School shootings prompt bulletproof packs, clothing


By Sam Stein and Jason Cherkis, Huffington Post

WASHINGTON — The aftermath of school shootings is now all too familiar. The shock of the breaking news, the scenes of school evacuations, the ensuing political debate and the inevitable inaction. And for Ed Burke, the wave of new customers.

As CEO of the Massachusetts-based company Bullet Blocker, Burke sells one of the hotter goods in the body armor industry: bulletproof backpacks. And though he doesn’t revel in the fact that business tends to boom after school shootings, he sees his company as providing a service for increasingly nervous parents.

“Business is growing unfortunately due to all the things happening in the country,” Burke said.

Where politics has failed, business has stepped in, taking advantage of legislative inertia.

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Comments (16)
  1. Gaspen Aspen says - Posted: June 19, 2014

    Great idea! This guy is out thinking the politicians. Not a difficult thing to do.

  2. rock4tahoe says - Posted: June 19, 2014

    Now, we need Elementary school children to wear bulletproof accessories? The weapons culture in America simply insane.

  3. hmmm.... says - Posted: June 20, 2014

    i like the bulletproof underwear…
    @gaspen-No it is NOT a great deal. Relying solely on ‘market solutions’ are not the answer-they merely profit from fear, by treating the symptom…they do not address the source of the problem(you DO remember what Thoreau said about branches and roots, don’t you?). The shooting madness that has infected our society is not addressed by this product. Remember when school kids were getting jacked-up for their airJordan’s and game-boys? Wait till little Timmy gets his skivvies stolen.
    As usual your read on things is skewed heavily towards the idiotic.

  4. Gaspen Aspen says - Posted: June 20, 2014

    At least SOMEBODY is doing SOMETHING to protect our kids. You would probably vote to have Air Jordan’s banned thinking that would stop the crooks from jacking innocent kids. The politicians are useless….so are your comments, hmmm.

  5. observer says - Posted: June 20, 2014

    To hmmmm-

    Gaspen unfortunately doesn’t know anything about what Thoreau said.

    Or much else it seems, as witnessed by the last, personal whack he/she took at you. Thinking is far too difficult for some people to attempt.

  6. go figure says - Posted: June 20, 2014

    I think ga is not only off his rocker and out from under his rock, but his thinking that the business community is going to solve the gun violence crisis in this country by selling bullet proof underware to parents for the protection of their kids, well its just insanity and a rather disgusting solution to a horrific problem. The real solution is to destroy all guns. And im sure all you tea party gun lovers are chokeing right now. If we dont have guns than there is no gun violence. Pretty straight forward.

  7. Know Bears says - Posted: June 20, 2014

    Great. Back-to-school Kevlar. These are band-aids. The core issues are not being addressed: Mental health, ease of access to weapons, prevalence of violence in media (including video games), young people in despair who aren’t being heard…. The list is long, and the answer is not bullet-proof attire and backpacks or security checkpoints at school entrances.

  8. Carson's Pass says - Posted: June 21, 2014

    Go Figure: You are a liberal fool if you think banning all guns will work. If you had any common sense you’d realize ALL THE BAD PEOPLE WILL STILL GET GUNS, and use them on people like you. So, in your gun-less house, when the crooks come in with their guns, just remember YOU CHOSE TO BE A DEFENSLESS VICTIM. And don’t blame LEO’s for not getting there in time to protect you.

  9. Biggerpicture says - Posted: June 21, 2014

    Carson’s, ALL THE BAD PEOPLE WILL STILL GET GUNS because supposed “responsible” gun owners such as yourself are fearful sheep who make stupid choices on how they use and store their guns, thereby allowing “the bad people” to easily take them away from you and use them to commit crimes.

  10. copper says - Posted: June 21, 2014

    Anyone with an interest in the topic and even an opinion, pro or con, should read “Gun Guns” by Dan Baum. It might not convince you of any particular point of view, but at least you’ll know what you’re talking about. Which would likely make you unique to the discussion.

    Available on Amazon, needless to say. Perhaps Kae can tell us if it’s carried by someone locally.

  11. Arod says - Posted: June 21, 2014

    No need to reinvent the wheel. Australia has the answer. After mass shooting in the early ’90s they passed reasonable restrictions on guns, problem solved. The alleged right for individuals to own weapons should not trump my right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

  12. copper says - Posted: June 21, 2014

    Make that “Gun Guys.” Bad enough making typos; I can’t even get the edit to work.

  13. Dogula says - Posted: June 21, 2014

    So, Bigger, now you blame the VICTIMS of THEFT for bad people getting guns? Like it’s THEIR fault? The thieves have no culpability???
    Typical leftist. Excuse the criminals and blame the victims.

  14. Biggerpicture says - Posted: June 21, 2014

    “Typical leftist. Excuse the criminals and blame the victims.”

    Dog, as opposed to YOU being typical right wing gun worshiper misinterpreting and then deflecting another’s comments?

  15. cosa pescado says - Posted: June 21, 2014

    ‘So, Bigger, now you blame the VICTIMS of THEFT for bad people getting guns? Like it’s THEIR fault?’

    You should know by now that what you did right there is stupid. Knock it off.

  16. cosa pescado says - Posted: June 22, 2014

    Here is what Dogula does:
    Gets involved in a discussion that she can’t reason her way back into, so she attributes ideas to people who haven’t expressed those ideas, and proceeds to attack those imaginary ideas. It is childish.