Nutting not guilty of felonies, guilty of misdemeanors
By Peter Hecht, Sacramento Bee
El Dorado County Supervisor Ray Nutting was found not guilty today on three felony charges of political malfeasance, but was convicted of six misdemeanors for improperly raising bail to free himself from jail.
The charges stemmed from income Nutting received from a state fire safety program for clearing brush on his ranch. Prosecutors alleged that Nutting failed to disclose tens of thousands of dollars, faced a conflict of interest when he voted to fund local resource agencies and took illegal loans from government employees to post bail.
Though the El Dorado Superior Court jury in Placerville found Nutting not guilty on three felonies, it was hung on a fourth felony count alleging that Nutting fabricated documents related to herbicide treatment for which he was reimbursed by the state.
Had Nutting been convicted of a felony, he would have had to relinquish his county supervisor post under state law. After the verdict, Nutting walked from his defendant’s chair into the courtroom gallery, hugged his wife and cried.
What a farce….
The case was put in front of a jury where most either probably knew him or voted for him. Should never have been in this county. Surprised he was convicted of anything. What probably happened was a sympathy verdict.
Geeze, now we’ll never hear the end of this little whining child. Yes, this never should have been tried in this county.
Ok People. If you want to live on the edge of the law, follow Nuttings example. He set the standard and the way to get off the hook in similar circumstances.
Being a hypocrite is not a felony. He approved budgets for agencies that administered a portion of the grants. They didn’t approve the grants. They didn’t approve the payments, they didn’t approve the work. They did the bookkeeping.
That is not a felony, its not even close.
This whole thing was just a Rino political Lynch mob, out to get Ray for supporting the canidacy of our wonderful Sheriff when it was an open contest the last time around. Watch out for these repulsive jerks when you go to the ballot box: Viern Pierson, Joe Harn, Joe Hoffman and thier benefactor Chuck Holland.
Now that the DA’s office has received their headlines for going after Swanson and Nutting they can work on that little heroin problem.
Next time nuttcase starts a fire on his property I hope the firefighters are busy elsewhere…
This is the biggest miscarriage of justice in any recent history and will cause all corrupt politicians to think they to can get away with anything if caught, hire a high priced defense attorney and cry it is all a “political case.” This shows that even clear criminal charges are subject to media manipulation and have to be moved out of this county.
Justice, please explain the “clear criminal charge” as you put it. He approved an annual operating budget for the RCD which did not approve the grants, did not approve the charges to the grant and did not approve the scope of work. Exactly what was it that he did that was a felony?
The “miscarriage of justice” was the big waste of taxpayer money by this stupid DA to go after Ray for a paperwork error. These kinds of things wouldn’t happen if we had good forestry management from the state and feds to begin with. Instead we have scizofrenic management policies that result from the infiltration from the Sierra Club and other green nazi group members into government. They leave the mess they created for property owners to take care of themselves.
Remember the fire a couple yrs back here in tahoe? What exacerbated that problem? A stupid policy that prevented property owners from raking up needles in thier own yards. You libtards are really special!
Nascar 59, you are full of the stuff you spew. Go ahead and point fingers at everyone you dont like or didnt vote for. The fact of the matter is that the guy is a liar and has never taken responsabilities for his actions. And since you are still in denial of reality. The angora fire was caused by an illegal campfire that was spread by unseasonably strong winds. If there had been no winds, that fire would have never spread like it did. But you go ahead and believe whatever delusional fantasy you want. Im sure you are thinking the fires in san diego are the fault of liberals and obama, and that poor nuttcase is just a pawn in politics. Yup, just following the same script cjabdog follow. Good luck with that…
NA 59. Let’s see how many bait words you can use in a blog entry… taxpayer, stupid, scizofrenic (sp schizophrenic), infiltration, nazi and libtards.
Um Admin… are you paying attention here?
Thankfully the moderator here apparently still believes in the first ammendment. Isn’t it strange that liberals are always the first ones that want to censor free speech? Also,some of you also lack basic reading comprehenson skills. I used the word “exacerbate”, not the word “caused”, or “pimarily” responsable for in regards to my comments on the angora fire. Anyway, to get back on Topic. 12 people (probably even a few liberals) on a jury AQUITTED Ray on 3 felony charges related to Ray’s attempts of good forest management practices. Just because he is in elected office doesn’t preclude him from pursuing the same rights, benefits as any other Citizen. That’s the problem with liberal facism, the rules apply to everyone else but YOU!
rock4: go figure says; “farce..nuttcase..full of the stuff..guy is a liar..denial of reallity..delusional fantasy..poor nuttcase..” What say you to that? and it’s Nutting’s, not “Nuttings”. Seems to me the moderator is evenhanded.
Nastycar 59
sticks and stones
NA 59. Nutting, a County Supervisor has set the bar really low and was CONVICTED of the Misdemeanors. You can cheer him on, but I refuse too. If he was a Democrat you would want him tar and feathered. Keep spreading your hate, I really don’t care.
Go Figure: Next time your house is on fire, I hope the firefighters are too busy elseware.Rock4 – I believe, like the Constitution says, equal treatment for everyone under the law. Ray had a fair trial, each side presented evidence and the prosecution was found lacking. Since you weren’t there, how do you presume to know more than the jury, and convict Ray based on your limited info? As for equal treatment under the law how is it that Bill Clinton can be convicted of perjury (a felony) and only get his law license yanked for a few years? Martha Stewart spent time in jail for the same thing. The cop (Mark Furman?)in the O.J. case spent time in jail for perjury over the question of wether or not he at anytime in his life used any derogatory racial terms. (Not even directly related to the case) Oh yeah,I almost almost forgot: under liberal facism the law applies to everyone else but YOU ( and your like minded liberal friends).
Sunriser, you are quite right, its way past time that this DA target real criminality that undermines the safety of the Citizens in El Dorado cty., not supposed “politcal crimes”, committed by his percieved political enemies. On second thought, let’s just vote out this lame SOB, and his cabal.(Pierson, Harn, Hoffman). Don’t get mad, get even on election day.
Gee nastycar, forget to take your chill pills. Your rant is just like cjabdog, you read that script just like they do. I will most definately try to vote out the guy.thanks for the reminder.
I am my own person, and make my own decisions based on my life experiences and upbringing. I dont read any scripts. I’m not some mindless drone like so many of you libtards that graduated from the public fool (school) system. You are most welcome.
you hit the nail on the head but the So. Tahoe community is very dense and you are talking with “slave minded” robots. (of course there are exceptions i.e. Dogula and a few others)
You can’t fix stupid nor can you teach a robot-slave new tricks.
Best to just stay away let it fail and then freedom loving Americans can come in and fix it.
Cj talking to his hand…
Ok, I get it Nasty59. You are a skin head, Fascist, Hitler loving racist, hateful person that brings nothing to the conversation except fear and propaganda. Do you feel better now?
I guess I am the “nut job” to you because I have never been arrested for anything in my life. Can’t say the same thing about your pal Ray Nutting. But again, your comments are like slug slime in my opinion.
rock4: You seem to think you know alot about people you have never met. What evidence do you have that I’m a skinhead (actually I’ve had long hair since the 70’s)? That I’m fascist or that I love Hitler and that I’m racist(As I recall those subjects have never come up or addressed in this thread)BTW, I don’t have any tats, skin jewelry, face piercings, none of that . How come liberal bigots like you always resort to name calling when you don’t win a point in an intellectual discussion? Am I all these evil adjectives you have thrown at me just because I have indicated support for the Jury’s verdict in the Ray Nutting trial? I suppose you are more wise than the whole pack of them? I see lots of liberal people on T.V. that get arrested for acts of civil disobedience, disorderly conduct ect, (usually at some sort of a protest rally). Are you more righteous than them because you have never stood up publicly for an unpopular position? You sir/ma’am are the real predjudiced person here.
Time to move on.
LTN staff