Novasel, Curtzwiler in lead for EDC supe race
The November runoff for El Dorado County supervisor District 5 seat has changed.
As of 5pm June 12 the top two vote getters are Sue Novasel and Kenny Curtzwiler. The top two will face each other in November.
Novasel retains a resounding lead as she did on election day, June 3. She currently has 28.51 percent of the votes or 1,556 votes. Rounding out the vote are:
• Curtzwiler – 17.83 percent, 973
• Angela Swanson – 17.68 percent, 965
• Kevin Brown – 17.61 percent, 961
• Gerri Grego – 12.48 percent, 681
• Teresa Piper – 5.64 percent, 308.
These are still not final numbers.
— Lake Tahoe News staff report
Go Kenny!
Since these are not the final numbers it looks like any one of those three candidates (after Novasel) can still walk away with second place.
Congratulations Sue for getting the most votes by a significant margin. The battle for second is too close to call and chances are there will be a re-count.
I am looking forward to the next report on how much money each candidate spent from day one of the campaign and where the money came from.
Kudos to everyone who voted. The voter turn-out was pathetic. I wish more people would participate in the process.
Rebel – I agree and wish more people would exercise their privilege to vote. I wish the school systems would make it a more important of Civics classes, and really engage students to participate in the process. In San Mateo County, we have a program called “Democracy Live”, which is a program with high schools to get student poll-workers to learn about the process (County paid training) and work the election (as paid pollworkers). I think too many parents are apathetic, and their kids don’t even know what the voting is about. More emphasis is needed early on. Our schools should invite dynamic public officials to give talks to them at school assemblies (with no politicking). We raise kids with values we value — and I think too many Americans are apathetic.
By the way, the student pollworkers who worked the June 3rd State Primary, earned $115 for the day & $25 for attending the training = $140 in their pocket, PLUS the ability to put that your worked a State Election on their resume!
With you ski bum. Congrats on getting this far