Dogs off-limits at Upper Truckee Marsh


The annual seasonal dog closure at the Upper Truckee Marsh begins May 1.

It will reopen Aug. 1, at which time dogs are allowed on leash.

The purpose of the California Tahoe Conservancy closure of this South Shore area is to keep dogs out of breeding habitat for special, threatened and endangered species such as yellow headed blackbirds.

The El Dorado County sheriff’s deputies enforce the seasonal dog prohibition and CTC staff monitors for compliance.

For more info, call Nick Meyer at 530.543.6073.





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Comments (10)
  1. ACwithFT says - Posted: April 30, 2014

    Unfortunately, that’s not the real reason for the closure…The reason is to reduce the number of people accessing the meadow and to cut down on parties on the beach. I was told this in person by high-ranking members of the Conservancy. At public forums and in press releases, however, their story is different.

    If the dog problem was as big an issue as they claim, they could be making money writing tickets to violators of the leash policy. If they fined people for first-offense off-leash violations, word would get around pretty quick. Nobody I know wants to pay a $250 fine.

    The truth is the people who live on the meadow complained loud enough and it worked. They’re one step closer to what they really want – a private meadow in their backyard. Nobody wants to see wildlife threatened – but this policy isn’t about that.

    Now, those of us that would love to enjoy the beautiful meadow in our neighborhood with our families – and our family pet – can’t do so for 3 of the most ideal months of the year to be out there.

  2. Chief Slowroller says - Posted: April 30, 2014

    in the early 70s it was a Nude Beach with Keeger’s and volleyball.

    just try fishing out in the meadow and see how the Meadow Police come and harass you.

    there was not any Green Gack and Slime on the Beach back in the 70s

  3. go figure says - Posted: April 30, 2014

    I beg to differ with the above post in regards to the/one of the reasons to keep dogs out if the meadow during these three months, birds nesting and raising fledglings, other amphibians and even other wildlife raising their young. Every time ive been to this area dogs run amock, leave piles of c rap everywhere and their humans all say the same thing, oh its ok, my dog wont bite you. Dogs fight with other dogs, run up to strangers and jump, scare some kids. Humans are not responsible. So I hope that the dog cops show up and write those tickets to the people who choose to be irresponsable.

  4. Dan says - Posted: April 30, 2014

    Until 2001 the meadow and wooded area off of springwood dr ( it’s not all marsh) were closed to all access because of cow grazing that ran from May through mid-October.

    So the way I see it were still getting 21/2 months we hadn’t ever had before, in August to oct.

    And those that want a stroll w/o their dog are welcome.

    Win win in my book

  5. ACwithFT says - Posted: April 30, 2014

    Go Figure, I met with the Conservancy in a private meeting and heard exactly why the dog closure was being proposed and there was little to no talk about wildlife. The conversation almost entirely revolved around a few people who lived on the meadow complaining about the partying going on on the beach and people cutting through their property, etc.

    The plan for the closure was devised in response to these concerns. And, at the open forums, the comments supporting the closure came from these residents – and their complaints were also almost entirely about partying.

    So, I can understand that you may feel differently – but it’s just not how or why things panned out the way they did.

  6. go figure says - Posted: May 1, 2014

    Well ive heard differently and say im glad, regardless of the cause, that the wildlife will benefit by the closure.

  7. ACwithFT says - Posted: May 1, 2014

    Just a heads up, I do volunteer videos for Lake Tahoe Wildlife Care. I’m actually heading over there in a bit to get footage of the bear cub. My wife is a board member for LTWC. We care about the wildlife in the meadow.

    But, the Conservancy offered up no evidence whatsoever that wildlife was actually being affected in terms of animal kills, less offspring, animals re-locating, etc. So, if you have any actual scientific studies that showcase that the wildlife will benefit from the closure, please pass them on – because the Conservancy has yet to do so.

    People are still allowed there. Kids run around, people play music, etc. That in no way is less harmful to wildlife than responsible dog owners walking their dogs on leash.

    And, if the off-leash part is the real issue, then ticket and fine first-time fine offenders and the issue will be resolved real quick.

    The truth is, regardless of whether you want to believe it or not, this closure is the result of a few people with a lot of clout – including an ex-judge, who live on the meadow and were sick of the partying and trespassing. Legitimate issues to be sure – but the correct response would have been to deal with those issues directly. Instead, they devised this closure to deal with those unrelated issues.

  8. Buck says - Posted: May 1, 2014

    They should open it back up until Conservancy can show the evidence. TRPA “BMPs are policy not science” Tired of rules by few.

  9. More SLT Corruption says - Posted: May 1, 2014

    The meadow is closed because (why else?) a powerful person lives nearby, and he has used his friends to make it so. There is a crazy, retired South Lake Tahoe judge that lives right at the entrance. In 2012, I was there with a friend and made the “mistake” of parking (100% legally), in front of his house. When I returned to my car, the judge was waiting for me in his front yard. After screaming at me for (legally) parking in front of his house, he told me he knew my name and where I worked, and he was going to make my life “very difficult” if he ever saw my car again. It seems the judge is still pretty connected with the good ol’ boys at the SLT police force, and they give him access to their DMV records so he can harass people and get his own private meadow. Par for the course in this corrupt little community.

  10. go figure says - Posted: May 4, 2014

    I vote for the wildlife and not the unleashed dogs and irresponsable dog owners. Im glad the area in closed to dogs.