Calif. limits sales of Confederate flag
By Dan Brekke, KQED-TV
Gov. Jerry Brown has signed a bill that bars state agencies from selling or displaying the Confederate battle flag or any other items that bear the Civil War-era insignia.
The governor signed the bill, AB2444, by Assemblyman Isadore Hall, D-Compton, without comment.
Hall reportedly was inspired to propose the measure after his mother saw replica Confederate currency for sale at a state Capitol gift shop.
Hall’s bill passed easily in the Assembly and Senate. Assemblyman Tim Donnelly, R-Twin Peaks, a tea party conservative, cast the only “no” vote in the lower house, saying the proposal would violate the First Amendment guarantee of free speech.
This is what our representatives have been doing ?
Against what it stands for, but what about free speech and a reminder of our history. Really, aren’t there much more pressing issues! OUR representatives have too much expensive time on their hands.
This is what Moonbeam and the liberals spend their time doing, useless wastes of time and money under the guise of they “did something” for some reason to keep fighting the Civil War I guess. Like the Confederate flag items are really an issue anywhere. Why not target something that is important like gangs and crime and welfare fraud and immigration fraud and laws being ignored. What is THE issue is what they would really like to do to this state and country if they could under their perversion of political correctness. Vote all liberals out!
I agree that our politicos have much more pressing issues they should be attending to, but let us remember that while you cannot legislate what people think or believe, you can legislate what people do. The Confederate flag represents a ‘country’ that promoted slavery and racism, and declared war on those who did not agree. At present, according to the Southern Poverty Law Association has been appropriated by hundreds of ‘hate groups’, including the KKK. So go ahead, ‘freedom lovers’, cherish your right to think racism and slavery are cool. Just don’t fly your colors in order to incite violence.
Hmmmm is right.
Free speech is still alive and well. Read please before you all go off spouting drivel.
This bill very simply says that the California state government or its agencies cannot/should not sell flags or other items that celebrate a very bad and ugly time in our history, one which we cannot seem to get rid of and one that is insulting to a significant portion of our population.
The bill does not stop anyone else from selling buying or displaying the confederate symbol.
It totally figures that a tea party rep is the ONLY one not to see this and vote NO. He probably has a confederate flag on his car.
I can’t decide if my favorite bill this year is this one about Confederate flags which are a non-issue here to the one allowing dogs under and at and maybe seated with a napkin under their collars at the table outside restaurants like in Europe or the one requiring a written contract in advance of any college tryst with terms and agreements for college kids relating to sexual consent and expecting colleges to enforce it and therefore be liable for it. This is the best of liberalism on parade. Meanwhile the important issues like state crime increases, open borders ignored for more huge increases in crime and drug cartel violence, domestic terrorists murdering people and then being covered up by the media in several cases and add the increasing gangs and tens of thousands of newly released felons everywhere with no jobs causing crime waves and a ten fold increase in murders. You would think these really serious issues would require some immediate attention instead of being ignored.
Just for poops and giggles, look up the link between Teaparty values and Confederate values. Not that it should surprise ANYONE.
It’s about time. The Confederate Flag is an insult to Millions of Americans in the same way ni&&er, wop, chink, raghead, spic, hymie and redskin are insulting. Figures that a Tea Party Assemblyman was the ONLY no vote on the bill… somebody tell Donnelly that slavery is over.
Gee justice, sour grapes to you. Maybe you should run for office…
I have many friends and family from the South. That flag has more meaning than just slavery. We cannot erase our history. In fact, I have a confederate flag hanging in my loft.
TBlue. My Grandmother was born in the South and “hated” the Confederate Flag and everything it had come to symbolize.