Letter: Political signs in public right-of-way


To the community,

Leona Allen

Leona Allen

The months leading up to an election are always an annoyance to me, particularly because of campaign signs.

I’m not really sure they serve a purpose other than to waste resources and create litter. I’m curious, however, if all of these politicians really received permission from the property owners where their signs were placed. I see signs on county, state and federally owned property. Can you honestly tell me that Caltrans and the El Dorado Department of Transportation agreed to these signs being placed?

I think not.

Politicians: please follow the law.

Leona Allen, Meyers


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Comments (18)
  1. Irish Wahini says - Posted: May 20, 2014


  2. Atomic says - Posted: May 20, 2014

    These are more than an annoyance, they are a proclamation of either a fundamental ignorance of the law or plain old willful disregard.

    Politicians…… wonder they are widely disliked and mistrusted.

  3. Lovely Lois says - Posted: May 20, 2014

    I have also noticed that CalTrans, Forest Service, etc. do not take down their bright orange signs along Hwy. 50 after the job is done, and also in the national forests, where they cleared trees. Our forest has signs hanging on trees.

  4. ljames says - Posted: May 20, 2014

    My first reaction to seeing such signs is negative also – but them I think – it’s pretty temporary and we should just feel honored that we live in a country where we can vote. And since any complex society needs a “state” if you dont like the way “politicians” handle public needs, then run for something yourself and see if you can do any better!

  5. Ann says - Posted: May 20, 2014

    There is a sign on the corner of Hwy 50 and H St on what I’m under the impression is city property. Improperly placed signs may have been placed by volunteers, but ultimately it is the candidate’s responsibility.

  6. Steve says - Posted: May 20, 2014

    I wholeheartedly agree with this letter, and would ask to take it one step further – change the law so politicians are compelled to follow the same laws as the rest of us – essentially removing the special exemption they created for themselves which allow such unsightly, offensive, unnecessary, blight signage.

    And public agencies such as STPUD, Conservancy, and the Forest Service are negligent in allowing such on their public properties. A caller to STPUD is advised “well although they’re not allowed, there is really not much we can do about them…” or “we’ll check it out if we have time” and the signs remain.

    I automatically do not vote for any candidate who places any such unsightly signs.

  7. go figure says - Posted: May 20, 2014

    The politicians have to get a permit to put up their signs and pay a fee that is refundable after the election has occured and all the signs are removed. Like a bond. It gives the candidates incentive to remove their eye sores asap, if they want their money back.

    Regarding unsightly signage, how about the endless old YARD SALE signs all over the place. Supposedly they are “illegal” to post at any time but its really pretty sad when the people that posted these signs are too % $=÷/@=÷#÷ lazy to take the signs down after the sale is over. Maybe the city/county cops can enforce this ugly blight. I have stopped following these signs after ending up at a house that had the sale 2 weeks ago. Its really thoughtless for someone to not remove their old signs. Maybe being cited for this will cure that bad habit.

  8. Kit Carson says - Posted: May 20, 2014

    Politicians follow the law? Good luck with that one Leona.

  9. Your kidding says - Posted: May 20, 2014

    Hey James Stuff it !

  10. tahoe Pizza Eater says - Posted: May 20, 2014

    The objections to the political signs is probably due to the prolonged period of time that we must tolerate the eyesores. They remain in our faces for weeks, and that’s what people find objectionable about the signs. Also, people in other communities have the same objections to the signs. The best thing to do is to require the signs be promptly removed after election day.

  11. tahoe Pizza Eater says - Posted: May 20, 2014

    The objections to the political signs is probably due to the prolonged period of time that we must tolerate the eyesores. They remain in our faces for weeks, and that’s what people find objectionable about the signs. Unfortunately, the matter involves the freedom of the press, and freedom of speech. We shouldn’t dare to diminish the strength of these valuable citizen rights. The first step towards losing a right is a compromise. I would not ever recommend a compromise of a civil right. That is why I can only recommend the following. The best thing to do is to require the signs be promptly removed after the election.

  12. Steve says - Posted: May 20, 2014

    If political signs are allowed in front yards, rights of way, highways, streets, utility lots, forests, and vacant fields, why not the same for Burger King, 7-11, Coca Cola, Tide Detergent, Cheerios, and the local liquor store and barber shop? What makes politicians so special to exempt themselves?

  13. rock4tahoe says - Posted: May 20, 2014

    Steve. Political signs are taken down after the election cycle.

  14. Shenja says - Posted: May 20, 2014

    I’d be curious to know what the ratio is… How many of you find things to whine about that actually follow through by voting?

  15. Mama Bear says - Posted: May 21, 2014

    I am also quite annoyed by the phone calls saying “Hello, this is so-and-so, please vote for me in the upcoming election.” They are exempt from the Do Not Call list so they are allowed to bother us at all hours.
    I vote by absentee ballot and have already voted. Leave me alone already!!

  16. Dogula says - Posted: May 21, 2014

    Politicians always exempt themselves from the laws they use to bind the rest of us.

  17. careaboutthecommunity says - Posted: May 21, 2014

    I love not having a land based line! :)

  18. rock4tahoe says - Posted: May 22, 2014

    Dog. What are you talking about? Corporate CEO’s do the same thing and we can’t even vote them out.