Bay Area couple dies boating at Lake Tahoe


A San Ramon couple died early Sunday when the boat they were in struck a pier near Meeks Bay.

Tatiana Nikolskaya, 44, and Vadim Raizanov, 45, died on impact.

“The hull of the boat was split in half from the force of the impact. The possibility that alcohol may have been a factor is being investigated and autopsies are scheduled for early this week,” El Dorado County sheriff’s deputies said.

The accident occurred Aug. 3 at 1:40am.A group of people had been sleeping on the dock and were awakened by the impact of the crash.

The boat was a 19-foot 1997 Glastron. Deputies said it was traveling at a high rate of speed.

— Lake Tahoe News staff report


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Comments (17)
  1. rock4tahoe says - Posted: August 4, 2014

    The boating crash happened at 1:40am?! I hope this accident becomes some sort of a “teachable” moment.

  2. how bout this says - Posted: August 4, 2014

    life’s a b****. Best not to boat whilst asleep or drunk. At least they didn’t kill any bystanders. I’ve boated in there at night many times. Complete negligence!

  3. Carson's Pass says - Posted: August 4, 2014

    Maybe too much Russian Vodka? Sorry for the tragedy but…. come on use your heads people.
    Driving at a high rate of speed? That time of night? Where were their lights? Didn’t see the pier and shoreline coming up fast? OH, maybe not without proper lighting. THEN add the Vodka.

  4. Mark Smith says - Posted: August 4, 2014

    There’s a 600-ft No Wake Zone with a speed limit of 5 mph all around Lake Tahoe. But where’s the enforcement? You can see boaters speeding inside of this zone at about any time of any day – have you ever seen an enforcement boat pulling over a speeder? In Nevada enforcement is the statutory responsibility of the Dept. of Wildlife, who receive more revenue from boaters than hunters. Yet they focus almost exclusively on paddlers not wearing flotation devices, to the point of being physically abusive (the Sheriff’s office settled an assault claim last year for $75,000, in favor of the abused paddler!) We need to demand more of our State agencies. And our Governor.

  5. Mark Smith says - Posted: August 4, 2014

    That they didn’t kill a kayaker or paddler on a SUP was pure luck. And the longer we let this crap go on the more likely a paddle will be killed.

  6. Sliced says - Posted: August 4, 2014

    Can’t we wait for the autopsy before we jump to conclusions. The fact that they died is bad enough, but let’s all kick dirt on them before we know the facts. Glad no one else was injured. Perhaps the boat was malfunctioning, I mean it’s not far fetched. We don’t know yet folks. Let’s act like adults and understand first that this is a tradgedy. Making assumptions on the type of alcohol they were drinking is childish and speculative. Team Tahoe we are better than this. How many kayakers and SUPers are paddling at 1:30am? RIP

  7. Joan says - Posted: August 4, 2014

    Mark Smith it is SHAMEFUL of you to use this tragedy and twist it around on the NV Div. Of Wildlife and make two deaths about your own platform. REALLY?!?! This occurred in CALIFORNIA. This had nothing to do with anything Nevada! RIP to the couple.

  8. tahoe Pizza Eater says - Posted: August 5, 2014

    LIGHTS ON THE END OF PIERS ! There was likely extreme boater negligence here. But without regard to that, there should be lights on the piers as well as the boats. About 15 years ago two major league baseball players were at spring training in Florida and ran into a pier at night, killing themselves. This isn’t unheard of. The piers that extend out into lakes, 100 feet or more, should be required to have lights to warn boaters of their whereabouts. Timber Cove pier is a good example. There are also moorings, with boats attached, out far from shore in the lake. At night these moored boats become serious hazards. They need to put lights out there with those moored boats.

  9. Atomic says - Posted: August 5, 2014

    Anyone who has been on the water at night knows that judging distances is extremely difficult, especially with speed mixed in. Likely the driver thought he was in open water and was inexperienced. Alcohol is also a common element in these mishaps. Just pure sad, that’s all. It does seem crazy that none of the piers are required to have lighting.

  10. Old Long Skiis says - Posted: August 5, 2014

    Boating on Tahoe at night is a very dangerous thing to do. I know this from my own time spent out on the lake. If your unfamiliar with the shoreline? Well, there’s that problem, and also the posibility of things that you can run into thngs unseen in the darkness out in open water.
    If you’re going to spend the night on the lake, make sure your anchors are secure and keep your anchor light on so your visable to others on the water.
    My condolences to Tatiana and Vadim and their family’s and friends.
    I have to agree with Pizza eater and Atomic, Lights on the piers! I would also add, some marking of shallow areas and rocky shorelines! I don’t want the lake cluttered up with signs and buoy fields, but lets try to keep people safe and also avoid one of the largest boats on the lake,the Tahoe Queen, getting stuck in the sand bar off Regan Beach! What a joke that was! Although I’m sure it was not funny to the paying passengers who were stranded for hours waiting to be taken ashore by a bunch of rescue boats.
    Take care, Old Long Skiis

  11. Steven says - Posted: August 5, 2014

    Light up the entire lake and all the mountain tops so it can be seen from the space station.
    Oh yeah, lights on all the mountain bike trails too so we can bike 24 hrs a day.
    We are in the middle of the Sierra Nevada Mountains, where people live and visit to get away from lights, traffic, development and even other people. Stop turning Tahoe into another big city with all the people, lights, traffic, noise, pollution and money hungry businesses. Guess what ? We may already be there!

  12. Old Long Skiis says - Posted: August 5, 2014

    Steven, Yeah ,I know, lights! I don’t want the whole place lit up. Hell, the street light on the corner bugs me!
    Many years ago there was a couple of lights at the end of Connoleys pier, which was the longest pier on Tahoe at the time. Not real bright and as I recall one was red and the other green. Just bright enough to make boaters aware of the pier should they be out at night.
    As far as turning Tahoe into a big city place? We are on our way! A new string of retail shops up at the Chateau hole, including a “speciality sock shop” and of course t-shirts and western wear stores. It also looks like Meyers is headed for major developement if it’s not halted soon.
    Good luck! OLS

  13. robert says - Posted: August 5, 2014

    Think I saw them go by my pier very close just prior..but not sure of course. You can’t stop these kinds of people from killing themselves no matter how many laws you pass or lights you turn on. Lets leave the lake dark and beautiful and require individuals to watch out for their own dumb selves.

  14. Open your eyes a little says - Posted: August 5, 2014

    @Sliced “How many kayakers and SUPers are paddling at 1:30am?”

    Umm did you not just see that article about the full moon kayak tour?

    I know a lot of die hard SUPers who go out on night paddles. Late night ones where the Milky Way is directly over the lake. Good thing we can still see the stars with so little light pollution around the lake… Guess not for long if other commenters get their way keeping everyone oh so safe. Sorry but these two get the Darwin Award for this week…

  15. Gidget Jones says - Posted: August 6, 2014

    Mark Smith needs to quit blaming Ndow for everything that happens at Lake Tahoe! Meeks Bay is in California in Eldorado County! He is dead wrong as far as funding for Ndow! He hides behind Lake Tahoe wall of shame and Lake Tahoe Alive to spread inaccurate information and set up pictures ! The sad fact is these boaters died because they were careless and irresponsible and nothing authority could have done would have stopped this tragedy 1:30 a.m

  16. Susan says - Posted: August 8, 2014

    We knew this couple, this is a shock and tragic. They were in the healthcare profession and their patients will miss them dearly. I pray for their souls to rest in peace. Terrible accident but a loss to San Ramon community.

  17. Bobby says - Posted: August 8, 2014

    Went by the scene today. Appears that the boat went straight into shore. The pier struck is barely in the water. Lights would have made no difference. People should know more before they suggest regulations. Tragic accident.