Plastic bag ban headed for approval in Calif.


By Jessica Calefati, San Jose Mercury News

SACRAMENTO — A bill that would ban single-use plastic grocery bags statewide — something California lawmakers have tried and failed to do more than a dozen times before — won approval from the state Assembly on Thursday after failing on the floor earlier this week.

The bill — which would make California the first state in the nation to ban the flimsy bags — still needs Senate approval, but is widely expected to pass in that chamber.

Touted by environmentalists as a way to reduce a pesky form of litter that pollutes the Pacific Ocean, the proposal has faced intense opposition from plastic and paper bag manufacturers who have been working hard to kill the bill.

Earlier this year, debate on the measure centered on jobs and the environment, but in recent days, criticism of the proposal became all about the 10-cent fee stores must charge for paper and thicker plastic bags under the bill.

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Comments (8)
  1. Julie Threewit says - Posted: August 29, 2014

    SLT City Council … are you listening?!

  2. go figure says - Posted: August 29, 2014

    Julie, they dont listen much. Instead of leading the trend they will try to stay behind the curve on anything remotely forward thinking. California is one of the only states with enough cajones to make this a reality. It would be great to be the leaders in this issue. Of course the young earth believers are frothing at the mouth.

  3. Reloman says - Posted: August 29, 2014

    Sounds like the council was right on in not going thru with the second half of the ban as the state ban is pretty much the same as what is currently in force in the city. Quote from story “WHAT THE BILL WOULD DO

    Starting July 1, 2015, grocery stores and pharmacies would be barred from making single-use plastic bags available to customers. And by the following July, convenience stores and liquor stores would be subject to the new rules, too”

  4. Garry Bowen says - Posted: August 29, 2014

    Unfortunately, I have to agree with ‘go figure’, as waiting to have the entire state exercise a ban before “doing anything” doesn’t of course qualify as ‘leadership’, but as ‘followship’, which has kept SLT in its’ catch-up position that’s more about Sisyphus all-the-time. . .

    “Nothing ventured, nothing gained” takes on new meaning in such an environment. . .

    In this case, the plastic bag-ban is not the point – it is the issue of leadership, which is still in short-supply. . .

  5. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: August 29, 2014

    JoAnn Conner, Tom Davis and Hal Cole are responsible for SLT being behind the curve once again and for quashing the second phase of the City’s Ordinance that was supposed to take effect October 15, 2014. JoAnn Conner tells stories at the Council’s meetings regarding single use plastic carryout bags that have got to be the most ridiculous tales I’ve ever heard and remind me of something a 10-year old would make up while simultaneously guaranteeing a headache to anyone listening to her drivel; Tom Davis as always is beholding to his cronies and says “wait for the state to do something”; and Hal Cole just blew it off for the next incoming City Council in January.

    Ladies and gentlemen: your City Council members in action.

    Unfortunately, only Tom Davis is up for election this November.

  6. tahoe Pizza Eater says - Posted: August 29, 2014

    The reason Tom Davis doesn’t approve of the plastic bag ban for South Lake Tahoe is that he doesn’t see this as a problem here. I agree with him. I rarely see plastic bags littering streets. But when I do, I pick them up, and problem is solved. We have citizens that are protecting the beauty of our lake and parks. If I’m not there to pick up a plastic bag, someone else is. This is why I don’t see the bags as a problem here.
    Tom Davis was against the paid parking program while the other council members were in favor. Tom Davis was listening to the citizens against paid parking. He should be rewarded with his re-election to city council next November. The paid parking was a more serious matter. Paid parking was effecting people’s property values and business operations. Tom Davis was the one city council member that stood up for the citizens.

  7. Toxic Warrior says - Posted: August 30, 2014

    Pizza Eater
    – I’m one of those you refer to as “If I’m not there to pick it up, someone else does”. Well I have to say with all the hiking I do around the lake I’m disgusted with what I have to pack out every time. I now always check to make sure my day pack has adequate bags for cleanup each day before I leave. It’s not how I wish to spend time on a hike.
    There are more people who are PIGS than those of us to clean up after them.
    Moving on to a bigger picture – this isn’t just about Lake Tahoe, it’s about all our other lakes, streams and ocean shorelines. Plastic bags and wrappers are littered everywhere and endanger wildlife and aquatic species. (not to mention the aesthetic value mess)
    I just spent a week at Fort Bragg coast on vacation and plenty of time every day cleaning up others discarded plastic bags and wrappers.
    Something needs to be done …….. banning plastic bags is a great start !
    I like the idea of Tahoe residents leading the way towards true stewardship of our surroundings !

  8. rock4tahoe says - Posted: September 4, 2014

    Pizza. Because people are picking up the plastic bags we don’t need the ban?! It is simply a matter of having enough volunteers going out and picking up after people… for perpetuity? Really? Your logic is seriously flawed.