Climate change could affect your breakfast


By Lori Popkewitz Alper, Huffington Post

The impacts of climate change can be felt throughout the world. We’re witnessing firsthand hotter summers, extreme weather, droughts and severe wildfires, making the climate crisis something that’s impossible to ignore. Over the past century, the earth’s average temperature has risen by 1.4 degrees and is projected to rise another 2 degrees to 11.5 degrees over the next hundred years. Although those numbers may seem relatively small at first glance, changes in temperature can impact our lives in a big way.

Take for example breakfast, the meal many consider the most important meal of the day. Breakfast could be hit hard by climate change. Our traditional breakfast foods could look very different in years to come if we don’t fight hard to protect our planet.

It’s no surprise that over 54 percent of Americans over the age of 18 drink coffee everyday. A freshly brewed morning cup o’ joe is a daily ritual for many, and a simple way to kick start the day. We’re now even being told that a morning cup of coffee is healthy. That cup of coffee could look very different in a few years if climate change continues on its current path.

Coffee growing regions around the world are temperature dependent and any slight change in average temperature can easily threaten the quality of the coffee we’re drinking, as well as the amount produced.

One of the largest problems coffee crops are facing is a fungus known as coffee rust. Coffee rust infects the coffee tree leaves and essentially make it impossible for the coffee plants to survive. The disease is rapidly wiping out crops and causing financial hardships for the coffee growers.

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Comments (11)
  1. Tahoebluewire says - Posted: September 10, 2014

    This article is crap. And so is the global warming theory. Clearly not enough data to support the claims being made. And yes, I am a liberal and pro environment.

  2. legal beagle says - Posted: September 11, 2014

    Why do I, just about always, have to put on waterproof boots after reading articles in the Puffington Post?
    And do I always have to remind the readers Lake Tahoe was under thousands of feet of ice only 10,000 years ago. Thank goodness for global warming or none of you good folks would be living in our gorgeous area.

  3. Kevin Murphy says - Posted: September 11, 2014

    When you start your day with foxNfriends and proceed to hate radio you are in a toilet bowl swirl to stupid, that’s why

  4. Dogula says - Posted: September 11, 2014

    Why do the lefties always accuse people who disagree with their points of view of being hateful? “hate radio”? Really, Dude? Nobody ever mentioned anything about Fox or radio. ‘Cept you. There’s absolutely no proof of anthropogenic global warming. When we were kids they swore the ice age was coming. Then it was warming. Now they know we’re tired of them crying wolf, and they changed it to ‘climate change’. The climate changes. Always has. Always will. There is no proof that more government regulation and taxation will have any bearing on the climate. None.
    And there is nothing hateful in that opinion.

  5. legal beagle says - Posted: September 11, 2014

    Hey Kev,
    Refute the fact I presented and don’t drool spittle all over yourself casting aspersions.

  6. Kevin Murphy says - Posted: September 11, 2014

    Dogula and beagle, How old do you believe the planet earth is? Only the really willfully ignorant knuckledraggers are still in denial about our fossil fuel consumption

  7. rock4tahoe says - Posted: September 11, 2014

    Legal. Read the article, it is about loss of fertile coffee growing regions due to warming temperatures that is causing coffee rust fungus.

    Actual Scientists are studying ice core samples that date back hundreds of thousands of years and have concluded that an “event” occurred in the Southern Oceans that caused a release of CO2 that started the thaw of the last ice age. That “event” caused global CO2 levels to grow from 180ppm to 260ppm. Currently, we have seen CO2 levels reach 400ppm globally, hence the Scientific consensus that Global Warming is with us now.

  8. legal beagle says - Posted: September 11, 2014

    Oh please. Kev, no one is in denial regarding hydrocarbon use.
    80,000,000 or so barrels a day plus methane and coal.
    And again, refute 1000’s of feet of ice over Tahoe just 10,000 years ago.
    You have faith in AGW but I don’t respect your AGW religion.
    Rockford, the purpose to the article is to persuade the masses they are at fault for increasing average global temperature. But wait a second, the earth’s temp hasn’t increased for 16 years and the Arctic is full of ice, no thanks to Al Gore.
    I am waiting for the next AGW slogan. Such as “beat the heat, no meat” or “freeze today so you don’t fry tomorrow.”
    Your religious leaders even had to change labels from AGW to “climate change” to try and appear less wacko.
    Another bulletin: Large trees found at the bottom of Fallen Leaf Lake. How did the lake dry up without all those nasty hydrocarbons affecting the weather?

  9. cosa pescado says - Posted: September 11, 2014

    ‘And again, refute 1000′s of feet of ice over Tahoe just 10,000 years ago.’
    How does that refute anthropogenic climate change?

    ‘Your religious leaders even had to change labels from AGW to “climate change” to try and appear less wacko’
    That doesn’t change the credibility of the concept at all. Climate change is more accurate.

    Just curious… what is your definition of climate (use a number and a unit of time)?

    ‘The climate changes. Always has. Always will.’
    That’s the laziest argument in the book.

    ‘There’s absolutely no proof of anthropogenic global warming.’
    In your fantasy world that is a few thousand years old that is true. Question: How are there 100,000 layers in an ice core, if the earth is not that old? Hmmmmmm. See what happens when your academic foundation is built on bullplop?

  10. legal beagle says - Posted: September 11, 2014

    I’ll bite fish.
    Climate is defined as the prevailing or average weather conditions of a place, as determined by
    the temperature and meteorological changes over a period of years.
    So the climate has never changed is that your position from the couch?
    I will repeat for your edification: the world’s average temp has not changed for 16 years. The little ice age was upon us only a few hundred years ago and it warmed up w/o any help from Standard Oil.
    Wake up and smell the hot coffee.
    One last thought.
    You ask how does 1000’s of feet of ice refute AGW.
    Well simple me. Your right, all the 1000’s of feet of ice melted in the last 30 years since the global cooling scare and the beginning of the global warming scare.
    At least you allude to my academic foundation which I can’t say the same for you.

  11. cosa pescado says - Posted: September 11, 2014

    ‘I will repeat for your edification: the world’s average temp has not changed for 16 years.’

    So you don’t really understand climate.
    Now we know.

    ‘You ask how does 1000′s of feet of ice refute AGW.’
    ‘Well simple me. Your right, all the 1000′s of feet of ice melted in the last 30 years since the global cooling scare and the beginning of the global warming scare.’
    * you’re
    The mechanism that enabled that ice is not the same mechanism that you are questioning. We understand the last ice age very well, what is happening now is very different.

    So try again. Define climate, use a number and a unit of time.