Republicans’ ‘Fire Harry Reid’ campaign grows


By Amber Phillips, Las Vegas Sun

WASHINGTON — Sen. Harry Reid is not running for re-election, but Republicans are turning up the volume on a new campaign slogan to “Fire Harry Reid.”

With momentum recently swinging to their side to take back the Senate in November, the Republican National Committee is sending out a memo to reporters and donors daring Democrats in tough re-election campaigns to distance themselves from the Senate leader. The committee launched the anti-Reid campaign in late July with robocalls and a social media push, #FireReid.

The strategy is to paint Reid, the Senate majority leader, as the boogeyman, especially for voters in Republican-leaning states with contested Senate races that could decide the future of the Senate, said Michael Short, an RNC spokesman.

“He’s not a very popular figure, he’s the face of Senate Democrats,” Short said.

Kristen Orthman, a Reid spokeswoman, said Republicans are attacking Reid because he calls them out for not helping get legislation passed. Reid also said on the Senate floor in May that Republicans’ attacks against him are a sign nothing else is working.

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Comments (97)
  1. copper says - Posted: August 16, 2014


  2. Kits carson says - Posted: August 16, 2014

    We need to fire the stinking, terrorist loving, vacationing (via taxpayers) open our borders to illegals and cartel loving president. HE is not deserving of the title. He is just another black with a chip on his shoulder….nothing more.

  3. cosa pescado says - Posted: August 16, 2014

    Well done local conservative. Well done. Please go on and tell us more about the link between bigotry and your politics.

  4. go figure says - Posted: August 16, 2014

    Bonner is the idiot that needs to be fired.

  5. Biggerpicture says - Posted: August 16, 2014

    Isn’t it interesting how conservatives, generally, dislike the actual person that has an opposing political viewpoint than theirs. As opposed to liberals, generally, who dislike the ideas of a person with an opposing opinion, but don’t hate that person for their views.

    And let me state again that I am speaking very generally. And it is very evident in the press. Time and again outlets such as Fox News regularly attack the people that belong to the ideas Rupert doesn’t like.

  6. Kits carson says - Posted: August 16, 2014

    I simply state the obvious. Some don’t like it and that’s fine….I don’t care. In this time of PC where people get offended and whine and cry racist if someone calls it like it is simply is out of control. Look at Al Sharpton. That fool is the poster child for racist. It’s quite obvious and he has no other reason for being here but to perpetuate the hatred. When was the last time he dribbled something out of his mouth when a black person killed a white???

    I was watching some Dean Martin clips recently. They made all kinds of jokes then and nobody got their panties in a twist. It was all good fun. Not that way anymore with whining, sniveling, self entitled people who have nothing better in life. Sad.

  7. rock4tahoe says - Posted: August 16, 2014

    Kit. Back on this Planet. President Obama has killed more actual terrorists and deported more undocumented workers then the previous office holders. At this point in his Presidency he has taken 129 days of vacation versus 328 days for the previous office holder. I will point out that Representative Tom McClintock only worked 126 days last year.

  8. cosa pescado says - Posted: August 16, 2014

    So how is defining a person only by color ‘good fun’? I think you are missing the difference between being racial and racist.
    Let’s get dawg in here to trash Islam. Have a conservative fiesta of ignorance.

  9. Bob Fleischer says - Posted: August 16, 2014

    Be careful how you quote statistics. Statistics can be easily twisted and misused. NOT taking a side here, BUT, let’s say that Obama HAS killed more terrorists and deported more undocumented workers, than previous office holders. BUT….suppose Obama’s policies allowed for changing the description of what a terrorist is, or, lots of other ways to warp figures. Suppose Obama policies allowed for a HUGE jump in cross-border undocumented travel….and the same or even smaller percentage were then deported. You can then take the figures and make them sound like Obama did much more; or, Obama created a problem and is making some political hay; or, many other things. There are news outlets that seem to specialize in warping statistics. We have a city council that delights in statistic juggling, among other things.
    Be cautious about what you read or hear on TV. The Media is VERY good at “producing” or “creating” viewpoints IN the Public, this is FAR worse than it was when us oldsters were growing up. NOTICE exactly what I said…. the media is good at creating YOUR viewpoints. I did not say the media was very good at providing information. My GUESS is that 80% or more (my guess at statistics) of media information is sided, whether purposely, or, because of inherent bias. It happens on the Left, on the Right, and all other places. Makes one more than somewhat cynical.

  10. Parker says - Posted: August 16, 2014

    Democrats did the same thing with Newt Gingrich! And say what you want about him, and I did not back him for Pres., but he was in charge of the House during most of the time Dems. like to glorify, the Clinton Pres.

    Now I know this will lead some to start doing some anti-Gingrich postings! But the point is, demonizing an individual leader of a particular party, so as to attempt to make all members of that party look bad, has always been done by both parties.

  11. copper says - Posted: August 16, 2014

    I don’t believe I’ve ever posted a facetious, one word comment on an internet forum that turned out to be so clearly on point. I believe I’ll stick with it.

  12. hmmm.... says - Posted: August 17, 2014

    Gingrich(sneer)! Now there’s a REAL ethical, moral family values kind of guy.

  13. michael lee says - Posted: August 17, 2014

    Get money out of politics. Period
    Bob F, Yes it is easy to become cynical. But keep putting facts to this forum. Thanks for your opinion.
    The media is the biggest obstacle to un biased headlines.
    The GOP has drug their feet on everything.The entire Congress should all be fired.
    Democrats are crooked also, but nothing like the lies the far right says everyday.
    Get money out of politics. An amendment to the constitution is one hope of changing the money game in politics. Check out wolf pac. We have two states now and need 32 more states to become a majority.
    I loved Jesse Ventura’s idea of having politicians wear a nascar suit with sponsors
    on it. What would your local politician wear?

  14. Bob Fleischer says - Posted: August 17, 2014

    Michael Lee: if politicians wore a NASCAR suit, they could have a slogan: The Race Towards The Bottom

  15. WantToLeaveTahoe says - Posted: August 17, 2014

    Kit, John Boehner is the one who needs to be fired. You are such a bigot! I agree with copper: DUMB

  16. Kits carson says - Posted: August 17, 2014

    Because I don’t agree with your PC terms I am a bigot, in your mind. I call a black a black, a white a white a Mexican a Mexican. Or would you prefer Hispanic?? Same difference. If you are OFFENDED because I didn’t say the PC buzz of the week (African American) you think I’m a bigot, then that’s YOUR issue. I simply don’t care. I call it like it is and that’s all. You can keep your head in the sand……doesn’t bother me at the end of the day.

  17. WantToLeaveTahoe says - Posted: August 17, 2014

    Kit, It doesn’t matter what color a person is. It matters what kind of person they are. I am not being PC. I genuinely like our president. He has done the best that he can facing the do nothing Republicans. You need help to get that chip off your shoulder. Would you like to be called a R__ N____ or W____ T___? I feel sorry for you and your kind.

  18. go figure says - Posted: August 17, 2014

    Kit is a dying breed. Angry old white tea party man (this assumption is based on his comments). Darwins theory is right, natural selection will prevail. I sure hope so…

  19. Know Bears says - Posted: August 17, 2014

    I think what Republicans really despise about Harry Reid is that he isn’t afraid of them.

  20. Justice says - Posted: August 17, 2014

    Every person if asked if this country is declining would mostly say it is. There has never been more disrespect to the rule of law, our culture, language and borders. This is not by accident, it is by the Bummer’s actions and those of his minions and the leftist country wreckers aren’t done yet. The intentional flooding of this country of uneducated/disease ridden illegals is simply treason as is Bummer deciding what laws to ignore and what to enforce. Race relations have not been worse in fifty years by design and this country is a powder keg in every inner-city waiting for an imagined reason to riot and loot and kill. Then there is the increase under Bummer in welfare by 50% and eliminating the work requirement and the reform all done in the 1990’s when welfare was on the decline. There is also the near 100 million out of the work force from a country of 300 million. this is all covered up by the liberal media and Bummer supporters. Now there are hordes of unemployable welfare people everywhere and tens of thousands of early release felons roaming around and up to no good. People can ignore the danger of the country destroying Bummer if they want to here where they are somewhat safe if out of the inner-cities, but I wouldn’t try it anywhere in the Middle East or other countries where Terrorist hordes, thanks to Bummer, are at all time highs and the danger is as well. The leftists need a major defeat and this fall should be a start.

  21. rock4tahoe says - Posted: August 17, 2014

    Umm Justice. The “country wreckers?” Where exactly? We aren’t loosing hundreds of GI’s overseas per week. We aren’t spending Trillions on endless Wars overseas. We have 94% percent of workers working. The stock market has tripled since 2009 and has helped a lot of folks with 401k’s. Detroit is ok selling more cars. Fifty years ago we were just ending Jim Crow laws in the South while lynchings were still going on.

    Sorry “Justice,” but I don’t know what “country” you are talking about.

  22. Justice says - Posted: August 17, 2014

    Mr. Rock where are you living? Liberal Dreamland?, You can’t see the forest or the trees. All of our military people lost were fighting to keep the terrorists out of THIS country and they all made tremendous sacrifices. The survivors now have to watch as Iraq is over-run with a new horde of killers who are slaughtering every person they can all because Bummer didn’t think to leave a small force in place which could have operated out of the North with the Kurds and stopped this long ago, This is Bummer’s legacy, the most incompetent foreign policy in history which is creating danger for all US citizens. These hordes of Muslim killers are clearly threatening to attack here and can walk across the border at many points thanks to Bummer’s incompetence and his defunding the Border Security Act of 06. In this country, Detroit is a waste land of abandoned areas with crime everywhere, it is not a safe place. 100 million thanks to Bummer are out of the workforce here, does that register? Now add 50 million who are on welfare, does that register? In a country of 300 million. It is now almost at 1 person paying taxes supporting one on the system who doesn’t plan on contributing and this isn’t counting the hundreds of thousands sneaking in. This is a huge loss and an unsustainable nightmare of takers Bummer has created that if not reversed will implode the economy and enslave a nation. And do you STILL think you can keep your doctor, pay less or get free health care, and someone else will pay for it, right? Bummer never lies, he is great, right?

  23. reloman says - Posted: August 17, 2014

    Bigger, dont you remember 6 years ago when the democraps were demonizing the sitting president( not that i liked his policies any better than the current sitting president) The party that is out of control of the Presidency will always demonize the sitting president, this includes the demos.

  24. Parker says - Posted: August 17, 2014


    Things have improved. But A. We’re not up to 94% of the labor force working. In fact we’re at a very low post WW2 labor participation rate, as many gave up trying to get jobs.

    B. Let’s see what the stock market does when interest rates are permitted to go back to normal? In fact CNBC, not Fox, CNBC, did a story last week on how big liberal supporter George Soros is placing big financial bets on a stock market come down.

    And it should be noted these artificially low rates have hurt people with savings accounts, including many retirees who don’t feel comfortable gambling in the stock market.

    So it’s nice to look after the monied class. But Obama and Reid would be well-served to think about those that just squeak by! Hence why they’re guaranteed to lose Senate seats in the upcoming midterms.

  25. rock4tahoe says - Posted: August 17, 2014

    Parker. Oh how chicken little of you.

    A. Baby boomers are retiring en mass.
    B. Inflation is running low, it doesn’t take much research to find 4-6% rates or return out there.
    C. George Soros can bet short if he wants and so can you; nothing stopping you. Where is his money going to go? Europe? Asia? South America? Russia? Africa? Antartica?
    D. It has been 6 years since Lehman & Bear collapsed and caused a heart attack on Wall Street and I would say we have come a long way forward. Six years after the collapse of 1929 was the year 1935 for comparison.
    E. Like the Republicans care about the “non monied” class? Sure.

  26. rock4tahoe says - Posted: August 17, 2014

    Justice. Get a history book out. Iraq was created by Britain after WWI and should not even exist. The Sunnis and Shiites have been slaughtering each other since about 650ad because they could not agree on a Cousin or Father In Law taking over for Muhammad. The rest of your blog vomit has no basis in reality. Ex. The labor force does not include children, eldery or disabled etc .

    Personally, I think President Obama has done a pretty good job with the mess he was given.

  27. cosa pescado says - Posted: August 17, 2014

    ‘ The intentional flooding of this country of uneducated/disease ridden illegals is simply treason ‘
    Intentional? So you are insane and xenophobic.
    ‘All of our military people lost were fighting to keep the terrorists out of THIS country
    No, just dumb.
    ‘the most incompetent foreign policy in history which is creating danger for all US citizens. ‘
    No, that’s your guy.
    ‘Detroit is a waste land of abandoned areas with crime everywhere,
    That is totally Obama fault, you got us there.

    Strong showing by the local conservatives today. Racism, xenophobia, ignorance of history, still believing the Iraq war.
    Remember to go vote everyone even if you think politics is a scam you need to cancel out the will of these people.

  28. Kits carson says - Posted: August 17, 2014

    go figure: Careful when you ASSume.
    You are welcome to your opinions, however ridiculous they may seem. I don’t begrudge this president because he is black. I think he is seriously a little Tyrant who thinks he has something to prove and is a liar. He IS a LIAR. How can you not see that?? He has lied over and over and the Libs seem to think he is a great man. Ask the five terrorists he (against federal law) released from Gitmo, what they think of him. Yes, they love him and embrace his passion for Radical/Islam. The president by releasing these people is putting Americans and anyone who doesn’t believe in the butt wipe Allah in harms way. If you can’t see this or more ignorantly refuse to believe it then you’ll get what you deserve. Maybe they won’t slice your head off in front of your children, but will out back. Think what you want of me….I simply couldn’t care less. Maybe you are some wet behind the ears kid who knows nothing of the real world.

  29. Kits carson says - Posted: August 17, 2014

    Go figure:
    You are of a breed that is a shepherds flock of ignorant FOLLOWERS. Not an original thought or belief in your simple head. Enjoy following the mass over the edge. Pathetic!

  30. Rob5 says - Posted: August 17, 2014

    Justice–Your 100 million not in the workforce includes about 12 million who would like a job but don’t have one.

    Here is a quote from the Chicago Tribune:

    “So where is this 100 million slackers figure coming from? King is presumably folding in the 88 million Americans who are not in the workforce, a number which, according to the National Employment Law Project, includes: 40 million people who are retired; 13 million people who are disabled; along with students, stay-at-home parents and the sick.”

    12 million is not good, but nowhere near 100 million.

  31. rock4tahoe says - Posted: August 17, 2014

    Hey Kit. The President traded 5 guys for our guy. SO WHAT? You think prisoner exchange is something new? Israel trades prisoners with the “Arabs” all the time; since 1948 actually. This is some “Big Lie?” Back to reality on this Planet folks.

  32. rock4tahoe says - Posted: August 17, 2014

    Cosa, The French called and say they want the Statue of Liberty back.

    Here you go Justice…

    Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
    With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
    Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
    A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
    Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
    Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
    Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
    The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
    “Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!” cries she
    With silent lips. “Give me your tired, your poor,
    Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
    The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
    Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
    I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

  33. go figure says - Posted: August 17, 2014

    Kit. YAWN

  34. Parker says - Posted: August 17, 2014


    The Dems like to accuse the Republicans of only being out for the rich. But I just love how they don’t complain about the Obama/ Democratic policy of inflating the stock market. Thus making the rich richer, and hoping it ‘trickles down’ to the masses. The hypocrisy is shameless, especially as it causes food prices for the working class to go up! How Chicken Little of you!

    And workforce participation is near historical lows for those of working age, so you have your facts straight, and can state more than just blind pro-Obama speak.

    And I’ll say it again-we’ll see where the stock market is after the Fed pulls back on its historic pump priming. Very liberal Soros, amongst others, is betting its going down!

  35. Justice says - Posted: August 17, 2014

    Yes, Liberty was when people came to work and is not what is seen now leading to an enslaved nation of law breaking benefit seeking illegals and welfare bums. When immigrants came in legally they were screened and were here to work and welfare was yet to be invented. This horde of illegals in the country are a danger to all from past criminal records of violent crimes to serious disease not to mention the criminal gang members. Do people think any of the countries these illegals are from would do what this country does? It is unheard of and a nation without borders will not last. Bummer’s foreign policies are as laughable as his failures on the border and in the economy and his endless scandals and lies told to millions who lost their healthcare and/or have a huge multi-thousand deductible now which is about the same as no insurance. The left will lose this fall and it isn’t soon enough.

  36. Dan Stroehler says - Posted: August 17, 2014

    All federal-level elected politicians need to be in for one term only. In and out.

    Long-termers like Reid are a disgrace.

  37. Rock4tahoe says - Posted: August 17, 2014

    Parker. Proof is in the pudding, we are much better off now then in 2009. Sorry you are missing out.

  38. Rock4tahoe says - Posted: August 17, 2014

    Justice needs his meds. Ever heard of WOPS? I have, it is a term used about my ancestors.

  39. cosa pescado says - Posted: August 17, 2014

    ‘and embrace his passion for Radical/Islam’

    Keep on commenting. This stuff is great.
    ‘The left will lose this fall and it isn’t soon enough.’
    For the record, you are a right wing conservative, yes?
    Invite your friends to chime in and feel free to say whatever you want.

    ‘ I don’t begrudge this president because he is black. ‘
    Seems like you do :
    ‘He is just another black with a chip on his shoulder….nothing more.’

  40. Parker says - Posted: August 17, 2014


    You don’t know what you’re talking about re: Yours Truly. But typical liberal. Making judgements about things where you have no knowledge. Or as you repeatedly show, no, or very inaccurate, facts!

    If you would read what I post, (geez, when have I said that before?!) I said things have improved from when the Democrats controlled both houses of Congress. In fact had filibuster proof control for awhile!!

    I just truly hope it’s a sustainable improvement?! Not a result of some ‘sugar high’ from all the Fed money-pumping that’s going on. The money pumping is causing inflation. Some say it’s moderate inflation. But the Fed’s own accounting shows higher inflation than what the official Labor Dept. statistics show! And ‘moderate’ is how high inflation starts.

    And if our economy was on sound footing, the Obama appointed Fed. would at least start being neutral, and stop increasing its $3 Trillion (that’s Trillion with a ‘T’) balance sheet!

  41. MBDC says - Posted: August 18, 2014

    Kit, you say our president is just another black …..
    Do you realize he is half white? You are attacking his black heritage, so do you approve of his white heritage? We don’t have a black president, we have a highly educated black\white man as our leader. Your racism shows your ignorance and stupidity, very common in an uneducated person.

  42. Catch-release says - Posted: August 18, 2014

    “rock4tahoe says – Posted: August 17, 2014
    Hey Kit. The President traded 5 guys for our guy. SO WHAT? You think prisoner exchange is something new? Israel trades prisoners with the “Arabs” all the time; since 1948 actually. This is some “Big Lie?” Back to reality on this Planet folks.”

    HHmmm, “so what”? You REALLY think SO WHAT? This Soldier as you call him is alleged to be a TRAITOR. FIVE TOP LEVEL TALIBAN insects (who hate Americans) for a traitor? Seriously???? Not to mention Obummer violated Federal Law in doing so….one of your little Tyrants many law violations.
    Then how do you explain his lack of concern for our REAL AMERICAN soldier still in a Mexican prison??? Why hasn’t YOUR president done ANYTHING to get HIS release????? OHHH, that might disrupt the plans for a million Mexican votes some day, as he deliberately orders our borders to be unsecured. So come on TELL US how that is OK. Explain it to us. We are waiting.

  43. rock4tahoe says - Posted: August 19, 2014

    Parker, just go back to your fear and hate shtick. Your crystal ball is broken. You know it was Alan Greenspan that started the low interest rates after 911 yet you want to hate and blame the President for somehow controlling the Markets with some elaborate hashed out scheme between Greenspan-Bernanke-Yellen etc. And now you want to trust the Labor Department numbers? The same Department that has unemployment at 6.2% that you disagree with on other posts?

    Same old narcissistic hypocritical fear mongering talking points.

    Anyway. Please for clarity, give everyone the exact date of the Market collapse so we can see your clairvoyance in action.

  44. rock4tahoe says - Posted: August 19, 2014

    Catch. The key word is “alleged.” Bergdahl is back and I am happy about that. If the service wants to charge Bergdahl with something, that is a different story. I mean it isn’t like we traded Missiles for Hostages as in the 1980’s or something right? Ask Cap Weinberger about that one since he had to resign and was brought up an charges then pardoned for the crime, um I mean hostage swap. Oh, but he is dead… oh well. I forgot, you don’t believe in history before January 2009.

  45. CJ McCoy says - Posted: August 19, 2014

    The issue is Reid and the damage he’s helped cause to America with his personal attacks on American Citizens and his blocking action and votes in the Senate. He is a cancer to the America constitution and freedom, and then has the audacity to blame conservatives.

    The “Corporatist Team” of Obama – Reid – Pelosi have done more to drive hate and division in AMerica than any other political team in modern history.

    They also are responsible for the most destruction to the middle class that has occurred in modern times.

    Divide and Conquer – that is the strategy and ignorance is their play field.

    Thats the way it is in Post Constitutional American.

    From here it gets worse.

  46. Parker says - Posted: August 19, 2014


    No, my ‘schtick’ is the facts!! Your schtick is not reading what people say and putting words in their mouths.

    I am not quoting the Labor Dept., if you would read! Again read what I say, read!! I said the Fed calculates a higher inflation than the Labor Dept.

    I’ll predict the exact date of the collapse if you predict the exact amount of a snowfall we’ll get this Winter! What a dumb question.

    Hope there is no collapse! But so it’s clear that unlike you, I don’t just drink the partisan Kool Aid, Greenspan appointed/reappointed by both Democrats and Republicans, kept rates too low for too long! He admits it. Clearly a factor, if not the cause of the financial collapse!

    That the response to the collapse was to double down, and keep rates super low, and to go even more in with the QE program, is to me, the definition of insanity.

    It’s got our economy anemically growing artificially. It’s also greatly increased income inequality, as the rich, with inflated stocks, have gotten richer. And the lower incomes struggle with higher food costs and $3.50-$4/gallon fuel costs.

    That the Left, the supposed ones who care about the less fortunate, aren’t outraged by what the loose monetary policy is causing, just amazes me!

  47. CJ McCoy says - Posted: August 19, 2014

    America (post constitution) traded 5 terrorists leaders for a hostage that appeared at the time to be a dissenter.

    This will be one of the worst deals made… EVER.

    All the deaths from any of these terrorist is on Obama’s shoulders.

    This will be an issue in our future, even a young child could see that this was a bad deal.

  48. Catch-release says - Posted: August 19, 2014

    And the lower incomes struggle with higher food costs and $3.50-$4/gallon fuel costs.

    Parker: This is fueled by Obummer’s ever increasing welfare participants. They have zero incentive to be productive humans as long as the president continues towards a socialist, government dependent country. Don’t try and tell me these low income, welfare recipients are victims! Don’t piss down my back and tell me it’s raining.

  49. Catch-release says - Posted: August 19, 2014

    CJ: I wouldn’t say “America” traded five top level terrorists. It is the president (def not one who is loyal to America) that has traded them for one traitor. He sympathizes with Muslims and their insane beliefs. How does one trade ONE possible Taliban convert for FIVE known terrorists unless one is an idiot and doesn’t care to win…….or has a master plan. Barrack Hussein is the most Un-American non loyal to our flag that I have ever seen in all my days.
    Thank GOD his days are numbered in office. He is a total disgrace to this country. AND a real American soldier still remains in prison in Mexico. Where’s is this president on that? Oh, it might interfere with the OPEN BORDER he is ordering.

  50. Parker says - Posted: August 19, 2014


    FYI, there are hard working people who don’t make a lot of money that struggle. Especially those with families!

    There are welfare abusers, Yes. And there are also hard working people struggling to get by.

  51. CJ McCoy says - Posted: August 19, 2014

    C- R

    You are right. My mistake. Obama made the idiotic trade. (some my say treasonous trade)

    Obama and his supporters have done great harm to our country and the children’s futures.

    This fall we will hold them to account at the ballot box.

  52. rock4tahoe says - Posted: August 20, 2014

    Ok Parker. The short answers is you DO NOT KNOW when the “collapse” is going to happen. Ok, we get it, but “typical” Con-artist fear mongering.

    Again, I can comment as I please. You have no control over this blog Parker.

  53. rock4tahoe says - Posted: August 20, 2014

    CJ acts like this is the first time anybody has traded hostages or prisoners. How ignorant.

  54. rock4tahoe says - Posted: August 20, 2014

    To CatchRe. More psychotic, ignorant, fear and hate dripping blog keystroke vomit? Better check your dosage on those meds dude.

  55. go figure says - Posted: August 20, 2014

    Well said rock…

  56. Parker says - Posted: August 20, 2014


    I’ve never tried to control this blog! Just suggest that if you’re going to respond to something, you should actually read it before responding!!

    But you’re right, because I can’t pick the actual exact date of the next stock market crash, (that I only cited that famed far-left financier, George Soros is putting his money one, according to CNBC!) that means my concerns about the Fed’s $3Trillion plus balance sheet, are invalid?

  57. rock4tahoe says - Posted: August 22, 2014

    Parker. The second you type “liberal” “dumb” etc. I really DO NOT need to read any more. Today NASDAQ hit another 52 week high. So much for George’s concerns. Ooops.

  58. rock4tahoe says - Posted: August 22, 2014

    List of Republican Executive Branch Criminals since 1914: (Since Justice and others are so concerned with their opinions on “the disrespect to the rule of law.”)

    George W Bush
    Lewis Scooter Libby, Chief of Staff, convicted of obstruction of justice and making false statements, sentenced to 30 months in prison and fined $250,000.

    George HW Bush
    Catalina Villalpando, Treasurer of the United States, Guilty to obstruction of justice and tax evasion.

    Ronald Reagan
    James G. Watt, Secretary of the Interior, convicted of 25 counts of perjury and obstruction of justice, five years probation, $5,000 and 500 hours service.
    Deborah Gore Dean, Executive Assistant in HUD, convicted of 12 counts of perjury, conspiracy, bribery, 21 months in prison.
    Phillip D. Winn, Assistant Secretary of HUD, pleaded guilty to bribery in 1994.
    Thomas Demery, Assistant Secretary of HUD, pleaded guilty to bribery and obstruction.
    Joseph A. Strauss, Special Assistant to the Secretary of HUD, convicted for accepting bribes.
    Caspar Weinberger, Secretary of Defense, indicted on two counts of perjury and one count of obstruction of justice.
    Robert C. McFarlane, National Security Adviser, convicted of withholding evidence, 2 years probation.
    John Poindexter, National Security Advisor, fired by President Reagan, was convicted for his role in the Iran-Contra Affair.
    Oliver North, Member of the National Security Council, fired by President Reagan, found guilty of perjury and conspiracy.
    Elliott Abrams, Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs, convicted of withholding evidence, given 2 years probation.
    Michael Deaver, Deputy Chief of Staff, pleaded guilty to perjury, 3 years probation and fined $100,000.
    Rita Lavelle, Assistant EPA Administrator, misuse of funds, convicted of perjury, fined $10,000 and given five years probation.

    Richard M. Nixon (later resigned Presidency)
    John N. Mitchell, Attorney General, convicted of perjury.
    Frederick C. LaRue, Advisor to John Mitchell, convicted of obstruction of justice.
    Richard Kleindienst, Attorney General, one month in jail.
    H. R. Haldeman, Chief of Staff, convicted of perjury.
    John Ehrlichman, Counsel to Nixon, convicted of perjury.
    Egil Krogh, Aide to John Ehrlichman, sentenced to 6 months.
    John W. Dean III, Counsel to Nixon, convicted of obstruction of justice.
    Dwight L. Chapin, Deputy Assistant to Nixon, convicted of perjury.
    Charles W. Colson, Special Consul to Nixon, convicted of obstruction of justice.

    Warren G. Harding
    Albert Fall, Secretary of the Interior. First U.S. cabinet member to ever be convicted; served two years in prison.
    Charles R. Forbes, Bureau of Veterans Affairs. Bribery and corruption; sentenced to two years in jail.
    Thomas W. Miller, Head of the Office of Alien Property. Convicted of fraud; served 18 months.

    List of Democratic Executive Branch Criminals since 1914:


  59. Parker says - Posted: August 22, 2014


    Again you prove that you don’t read what I say. Glad you’re happy the wealthy are getting wealthier! But did you read that right-wing biased (not) paper the SF Chronicle this week? (I doubt it with your track record.)

    Had a story on how household incomes are not rising in this country! It’s great your wealthy friends are doing well, but I care about the average American!

    And if you disagree with me, that the money-pumping, stock-inflating Fed policy is good for the country, great. But I and others have a problem with it. And to say questioning a govt. policy is a scare tactic? I mean, ok? I guess we should never question anything govt. does?

    Good thing know one, Republicans or Democrats, were questioning the previous loose money policy of the Feds back in the early, mid-2000’s. Cause heck, that was causing increasing stock market prices. And that sure turned out well?!

  60. Doc says - Posted: August 22, 2014

    rock4tahoe: You must have all kinds of time on your hands to do such research. But, we are talking about the current cast of Demorat clowns and law breakers…not what is already in the past.
    At least in the past they were actually charged and convicted. I’m STILL waiting for ANY CHARGES to be brought up on the current joke in office. Barrack Hussein should resign. His VP is an idiot however, so AMERICA just might have to suffer with both until the election. GOD, (yes G O D), help America.

  61. Doc says - Posted: August 22, 2014

    Oh and Rock, Your man in office said we don’t leave any soldiers behind. Answer us why we still have a soldier captive in Mexico that B.Hussein hasn’t lifted a finger to help. ????? Maybe he doesn’t want to disturb his new OPEN BORDER society.

  62. rock4tahoe says - Posted: August 22, 2014

    Doc. Just what I would expect from the Republican Upside Down Egomaniacs like yourselves. Can’t dispute the facts? Attack the messenger. Well, I am still here Doc.

    Remember, opinions are like rear ends… everybody has one.

    I was raised Southern Baptist/Presbyterian with some Catholic and really do not care to converse with “your” Deity.

  63. rock4tahoe says - Posted: August 22, 2014

    Parker. Your “money pump” argument has been going on since back in Hamilton’s day and it is circular. The “FED” is necessary because in times of War nobody has the cash to pay for the costs upfront; hence the 120% spending of GDP during WWII to pay for a $5 Trillion (current dollars) War. We as a country have never actually taxed everyone before a War to pay for it; it has always been on an IOU. (Remember, we are still in a War time economy today.)

    Our Country has an estimated value of $60 to $100 Trillion, I am NOT going to worry about $3 Trillion since the investors in the markets have pumped about 4 times that amount back into the markets since 2008.

    If you want to help solve the deficit from the War costs, I suggest we go back to the tax rates under President Eisenhower in the 1950’s since he was faced with the same dilemma after WWII. But, somehow I get the feeling you will nix that idea.

  64. Doc says - Posted: August 22, 2014

    Rock: You failed to answer the question, no surprise. I’m finished with you. You are boring and Stupid can’t be fixed. Have a nice day.

  65. Parker says - Posted: August 22, 2014

    Total GDP, what we as a nation produce, the standard for judging an economy, both in the US and around the World, is app. $17T. This total est. value baloney is something that people are recently using to justify money printing & deficits!

    Over $3T in a $17T economy is significant! And if the economy was on solid footing, the Fed would stop increasing the $3T balance. Period! But the Democratic appointed Janet Yellen made it quite clear today, that after over 5 yrs. of Obama, we’re not!

    Now at least you made an argument instead of name-calling. But then you went back to your old tactic of changing the subject. For instance, did I ever say we shouldn’t have a Fed? No! There you go not reading what I’m saying and changing the subject again! Just question their current policies.

    You do live the by the old adage, “When you can’t argue the facts, just argue!”

    But I’ll just leave it at, glad you’re happy the rich are getting richer! But 5 plus years later, according to the Obama appointed Yellen, we’re still not on solid footing, while household incomes are stagnant, yet have to deal with higher food & energy costs! All facts!

  66. Biggerpicture says - Posted: August 22, 2014

    Doc, this soldier, two tours in Afghanistan and currently a reservist, you speak of was arrested in Mexico with three guns and was not there in any military capacity. I’m pretty sure the “leave no soldier behind” is in the context of soldiers on a battlefield or in an area of military operations while on active duty.

    But by viewing it in the context you’re trying to frame it helps your argument, right? Omitting facts is a classic conservasheep tactic!

  67. reloman says - Posted: August 22, 2014

    Rock, I hope you made a typo when you said that Reagan did a pardon in 1994, i dont think he was in office then to do so wasn’t that Clintons term? Also all of you far right consertives, welfare
    has been a problem for decades many repub pres n demo pres have come and gone over the past 4 decades no just the current pres.
    ROCK the current fed QE balance sheet will become a real problem when rates do finally go up, think about it, trillions of the national debt is at super low rates if they go to the normal historical rates of 4% say that will increase the deficit by say as much as 600 billion a year. Watch your stock market proformance then.
    As far as food prices going up, shouldnt be much of a problem This year bumper corn and soy crop this year, which should mean lower meat prices, though things grown in CA will be more expensive because of drought

  68. rock4tahoe says - Posted: August 22, 2014

    Parker now plays the name calling victim card. There’s no crying in baseball! LOL! And the rest, all speculation and opinion.

  69. rock4tahoe says - Posted: August 22, 2014

    Doc. TTFN DA! LOL!

  70. rock4tahoe says - Posted: August 22, 2014

    Relo. Yep, it was G HW Bush that pardoned Cap. And again your opinions of the FED and history of the FED are lost to you alone.

  71. reloman says - Posted: August 22, 2014

    Rock, you may want to check you facts quick google search show Phillip D Winn was pardon by Clinton.
    Please dont get upset that you were off on this portion of your post.
    I surely did not insult you about your Fed, please dont insult me. if your belief is that an increase in interest rates will not effect stock market proformance or budget deficits, i would hesitate to change your world view(as if anyone could)

  72. rock4tahoe says - Posted: August 22, 2014

    Relo. Topic shift eh? Ok, so now you want to examine who has “pardoned” who? Want to start with Nixon? What a DA! LOL!

  73. reloman says - Posted: August 22, 2014

    i think it was you that shifted topics, why so upset? I just thoght it strange that someone who was pardoned in 94 could have been pardoned by Reagan. Big deal you made a small mistake say whoops and move on.

  74. rock4tahoe says - Posted: August 22, 2014

    Reagan appointed Winn in 1981, pleads guilty in 1993 or 1994, pardoned in 2000 or 2001. The point is he worked under the Reagan Executive Branch rigging low income housing and was involved with kickbacks or illegal gratuities with Pierce and Watt. When he was pardoned is the “whoops move on” to me because hundreds if not thousands have been pardoned; should they have been so pardoned is to broad a topic.

    In a “world view,” do you see a general pattern in the List?

  75. CJ McCoy says - Posted: August 22, 2014

    More reasons just this week to fire Reid and his democrat cohorts.

    First – more broken laws.

    The GAO has confirmed the Bergdahl exchange ( the terrorist deal that was the worst deal in history) was indeed illegal.

    Democrats and Harry Reid need to explain how they continue to turn their backs on Obama’s law breaking. How can Reid or anyone support Obama’s law breaking?

    World on the Brink of War.

    On top of that the democrats need to worry about Obama systematically undermining our military at a time – perhaps the most unstable time for the world since the end of WW2 – when Russia appears on the verge of invading Ukraine (which would not be happening except for Obama having canceled the missile defense system).

    Now ISIS is threatening America from abroad and from within and has reshaped the Middle east in a matter of a few months – i never see anything on these pages
    about that.

    Add to that Obama’s Open Boarder policy where it is know that ISIS is in communication with the Mexican drug lords .

    It is amazing that anyone could support Team Obama. Mind boggling.

    Americans use to be a compassionate peoples. Now that liberals run everything we seem to be turning our backs on that compassion. What a said stage of Human history we are entering.

    Good luck to the Ukraine – Russia appears ready to take it’s second chunk.

    The world ala – Obama Reid Pelosi. Not pretty, from here it gets worse.

  76. Dogula says - Posted: August 22, 2014

    And today Mr. Reid had to apologize for the racist jokes he made at an Asian Chamber of Commerce meeting in Las Vegas yesterday.
    Seriously, the man is senile. Way past time to go.

  77. cosa pescado says - Posted: August 22, 2014

    Your holier than thou attitude about facts is ironic, considering that you completely misused the data on deficit and GDP. The raw number of $3T is not very meaningful. This is really basic stuff. When you are talking about a number that fluctuates and want to use it comparatively you need to normalize it. Percentage of GDP is the way you do this.
    And when you look at deficit as percentage of GDP it isn’t that bad and doesn’t support your point. Which is exactly why you chose to use the raw number of $3T out of context. Typical conservative tactics. I’ve seen this exact mistake made numerous times here.

    ‘And today Mr. Reid had to apologize for the racist jokes he made at an Asian Chamber of Commerce meeting in Las Vegas yesterday.’
    You are a proud Islamophobe and make no jokes about your bigotry.
    ‘Get a clue little shrew, Jesus thinks you’re a jerk’

    ‘It is amazing that anyone could support Team Obama. Mind boggling. ‘
    Says the person who still supports the Iraq War and bought into the whole WMD BS. Do you make money on war in Iraq?
    “Obama’s Open Boarder policy”
    First, it is Border. Second, there is no open border policy. You made that up. Hyperbolic BS.
    “perhaps the most unstable time for the world since the end of WW2”
    More hyperbolic BS that you don’t back up with anything.

  78. Dogula says - Posted: August 22, 2014

    With everything that ISIS is doing right now, Fishface, I wouldn’t brag too much about loving islam if I were you.

    Do you have any friends?

  79. Parker says - Posted: August 22, 2014

    Poor Rock,

    Thinks using the actual facts is name calling and speculation?!

  80. rock4tahoe says - Posted: August 23, 2014

    Parker. Facts are: Stocks are up, unemployment is down, GDP is back up, GI’s aren’t getting killed in Iraq, GI casualties in Afghanistan are down to half of last years, new car/truck sales are up over last year, new housing starts are up, we still are the only Country to put men on the Moon, we put up the Hubble Telescope, we have the most nukes on the planet.

    But, keep staring into your crystal ball Parker.

  81. rock4tahoe says - Posted: August 23, 2014

    Oh how Dog quickly forget’s her good “Christians” Timothy and Terry. Cast that first stone there Dog before it burns your hand.

  82. Dogula says - Posted: August 23, 2014

    You’re not making any sense, Rock. What are you talking about?

  83. rock4tahoe says - Posted: August 23, 2014

    CJ’s off is meds and on his psychotic rants again. Let’s see what might get him “riled” up shall we? Ok. Who was it that looked into Putin’s big blue eyes and saw into his soul and then watched Putin invade Georgia… umm GW!

    Oh, and CJ (and Justice) is so so worried about the poor Shiite Iraqis fighting the ISIS Sunni fighting the Sunni Kurds, that he didn’t mention anything about the Tens or Hundreds of Thousands of Iraqi civilians killed by Operation Iraqi Freedom.

    Oh, but CJ does not believe in existence prior to January 2009 for some reason.

    CJ… Nurse Ratched is calling you now…

  84. rock4tahoe says - Posted: August 23, 2014

    Cosa. What Parker and the rest of the Republican Upside Down Egomaniacs want to really forget is the fact that the last Republican to actually have a balanced budget was Ike; Reagan tripled the debt, GHW Bush doubled it again and GW Bush doubled it again. Then, what really get’s their panties in a knot is the fact that Johnson and Clinton were the last two Presidents to actually have a balanced budget.

  85. Old Long Skiis says - Posted: August 23, 2014

    rock4tahoe, Good list of republican criminals! I hadn’t heard of some of those names in a long time. Thanks for reminding me. OLS

  86. Parker says - Posted: August 23, 2014

    And Rock,

    Keep ignoring the facts and failing to read what I say! For the record, I have criticized Republicans on this blog and am not a blind partisan such as you.

    As I said, if you would read, the economy is anemically growing. That’s per the Obama appointee to run the Fed, Janet Yellen.

    But your name calling, making things up, and putting words in mouths of yours truly and others because you’re on your partisan high source, makes you blind to the big picture.

    For instance it makes you turn a blind eye to the fact that the average household’s income is not increasing, I guess because you’re excited the wealthy are able to purchase all kinds of new toys with their new found stock wealth.

    And no one can predict the future, Never! claimed I could?! What meds you’re on to give you such ideas is beyond me? But many see dangers in the Fed’s policies! Hopefully?!, nothing happens. But it would be best for the Fed to go back to normal policies,?ASAP!

    Disagree? Fine! But try to disagree without getting into your partisan froth.

    And you want to criticize me for something? Fact based! I was wrong. The $3T Fed balance sheet is actually now up to $4.3T! Sorry, I was not aware it had grown that much! $4.3T, that’s Trillion!

    The kicking of that can down the road truly needs to cease ASAP!!

  87. rock4tahoe says - Posted: August 23, 2014

    Hey Parker, imitating my lines is so flattering; thanks.

    I have been hearing your doom and gloom “talking points” since let’s see, Bill Clinton won in ’92 and when Barack Obama won in ’08. Interesting there is not the same vocal opposition to spending when Republicans are in the White House and run up much larger tabs.

    I told you exactly what we could do to help eliminate the income in-equality, but answers aren’t how you operate, you just like liberal scape goats; To bad.

    Well, at least Dick Cheney agrees with you that “deficits don’t matter” right. LOL!

  88. Parker says - Posted: August 23, 2014

    You’ve been hearing my doom since ’92? This blog has only been around 4 or 5 years?! You just proved you’re in your own reality plain!! You have no idea what I was saying in ’92! You have no idea what I think of Dick Cheney!

    How can one have an intelligent discussion with someone who makes things up?!

    And if you would read what I have said, again if you read what I state?!?!, I have criticized Republican spending!! (As I stated previously, I don’t drink the partisan Kool-Aid like you do!). And I have posted answers!

    You don’t read, you recall comments from ’92 when this blog didn’t even exist?! (For at least another 17yrs!!). My bad for even trying to debate with someone who’s clearly in their own

  89. rock4tahoe says - Posted: August 24, 2014

    Yes Parker. Your doom and gloom is no different from the doom and gloom of the 90’s (just a different mouth piece) and it is circular in reference. Newt Gingrich?! LMAO! TTFN.

  90. Parker says - Posted: August 24, 2014


    You don’t read and you don’t know the past and you don’t know your facts! The only thing you’re good at it, pretty good at, is trying to change the subject when you’re proven wrong!!

    Again, you have no idea, about ’92! None! So if you can’t admit you’re wrong, very sad, and I’ll feel bad for you!

    But this $4.3T Fed Balance Sheet is something serious hanging over our head! Hopefully the Fed stops increasing it, and can unwind out of it, without causing serious economic damage?

    But cause there’s still serious economic issues the Dems. majority in the Senate is in trouble! And looking forward to seeing that blog post of mine from 1992? Sad and weird!!

  91. cosa pescado says - Posted: August 24, 2014

    Parker why don’t you use the proper number. Which is normalized by GDP.

  92. CJ McCoy says - Posted: August 24, 2014


    Good point regarding the Fed balance sheet, to put some perspective on that and substantiate your point of how significant it is I found this info.

    According to the world bank the value of all the companies listed on the US stock exchanges is $21 trillion dollars. (you need to do some math to get here as the numbers are based on 2012 valuations)

    That makes the $4.3 trillion of the Feds Monopoly Money approximately 20% of the entire value off all American companies combine…. in just 5 years. THe ramifications have been extremely damaging to America’s banking system and will continue to be substantial , far beyond anyones ability to predict.

    Did stock values go up or did America’s value go down?

    Post Constitutional America today is Of the Corporation, By the Corporation and For the Corporation.

  93. Reloman says - Posted: August 24, 2014

    Just read that many believe that the Fed will be increasing interest rates starting next summer and over a 30 month period increase it to a normalized rate and that it will go up 3%. So with rates going up that much, this will increase the deficit by 500 billion. Either we cut spending, close loopholes and raise rates we will be in a whole world of hurt.

  94. rock4tahoe says - Posted: August 24, 2014

    Parker… the mouse that whines and proves nothing but that hot air rises, how cute. DA.

  95. Parker says - Posted: August 24, 2014

    If I understand your comment correctly Cosa, normalized GDP is the metric, or at least a metric, the Fed uses in judging our economy?

    Due to the heavy Winter, the 1st Qtr., any measure of GDP actually went down. No one actually thought we were in a recession again, just a blip due to weather factors. 2nd Qtr., surprisingly strong, but not really when considering it’s a bounce-back from the 1st Qtr.

    The Fed, when looking at the whole picture, that I believe includes normalized GDP (taking into account inflation and population) in its data, still thinks the economy is weak. And thus still thinks we need to be pumping money into our economy.

    For reasons previously stated, I happen to think that’s the wrong plan. But thanks for a technical question. And good for you for you Cosa for previously calling me out, and throwing back at me statements I actually made on this blog! Rather than commenting on things I never said, cause you actually read what I say, or making up stuff from when long before this blog actually existed!

  96. Leon Foonman M.D. says - Posted: September 2, 2014

    GOP Trolls suck