10-year-old shoots himself in hand in S. Tahoe


A California couple may face child endangerment charges because their grandson who was in their care nearly shot his little finger off.

The name and hometown of the people involved are not being released by South Lake Tahoe police officers.

“That fact that he has special needs could be considered by the DA to be more compelling toward (child endangerment),” police Lt. Brian Williams told Lake Tahoe News.

The 10-year-old was left alone in a vehicle at Staples on the afternoon of July 31 while his grandma shopped and grandpa let the dog out. During that time the boy went from the back seat to the front, opened the glove compartment and shot his little finger, according to officers.

Williams did not know if the child would lose his little finger.

The gun belongs to the grandfather, who is in law enforcement in California. He is authorized to carry a loaded firearm in a vehicle. The glove box, though, does not have a lock.

Officers took possession of the weapon.

It will be up to the District Attorneys Office if charges are filed.

— Lake Tahoe News staff report


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Comments (9)
  1. legal beagle says - Posted: August 1, 2014

    Sad for everybody. Hope the child keeps his finger and
    his granddad his job.

  2. Chief Slowroller says - Posted: August 1, 2014

    the dough head should know the law.

    with children around you lock up all the guns.

    cop or not he broke the law.

  3. hmmm.... says - Posted: August 2, 2014

    I hope the little kid is OK. I hope careless grandpa gets prosecuted. I hope I get a jury duty summons.

  4. SeaMoore says - Posted: August 2, 2014

    I don’t think any laws were broken except the law of common sense. Who leaves a loaded gun in in the car, unlocked with a 10 year old autistic child? This could have been a lot worse.

  5. Mel says - Posted: August 2, 2014

    Idiot with a gun and a cop no less! Grampa needs a new job I think.

  6. dumbfounded says - Posted: August 2, 2014

    “California Penal Code section 25610 does not prevent a citizen of the United States over 18 years of age who is not lawfully prohibited from firearm possession, and who resides or is temporarily in California, from transporting by motor vehicle any pistol, revolver, or other firearm capable of being concealed upon the person provided the firearm is unloaded and stored in a locked container.

    The term “locked container” means a secure container which is fully enclosed and locked by a padlock, key lock, combination lock, or similar locking device. This includes the trunk of a motor vehicle, but does not include the utility or glove compartment. For more information, refer to California Penal Code sections 16850.”

    Laws were broken.

  7. KATHY says - Posted: August 2, 2014

    If charges are filed ? They should be ,He is no different then anyone else ,

  8. rock4tahoe says - Posted: August 3, 2014

    The kid gets Grandpa’s loaded gun out of the glove box and only shoots his finger off. Way to go Grandpa, YeeHaw!

  9. SeaMoore says - Posted: August 4, 2014

    California Penal Codes don’t matter here as he is protected by the Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act which is a United States federal law that allows the “qualified law enforcement officer” and the “qualified retired law enforcement officer” to carry a concealed firearm in any jurisdiction in the United States, regardless of state or local laws. I am neither and have a license to carry a concealed weapon and do often when the situation warrants it. I also unload and lock all my weapons whenever any children come to visit us in our home. Common sense should have prevented this young boy from getting hurt.