FBI: Fugitive could be in greater Sierra Nevada
By Rick Montanez, KFSN-TV
The FBI is on a manhunt for a suspected killer who could be hiding in the Sierra Nevada or the Central Valley’s backyard.
A $100,000 reward is out for a man the FBI says bludgeoned his entire family — then burned their bodies 38 years ago.
The FBI released a bust, on what William Bradford Bishop Junior may look like today. The bust, molded by a world renowned artist, is an age progression based on an image of Bishop taken in the 1970’s.
Agents say in 1976, Bishop used a sledgehammer to kill his mother, wife and their three young sons. The killings happened in Bethesda, Maryland. Agents say the family murders rocked the community — and still haunt the agents on the case today.
Agents say he has family in California and a huge affinity for the Sierra Nevada.