Stay at home dads on the rise; many are poor


By Jennifer Ludden, KQED-TV

The number of dads staying at home with their children has nearly doubled in the past two decades, and the diversity among them defies the stereotype of the highly educated young father who stays home to let his wife focus on her career.

A study from the Pew Research Center finds that almost 2 million fathers are at home, up from 1.1 million in 1989. Nearly half of those men live in poverty.

“The largest share of stay-at-home dads are actually home because they’re ill or disabled,” says Gretchen Livingston, a senior researcher at Pew. “So that could be contributing to their low income, obviously.”

Another chunk of men say they’re at home because they can’t find a job.

“About 22 percent don’t have a high school diploma,” says Livingston, “and 36 percent have just a high school diploma but no college experience.”

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Comments (8)
  1. BitterClinger says - Posted: June 8, 2014

    How long has it been since the Obama regime has been in the White House? When will the electorate finally connect the dots and hold the left responsible for our economic malaise and long national nightmare known as Barack Obama?

  2. Level says - Posted: June 8, 2014

    Well, BC, You’ll be beside yourself when we have Hillary for the following eight years!

    Cause that’s how it’s gonna roll, thank goodness!

  3. BitterClinger says - Posted: June 8, 2014

    Keep dreaming level. Hillary’s opportunity was in 2008. You had a choice, you chose Obama.

    In case you haven’t noticed, mrs. Clinton has been conspicuously out of sight since retiring. Ever wonder why? Mrs. Clinton has a very serious problem, and you may not see her in public again for a very long time.

    By the way, I was a big fan of Bill Clinton during his tenure as president.

  4. go figure says - Posted: June 8, 2014

    Well bc, you watch too much foxnoise if you believe all this hillary has a health issue stuff. I hope she runs because this country needs an educated, articulate woman to fix as many of the problems she can in her term, and those problems have been issues way before obama was elected. Like the time between bill clinton and obama.

  5. Dogula says - Posted: June 9, 2014

    So, exactly WHAT did Hillary accomplish during her years as a senator? And what did she accomplish as Secretary of State? Anything?

  6. Haddi T. Uptahere says - Posted: June 9, 2014

    Gee Dogula, I’m sure she hasn’t done as much as you for our country. Your contributions to this news site have drastically changed the way America thinks and acts. Your knowledgable insight is a beacon of light in a sea of darkness! I could go on and on about how much your input has helped everyone to see the light, I just have to wipe the tears of laughter from my eyes right now!

  7. observer says - Posted: June 9, 2014

    Apparently BC has not read todays news about Hillary’s current book tour. If that is not out in public, I don’t know what is.

    I am going to stick my neck out and say, if we do get a Republican pres in 2016, his record (notice I said his) will look a lot like El Dorado County’s Board of supervisors and the Tea Party man Ray Nutting. In other words, Crooked.

  8. JohnnyGP says - Posted: June 10, 2014

    Amazing how no matter what the story, politics get dragged in. Is there no Self Accountability left in the world?