Calif. creates website with city, county data
California on Monday opened a website listing more than 13 million fields of financial data for cities and counties as part of his ongoing efforts to promote transparency in government.
The site makes it easier for taxpayers to track revenues, expenditures, liabilities, assets, fund balances and even basic statistics about each city and county.
The site’s financial information covers an 11-year period through 2012-13. Depending on public interest, data for preceding decades will be incorporated into future upgrades to the website. The website will be updated annually with new information received from local governments.
Later this fall, the Controllers Office will introduce major upgrades to the website that will not only include additional tools and features based on user feedback over the coming months, but will also provide data for each of California’s approximately 130 pension systems. The pension data will include: assets and liabilities; additions to plan assets, such as employer and employee contributions; deductions to plan assets, such as benefit payments and administrative expenses; statistics on the number of active, inactive and retired members; net return on investments and actuarial funding.
In addition to the ByTheNumbers website, there is this website that includes pay information for public employees.
Kae, Great information.
“will also provide data for each of California’s approximately 130 pension systems.”
I doubt we can handle the truth.