Letter: Truxlers should be applauded
To the community,
Now that the smoke has cleared on the fireworks show, it’s time to tip my hat and raise a glass to the Truxlers. They have helped open our eyes to see that the South Shore of Lake Tahoe is an epicenter of ecological hypocrisy. It’s said we love the lake, but don’t anyone do a thing that messes with the flow of greenbacks that fill South Shore pockets regardless of the harm an event could do or will do to the lake ad basin.
Bill Crawford
Especially pitiful is the verbal assault launched against the Truxlers because they exercised their lawful right to file a lawsuit to address what they believed needed to be remedied, the blight on the shoreline caused by the fireworks show. Many comments, such as Councilman Tom Davis’, were down right threatening. He said that the Truxlers had better withdraw their lawsuit. It sounded like an or else. Or else what? And that was the tone echoed by many who commented on the subject. You had better get out of Dodge if you don’t like what’s going on here.
It appears that too many in town would damn freedom’s bell if the lawsuit had continued. Well, the hot heads can simmer down. There will be a 4th of July fireworks show. And it would be right on that day for all of the church bells to ring loud and clear at an appointed hour to remind all of us why we celebrate on the 4th of July. Let freedom ring. We need to hear liberty’s bell now and forever.
Bill Crawford, South Lake Tahoe
PS: I am reminded by what happened to the Truxlers that Henrik Ibsen wrote a play “An Enemy of the People” that dealt with a similar situation in a resort town in Norway. The play should be performed here by the college. It would be a dose of good medicine for a town that needs it.
Well said! Perhaps if our government ‘leaders’ and rank and file employees would remember that they have been engaged to ‘serve’ the public, ie.respond to public comments or phone calls, instead of the public serving them and sweeping these kind if issues under the rug, this situation could have been avoided entirely.
Probably wishful thinking. Who, by the way, ignored Truxler’s calls and is largely responsible for the huge legal fees incurred? In this day of government responsibility and transparency, my bet is that we never find out!
Right outcome, wrong path to get there. The end doesn’t justify the means.
Makes me sick when people who didn’t make their money here, move here, then voice what they want. Well, people who work and live in this town need to make money. Period. Don’t threaten hard working locals livelihoods because you think you are some great savior to Lake Tahoe.
so much anger over nothing. we lost the fireworks for one week in March. there is no way the fireworks wouldn’t have happened. you can all go back to pulling the legs off of spiders…
Its a shame they let you right articles for the site Bill.
P.S you should get someone to edit you articles before they post. Theres always mistakes.
Drake, LOL! Did you mean to make that many errors yourself out of sarcasm? If so, well done! If not, think before you touch a keyboard again.
The Truxlers should be run out of town on a rail.
Nice letter, Bill. Hopefully this will help people see that our local representatives, chambers, agencies, etc., are not looking out for Lake Tahoe.
But then hmm, if anyone else tries to stand up on behalf of the Lake, there goes the master PR machine spewing misinformation and insults into the public eye, distracting from the real issues.
It’s as if they have no clue that it’s Lake Tahoe which brings people here (who spend money), which encourages us residents to find ways to stick around (and we spend money), which justifies getting tax dollars to pay for environmental projects (more money in the Basin, and more money to pay for the very agencies who would now screw over Lake Tahoe). Irony, hypocrisy, apathy, or greed…call it what it is, but something is not right in this town and if we don’t stand up to it, we’ll all lose, Lake included.
Bill, You WOULD tip your glass to outsiders like this. These two bay area irritants move up here and immediately start suing. The end result after their disturbing actions should have been their plan from the start. Form some kind of clean up crew or ask for some ideas. But, to just start suing sends the message that they could not care less about the long time locals up here and are nothing more than self entitlement pests. They should go back to where they fit in. Up here is NOT the place for them.
From what I’ve heard there is a lot more to this story. Perhaps I didn’t get it right, but it seems the Truxler’s did not do things in a “proper” way. Bill, you are certainly entitled to your opinions and I am certainly entitled to disagree with your opinions, your summation and slant. I am glad we will have a fireworks display. I am glad we will be more attentive to clean up and lake clarity preservation. I am sorry it had to go the route it did to achieve this result.
Mr. Crawford, Thank you for writing that letter about the fireworks, the Truxlers and all the hoopla that followed.
I was shocked by many of the comments here calling for them (the Truxlers) to leave town. They pointed out a problem and asked that it be corrected. Instead of addressing the issue they were smeared by the very people who were guilty of polluting the lake. I saw the pictures of the debris collected in the Tribune, and it was not a pretty sight.
Apparently, for some, the money is more important than the clarity of the lake. For those more interested in pulling in the greenbacks? Wait till our blue lake turns green with algae and watch how fast our economy and way of life will disappear along with the lakes clarity.
It’s my hope more polluters are brought out to the light of day and we as a community find resolutions to fix the problem rather than finger pointing and passing the buck and telling people to be “run out of town on a rail”. OLS
What I find so absurd about all this is that most of the people crying over how we will lose millions of tourism dollars if we don’t keep these fireworks going are the first to complain about all the tourist taking over the town. They’re the ones that probably have that bumper sticker “if it’s tourist season does that mean we can shoot them?” Anyway I’m glad the show will go on.
Well done, Bill! You always have the courage to say what I’m thinking!
“They pointed out a problem and asked that it be corrected”.
OLS: Maybe I missed something. They pointed out a problem by instantly filing a lawsuit. That doesn’t sound much like asking to me. Just say’n.
@Gaspen Aspen:
The Truxler’s never instantly filed a lawsuit. It’s getting tiring re-pasting this article. But, here we go again: the TRPA and LTVA being asked by the media to respond to the Truxler’s complaint in July–which is MONTHS–before they filed suit.
I ask again: if local agencies ignore the news, what are citizens supposed to do? Answer: wait and see and–if as here–nothing changes, then you file a law suit.
Job well done.
PS — Gaspen, I also see from a previous post that you think the Truxlers are from the Bay Area. They’re not. Their attorney is. There’s a difference.
toast the Truxlers?? for what? costing the city time and money we can’t afford. They didn’t do didly to work this out before they sued. It’s the kind of behaviour that has been dragging down Tahoe for a long time. The Truxlers should get on a bus with the League and head back to San Francisco…….
There is plenty of information that chronicles the Truxler’s process leading towards the lawsuit. @Haddi, JB, Maise- OLS-good points all of ya. @Gaspen, A.B., tahoe resident-yall need to get a grip, maybe take a class in civics and in anger management. Seems the O’Reilly/Limbaugh crowd are still convinced that Golden Goose tastes like chicken, and Humble Pie is not something they can stomach. @Drake…Its-It’s, right-write, Theres-There’s…all in a post criticizing someone’s need for an editor! Eye hey-t two caul sum won stoopid sew aye won’t, butt…sirius lee.
The LTVA took this case to the court of public opinion to reduce the blame the public should place on them for being the problem in the first place.
They knew the community has active rumor mill and used a bit of fear mongering, and a lot of people bought it. Well played.
Drake says – POSTED: APRIL 11, 2014: “Its a shame they let you right articles for the site Bill. P.S you should get someone to edit you articles before they post. Theres always mistakes.”
This is hilarious!
30 years unregulated? nice
Ab wernt you run out of town on a rail? Glad you were, but the truxlers should be given a key to the town for their call to action. KUdos to the truxlers, boo to abcjbk
The mindset of you locals is always an eye opener to read. Just when I think some of you couldn’t be more ignorant, someone comes along and tops it. “OUTSIDERS”??
The only difference between South Lake and the movie ‘Deliverance’, is location.
It doesn’t matter what goes on here, unless of course it has to do with…dare I say it…AN OUTSIDER! EEGADDS!
A Total Lunar Eclipse happens tonight at about midnight into early Tuesday. This will be a “Blood Moon” meaning the moon will have a reddish, rusty orange glow. If your up and want to see something cool, check it out! The next blood moon isn’t till 2032.
We have a fairly clear sky and it should be a good show. Enjoy!!! OLS