No fine for sewage spill at Tahoe Keys Marina


No fines will be levied against the owners of the Tahoe Keys Marina in regards to a sewage spill earlier this month.

“It is not clear if negligence or vandalism occurred,” Lauri Kemper with Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board told Lake Tahoe News.

She said her agency, along with El Dorado County Health Department and South Tahoe Public Utility District will continue to work with the marina and Fresh Ketch restaurant owners to make sure the “sewage collection system at the site is properly designed, operated and maintained in accordance with all regulations.”

The water board had also been investigating complaints about fuel spills at the South Lake Tahoe marina.

“There is inconsistency in the evidence and the water board does not have sufficient information to warrant further action at this time,” Kemper said.

Kemper said if people have information about a possible spill or illegal discharges, including photographs, they should email or or file a complaint on the CalEPA website.

— Lake Tahoe News staff report


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Comments (30)
  1. Disgusted says - Posted: May 30, 2014

    Slick Slim Shady slips by again. Outrageous!!!

  2. Hank Schrader says - Posted: May 30, 2014

    I know for a fact that at least two individuals one and employee came forward and reported numerous fuel spills as well as illegal discharging of contaminated water into the lake. Lahotan was also informed that there were other witnesses including employees as names could be furnished upon request that were all willing to testify. I am willing to come public with this information & testify if anybody wants to listen.

  3. Parker says - Posted: May 30, 2014

    As I pointed out when this first was reported, before Lahontan had even done its investigation, you could tell by Lahontan’s initial statements they weren’t going to do anything!

    With all these environmental agencies in town, that exist with the supposed purpose of protecting the Lake, none has a problem with sewage in the Lake?!

    No clear evidence of what caused the spill? So the lesson is: Dump stuff in our National Treasure of a Lake, play dumb and point fingers elsewhere (I almost said make sure cameras aren’t around, but this was caught on a film!) have money for a lawyer, and even if you have a felony record like the Keys owners do, the bureaucrats will just look the other way!

    Again, if you’re trying protect the Lake and its water quality, shouldn’t the #1 priority be no sewage in the Lake? What’s the point of your bureaucratic job if you’re not even
    going to punish someone who’s guilty of causing that to occur?

    Don’t work too hard Lahontan! Sorry to bother you!

  4. Mel says - Posted: May 30, 2014

    Where is CA & US EPA in all this?

  5. sunriser2 says - Posted: May 30, 2014

    Is this the same agency that fined STPUD for leaks in the export line???

    Or did they just threaten to fine STPUD?

  6. Hank Schrader says - Posted: May 30, 2014

    Lahotan isn’t the only local agency refusing to do something. Southlake Tahoe city manager Nancy Kerry along with the city attorney a representative from Southlake Tahoe Police Department and the head of the building department attended a meeting a few weeks ago with a whistleblower that informed of numerous construction projects without building permits major fire safety issues including the removal of a fire exit at the Fresh Ketch. Also at the meeting the city officials were informed of the vacation rentals on the Tahoe Keys Marina property that does not meet with zoning regulations & at least one dozen signs without city approval including the main sign on the corner of Venice and Tahoe Keys Boulevard.

  7. observer says - Posted: May 30, 2014

    There are plenty of more egregious issues to whine about than whether anyone has a felony on their record.
    Even felons have a right to earn a living.
    OK so the Marina management is not popular…does this mean that they get framed for accidents?
    This sewage spill was minor, and not significant. Get over it. As for signs?????the City of SLT has had such a haphazard series of sign regulations that it is impossible to know which one is permitted or not.

  8. Old Long Skiis says - Posted: May 30, 2014

    Hank Schrader, You are correct in your assessment of laws being broken around here on a reguluar basis, it’s what I call,”selective enforcement”. Some people, buisnesses or corporations get away with paying no taxses, breaking all kinds of laws and destroying the enviornnoment, while the Joe Blow down the the street gets busted for watering his yard on the wrong day, putting up a small shed on his property, or having a barking dog at night. All of this is closely and mightely enforced. That is, if your the “little guy”. Not so with some entities!!!
    So the Keys pollute the lake, not only the Tahoe Keys Marina and the Fresh Ketch, but all the homes that pour fertilizer into the lake, as well. No fines, no penalties, no corrections, basically, no nothin’!
    Watering all those lawns of empty homes in the keys with all that run off going direcetly into the lake? Human waste from the Fresh Ketch and fertilizer from lawns, street run off which contains oil, gas, transmission fluid, anti freeze from leaking vehicles and god knows what else goes right into the lake, and that’s okay??? Lahontan, TRPA and other agencies think that’s alright???
    It all comes down to who you know and how much money you have! Lets hope things turnaround before the lake turns brown. OLS

  9. Disgusted says - Posted: May 30, 2014

    Observer, the management, Robert Spinnato a.k.a. Slick slim Shady, is not popular? No, he’s negligent, lazy. Terrible at his job and nasty to everyone.

    Why would the owners, Krilich’s, allow their Marina to be steadily run in the ground?

    When you run a public place like this, people are your highest commodity. Yet, Slick Slim Shady has free reign to piss off the public.

    Hmmmm wonder why he gets away with it?

    Krilich, get rid of the “sewage” at your Marina. You will start making money for a change.

  10. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: May 30, 2014

    I’m curious where the outrage line gets drawn with regard to polluting and damaging the local environment and wonder if someone can courteously explain why there has been so much outrage written about this and all the previous articles and almost nothing written about the article posted in this publication entitled “State Suing Several Tahoe Gas Station Owners”. Those gas station owners have been charged with mishandling the underground storage tanks among other things and after reading the entire article that situation is really disturbing. Those individuals have likely been allowing contamination of the soil and ground water in those SLT locations for who knows how long with absolutely no regard for anything but making a buck, yet not many people seem particularly bothered by that. It’s the lack of interest in that circumstance that seems somewhat peculiar to me.

  11. Old Long Skiis says - Posted: May 30, 2014

    4-mer-usmc, I agree with your comments about the gas stations not being in compliance with environmental regulations and the lack of public response. I’m glad Kae wrote about it so as to raise awaerness of this issue.
    Yes, I did get all up in arms with the sewage spill in Tahoe Keys, as I was very worked up over that incident.
    Sometimes it seems like there are too many things to be angry about all at the same time! Rampant unwanted development,high unemployment and low paying jobs(when you can find one), benefits and hours being cut at work while the boss is raking it in and keeps the workers at poverty level wages!!!!
    I’m a mellow dude, man,but yes, there is plenty to get worked up about. For such a small area we sure seem to have more than our fare share of problems, so as where everybody can shout, scream and point fingers.
    For some reason I feel like Andy Griffith, tellin’ the folks of Mayberry “to settle down and every thing will just work out just fine”. I wish it were so simple.
    4-mer-usmc, you’re welcome to come by with your spouse any old time for a cold beer and a good long talk, I think that would be fun!
    Lets work together, OLS

  12. cosa pescado says - Posted: May 30, 2014

    ‘With all these environmental agencies in town, that exist with the supposed purpose of protecting the Lake, none has a problem with sewage in the Lake?!’

    How did you come to the conclusion that they don’t have a problem with it. You just don’t like them, are biased, and want to trash them. At least attempt to support what you say.
    Regulation is not all about being punitive. I am reading a lot of conjecture about the operator. It wouldn’t be fair to punish someone based on that.

  13. Parker says - Posted: May 30, 2014

    You’re brilliant Cosa. You can read my mind without even knowing me!

    Now if you want the facts: I have had no issue with Lahontan until reading this story. Period!

    According to the reporting of LTN, sewage was seen going into our Lake by many witnesses for many hours before The Ketch reported it. If it was due to something malicious, not of their own doing, why would they hesitate for a second to report it?

    And whatever the rationale for not reporting it, The Ketch/Keys should be fined for negligence for allowing the sewage to continue to pour in without calling someone to stop for the duration that they did. Per the reporting of LTN.

    But don’t fine them? Ok! Let’s eliminate all regulatory agencies fining abilities, esp. the TRPA!

    If the TRPA lost its ability to penalize, what would stop people from building what they want here at the Lake?

    And don’t fine someone for allowing sewage into the Lake? Ok. That sends the great message of allowing lots of stuff to go into the Lake. And if someone cries foul about it, just say it’s not your fault. Someone who had it out for you caused the spillage.

    As I said earlier, and as I said when the story was first reported, you could tell by Lahontan’s initial comments, before they even investigated, they weren’t going to do anything about the sewage into the Lake!

    Call me an environmental radical. I’m just opposed to sewage into the Lake. And any perpetrators should be punished for maliciously or negligently allowing it to occur!

  14. How it is... says - Posted: May 30, 2014

    You guys don’t see it. They are playing “victim” to someone messing with the pipes. Nothing can be done at this point.

  15. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: May 31, 2014


    Are you opposed to the mishandling of underground storage tanks at gas stations that contaminates soil and ground water, and do you think that those perpetrators should be punished for deliberately allowing that to occur while satisfying their own greed?

  16. Parker says - Posted: May 31, 2014


    If I choose to comment on the gas station story, I will. Then would know my opinion, which I’m flattered you’re so interesting in, if I choose to give it. This story is about raw sewage going into our Blue Lake. Hence, that’s what I’ll comment on here!

  17. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: May 31, 2014


    Thank you for advising of your choice not to comment on other environmental injustices that occur in our community in your capacity as a self-proclaimed environmental radical. Sorry if I offended your tender sensibilities.

  18. 4 Your Info As Well says - Posted: May 31, 2014

    So “Hank” why don’t you just come out and use your real name, as if anyone doesn’t know how to spell Steve.

  19. Frank Sipan says - Posted: May 31, 2014

    4-mer-usmc, you are consistently the nastiest most condescending person on this forum. Keep your comments to the articles and keep your negative, critical comments of others to yourself. For an out-of-towner, you sure spew a lot of unwanted hot air.

  20. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: May 31, 2014

    Mr. Sipan:

    If living in South Lake Tahoe, CA for fifteen years and paying taxes on properties, paying sales taxes, buying locally, using local services, and working at the Stateline makes me an out-of-towner then you must fancy yourself as one of those long time local people who think you own South Lake Tahoe, and you’re probably responsible for electing all those long-ago good ol’ boys who fairly much took this town for all they wanted, leaving the crumbs for the rest of the community.

    If you find my commentaries negative, critical, and condescending that is certainly your prerogative. But since you don’t get to make up the rules I shall continue to exercise my right to post on this blog, just as any other person can.

    If you don’t like what I post you are not obligated to read it, as this is the United States and it’s not a third world country.

  21. Parker says - Posted: May 31, 2014


    Why you like to change the subject and put words in my mouth is beyond me?! This story is about raw sewage from The Ketch going into The Lake. And Lahontan not feeling any penalties were necessary. Period! That’s what this story is about.

    You don’t know my views on topics I choose not comment about, because I did not comment on them. Get it?

    And just because some anonymous blogger wants to change the subject from The Ketch leaking raw sewage into The Lake I enjoy, I guess cause in the blogger’s mind it’s ok, (see I’ll put words in your mouth) I’m not going to allow the subject to be changed!

    Sorry 4-mer, raw sewage into Lake Tahoe is a bad thing. That’s what this about. Period! Get it?

  22. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: May 31, 2014

    This article is about there being no fines levied against the owners of the Tahoe Keys Marina in regards to a sewage spill earlier this month and it said that “It is not clear if negligence or vandalism occurred,” and it also said that “There is inconsistency in the evidence and the water board does not have sufficient information to warrant further action at this time.”

    The question I asked you was “Are you opposed to the mishandling of underground storage tanks at gas stations that contaminates soil and ground water, and do you think that those perpetrators should be punished for deliberately allowing that to occur while satisfying their own greed?” You declined to provide an answer and you are correct that the question I asked you was not related to this particular article. You further said “You don’t know my views on topics I choose not comment about, because I did not comment on them”, and that is also correct. I don’t believe I put words in your mouth at any time because you wrote to cosa pescado, “Call me an environmental radical”, which was your own self-proclamation of being an environmental radical.

    I personally do not limit my thoughts about serious environmental pollution to one type of pollution versus another. I just find it odd that there were 68-comments to the original article on this matter mostly condemning and castigating the Marina and Fresh Ketch Restaurant before an investigation was even performed. Now there are another 18 or more mostly condemning comments contained in this article. But when three gas stations in our City are charged with polluting the soil and the ground water, ground water which ultimately makes it way to the Lake, that gets a paltry four comments and those were primarily about Joe Tveten.

    I’m just curious where the public outrage is over this equally serious gasoline environmental pollution and contamination.

  23. rock4tahoe says - Posted: May 31, 2014

    Umm Frank and Parker. You don’t own or run this blog and I pretty sure that being a “local” is not a requirement for posting. Since the Article is under “News” then tangents to other Articles under News seems ok to me.

    To the point of the article. I am not sure there is any proof of malice in the sewage spill at the Fresh Ketch. I would hope that the agencies involved are using greater scrutiny of the facility.

  24. cosa pescado says - Posted: May 31, 2014

    “Sorry 4-mer, raw sewage into Lake Tahoe is a bad thing.”
    No one ever said it was otherwise. What are you sorry for?
    “I’m not going to allow the subject to be changed!”
    Pollution and regulation are higher level parts of the subject, nothing is being changed. It seems that you want the regulators to be punitive, else they are in your opinion, not caring about the environment. This case is not very clear cut and it isn’t being tried in the court of public opinion. You have unreasonable expectations. Or maybe they aren’t living up to the heavy handed anti business boogey man image you want to chastise them for. And don’t try to act like you aren’t anti regulation. In this case if the operators of the sewage tank take steps to make sure that this doesn’t happen again then the regulation has worked. And we don’t know that yet, but I think it is safe to assume that there won’t be a second chance.

  25. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: May 31, 2014

    cosa pescado:

    I have no clue what you’re talking about. I said nothing about regulators being punitive or otherwise, or anything about a heavy handed anti-business boogey man image. My question was why local people have not voiced any outrage over the toxic contamination caused by leaking gasoline tanks in our town but managed to whip themselves into a froth over this sewage spill. Both these environmental pollutants are bad, and like I said in my earlier post “I personally do not limit my thoughts about serious environmental pollution to one type of pollution versus another.” Pollution is pollution, and I find you very confusing.

  26. cosa pescado says - Posted: May 31, 2014

    Sorry for the confusion that was for Parker, who I quoted in the comment. I wasn’t clear, my bad.

  27. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: May 31, 2014

    cosa pescado:

    No bad–just a slight oversight. But due to my advancing years and failing memory I did have to go back and re-read my posts! Nothing works as well as it does in one’s youth!

  28. baphomet says - Posted: May 31, 2014

    i know it’s off topic, but what about the 5 high-caliber gun shots last night around 11:30 pm, easily audible in the tahoe mountain area?

  29. Parker says - Posted: May 31, 2014


    You’re right. I don’t, you don’t, 4-mer doesn’t, Cosa doesn’t, own this blog. LTN does.

    When the story is about a sewage spill, and it’s implied I need to respond about gas station leaks? I’m left wondering why, what does that have to do with the story and who thinks I’m supposed to ‘jump’ because an anonymous blogger wants me to?

    That’s called the changing the subject. Free to do it, but that doesn’t enhance the discussion.

    4-mer elaborated his rationale, but that’s mine. And 4-mer, I would’ve thought my past comments would’ve made it clear I’m no environmental radical? That was sarcasm intended to illustrate that any and all, not just ‘environmental radicals’, should have a problem with sewage in the Lake.

    Not saying you don’t have a problem with it 4-mer, but that was my point.

    And Cosa, I believe that is changing the subject. And my opinion, based on the evidence presented, is that The Ketch should be fined.

    However, and I’m serious here, you’re right! Yes, you are correct Cosa. If it’s a structural problem not of The Ketch’s fault, and Lahontan corrects it, great. No fine should’ve been levied and Lahontan is being constructive and pro-business in its actions.

    But, I’ll be waiting to hear of any flaws discovered, and corrective action taken, with The Keys sewage system.

  30. cosa pescado says - Posted: June 1, 2014

    ‘ I believe that is changing the subject.’
    I believe in unicows. Cows crossed with unicorns. Maybe I just saw a regular bull that was missing one horn.
    I saw a great squirrel fight today. Those little douggies are really sassy.