Cement truck overturns on Hwy. 89
A rig carrying cement missed a turn on Highway 89 and rolled over Tuesday morning.
The driver sustained minor injuries. A colleague took him to Barton Memorial Hospital.
California Highway Patrol Officer Wayne Tillman said alcohol was not an factor in the Sept. 9 accident that happened after 9am.
“He didn’t make the turn,” Tillman told Lake Tahoe News. “Technically the speed limit is 55 mph, but that doesn’t mean it is safe for conditions.”
Tillman said with the 9 yards of concrete, it would make for a heavy load for the driver, plus the truck is much higher than a normal passenger vehicle. Multiple tow trucks were on the scene.
The accident occurred just north of Baldwin Beach. The truck was headed south, crossed into oncoming traffic and was resting on its side on the east side of the highway.
— Lake Tahoe News staff report
I am so happy to hear the driver was OK !
Saw it right after and was stopped for an hour on the way back for pulling it out.
Happy Story – no one hurt
its a challenge to even go 55 through that section without a sports car, Im always wonderin’ wtf they were thinkin
Maybe Nancy Kerry will make a public ousting of the concrete plant again from this incident. Im sure the city could have prevented this. On a serious note very happy to know that everyone was ok this could have truly been a tragedy
I, too, am glad there were not serious injuries but I was a little surprised to hear the CHP say that alcohol was not involved and the driver “missed” the turn as though this is somehow okay. Professional drivers aren’t supposed to “miss a turn” especially on a heavily used road adjacent to a bike path. The consequences of this “miss” could have easily been catastrophic. Don’t these vehicles have recorders in them that show the driver’s speed at the time of the crash? Was he using his cell hone at the time? It seems like this should be investigated a bit more and if the driver was being careless, there should be sanctions. Imagine wiping out a family in an oncoming passenger car or hitting cyclists on the adjacent bike path. Maybe the driver swerved for a good reason but the above should be properly investigated.
I also am glad no-one was hurt, but apparently this truck was driving too fast. Some truck drivers think they own the road, and mountain roads can be challenging – they all need to slow down!
Why do you people always have to say something negative?! None of you know what happened to cause this accident.. Lock yourselves in a padded , secure room if your always so afraid of real life! And why do you have to always find someone to blame?.. Grow up!