their fear mongering
Yes, I think it is a good idea to rid society of these predators. What do they contribute? This puke thought it was a good idea to SHOOT at the guy in his truck. REALLY??? You want this type of insect roaming our town? I have zero compassion for the dregs and hope they meet a painful demise. After all they inflict enough of it towards normal citizens. If you can’t see this then you should take them in and coddle them and try to get them to understand your way of thinking. Good luck with that one!!! Blind fools!
” I dont feel safe around anyone who carries or uses guns, regardless of being legal or not.”
So, you’re afraid of the police? Military? Hunters? Did you know that 21% of Californians are gun owners? So if you’re in a room with 5 people, one of them owns a gun, statistically speaking.
If you live in Nevada, it’s one in 3.
Your world must be a scary place.
Oh. I am shocked to find another shooting taking place in America… our State… our City! Shocked! Here, Wayne, our your winnings from last nights gun sales…
My world isnt a scary place because I refuse to be part of the NRA fear based society they and the tea party think is so prevelant that they want everyone to fear the police or gvmnt at all turns. I think its pretty sad that there is so much fear out there. Im not afraid of the gun culture, I just refuse to be a part of it and to get sucked into the rhetoric. So there! I dont fear my government but I am certainly leary of the people on my street that grow pot illegally and the punk gang kids that destroy property and kill each other without thinking twice. Im thankful for the men and women who are trying to keep our country, community and neighborhoods safe. Im not afraid of them but I am certainly afraid of the NRA creeps cuz they are just greedy. Thats my opinion.
Here’s just ANOTHER so called “responsible gun owner”!
‘Colorado Lawmaker Leaves Behind Loaded Handgun In State Capitol’
“a former police officer from the western town of Fruita, who apparently forgot to retrieve the weapon when he left the room on Feb. 6 after a hearing on easing concealed-carry rules.”
. . . and MILLIONS of gun owners today did not shoot anyone nor do anything irresponsible with their guns. I wonder how many automobile wrecks there were today?
Dog oranges and apples
I wonder how many people died of old age, too many cigarettes, too many sugary sodas, tripping over their own feet.
so your point is….
gun violence is an attrocity and rampant and unnecessary but highly possible in america anywhere at any time. What a shame…
The headline states “Shots fired on Ski Run” yet the article states that shots were fired on Fawn. Is there something wrong with my comprehension or with this paper’s news reporting?
@Dog-approximately 17,500 auto accidents.
@GaspenAspen…You would advocate exterminating those whose behavior you do not like, whom you call “dreg’s” and “insects” with amplified suffering? Why not put them in concentration camps and perform medical experiments on them and remove their gold fillings too? In a nation which is founded upon the rule of law, vigilante justice is not the answer. Your statements are part of the problem. If you tried, I’m sure you could find another country to move to which fits your vision. I am NOT defending or justifying the shooting, I am glad this person was apprehended. Your comments are scary, though, because they imply misplaced anger born of fear. An angry, fearful person is easily manipulated, and therefore a dangerous person. Perhaps you and the shooter share some common views on violence.
yesterday in Carson City at the shooting range,
everyone there had a good time shooting the Krap
out of the targets that they brought with them.
the old guy in the wheel chair who only had 1 leg
could shoot his 308 real well.
How many people did the crazy woman run down on Thanksgiving in Reno years ago?