Letter: Reward for arrest in stolen sign caper
To the community,
In the past two weeks I have had 10 campaigns stolen from various locations around town. The latest was last (Sunday) between 6 and 11:30pm.
Some were located on individuals front yards and six of the 10 off of locations on Highway 50. At some of these locations, there were signs from other candidates that were not disturbed.
Four on Highway 50 were large signs (3 feet by 3 feet) and were zip tied to metal stakes. It took considerable effort to cut these signs off and whomever did it was very bold to be doing such right on the main thoroughfare in town. I believe this is a targeted effort.
I have filed police reports.
I am providing a $500 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of whomever did this. Any reports can come to me or the police department.
Thank you,
Austin Sass, South Lake Tahoe City Council candidate
Hopefully some day all of these unsightly political signs, that accomplish nothing besides creating visual pollution, ugly blight, unwanted litter, and unproductive expense, will be prohibited altogether.
Stealing/removing these signs is a really C.S. thing to do. Doesn’t speak well of some of our community members. I do so hope they catch whoever has/is doing this and publish their name so everyone knows their identity. I’d also like to know who they support.
Spouse – 4-mer-usmc