Opinion: Daly leaves wake of destruction


By Larry Weitzman

Terri Daly, the El Dorado County’s chief administrator officer, spent the last week cleaning out her desk and office of everything personal. But it remains unknown whether any county property or more important, any county records went with her. It is also unknown the reason for her sudden departure.

At the Nov. 4 Board of Supervisors meeting she resigned.

Kathryn Reed, publisher of Lake Tahoe News, reported first on this story on Saturday after a Friday email from others and me about Daly cleaning out her office. She called District V Supervisor Norma Santiago to ask what Daly’s actions mean.

Larry Weitzman

Larry Weitzman

Santiago replied, “I’m not going to tell you. I’ll call you later. Bye.” Remarks like that made it sound very foreboding for Daly.

Daly in four years has ruined this county. She acted like the EDC budget was hers to do with as she pleased. She hired her friends, giving them big salaries. Many of them were incompetent or were other county rejects. She gave everyone huge raises and god help anyone who crossed her or Kim Kerr. One point that must always be remembered, Daly has served at the pleasure of the Board of Supervisors. They are ultimately responsible.

A recent restudy of the budget projections from an earlier column may indicate that the cash shortfall over the next five years will not be $103 million, but could rise to a five-year total of $125 million (more on that in my next column). Hey, that $20 million albatross of a lease Daly stuck Amador County with over the next 13 years is going to look like small potatoes to EDC.

Randy Rafoth suffered under the Daly regime when he questioned Daly’s use of the Risk Management budget for her purposes. Because he was about three months from ending his probationary period as director of Risk Management, he was let go by Kerr. He didn’t know Daly and Kerr were absolute rulers.

Then there is the recent firing of the director of Child Support Services, Laura Roth. Roth at the time of her unwarranted firing was ranked No. 2 or 3 in the state on a 58 countywide basis in total collections. She was certainly doing a good job, but that didn’t matter to Daly when you cross her.

Another victim of the wrath of crossing Daly and/or Kerr was head of probation, Greg Sly. Sly complained that Kerr shouldn’t have sent an email to county managers that said you should keep a tube of KY Jelly and explain to complaining employees that it will ease their pain. Sly was eventually let go for complaining that the email sent by Kerr was harassment. There was an “investigation,” but it was investigated by two of Daly’s cronies, both hired out of Amador County; just like Kerr.

The investigator on Sly’s complaint was Karen Kramer, an employment law attorney, who was hired as an outside consultant by Daly. And yes, Kramer was a former Amador County contractor. During her investigation Kramer told employees that all statements taken would be confidential except for the Acting HR Director Karl Knobelauch, also a Daly hire from Amador County. But employees were afraid as they knew anything said against Kerr would go straight to Daly. The investigation was whitewashed by Daly’s friend, Knobelauch, and Sly was soon forced to retire. Nothing happened to Kerr. Sly’s “firing” isn’t over and may cost the county millions of dollars in the near future.

Daly also let outside consulting contracts with Martha Shaver, a former Amador County employee.

But wait; there are more Friends of Daly. Daly hired Kerr as she was about to get fired as the Ione city manager. When Kerr was the Ione city manager she spent time at the Amador County offices of Daly. According to employees of Amador County, they would see Kerr there often. Although Daly denies it, Daly had to know of Kerr’s indiscretions while the Ione city manager.

Daly hired her and gave her a raise.

Daly also wanted to hire Robyn Drivon as county counsel. I don’t know Ms. Drivon, but she was about to be let go by Yolo County as their county counsel. Was that the best choice? It was for Daly. Drivon was hired in at the top of the pay scale.

Daly also hired Pam Knorr, now head of HR as well as the interim CAO. Daly gave her a big raise and also had the BOS raise the top salary for HR director from about $130,000 to $160,000. Knorr left her prior position as CAO of Alpine County (population 1,100) under questionable circumstances.

Daly also recommended analyst Kelly Webb as the new IT director with a $140,000 paycheck, a raise of about $30,000. Webb’s short lived performance was so poor she was quickly demoted by the BOS back to her original position quite recently.

In other words, Daly’s departure will be good riddance. She hired many unqualified people, paid them outlandish salaries, hired consultant after consultant, fired many qualified employees, hired hundreds of unnecessary new employees and caused EDC to be facing a five-year deficit totaling as much as $125 million. Unfortunately, even though the door will close behind her, Daly’s actions will cost the county perhaps millions of dollars in the future, notwithstanding the huge deficit. It’s been a great four-plus years.

Larry Weitzman is a resident of Rescue.


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Comments (12)
  1. Irish Wahini says - Posted: November 5, 2014

    How did Daly get away with such flagrant mis-management for so long? As you said, she served at the pleasure of the County Board of Supervisors. Were these Supervisors all asleep at the wheel? There needs to be some accountability there as well! Glad the nut is out…., and hope there is more transparency.

  2. gigguy says - Posted: November 5, 2014

    Thanks Larry for the facts & figures of how badly one dept. head can screw-up a county. We knew we were in trouble when the BOS had to spend 1/3 million dollars to tell them what they already knew. It was cover-your-as- money to be sure. Now we know it’ll take years to clean-up this mess. Congratulations on your tenure as Chair, Norma. Way to Go!

  3. Daly News says - Posted: November 5, 2014

    Does this woman have a conscience? Or her hired friends? Wake up California! This is very frightening! Try a new hiring system….

  4. Justice says - Posted: November 5, 2014

    This has to be criminal level of corruption and time for the DA to get busy!

  5. Steve says - Posted: November 5, 2014

    Time to cut the Board of Supervisors’ salaries back to where they were before they granted themselves that huge raise a couple years ago. Their performance was better then, at the lower salaries.

  6. Alex Campbell says - Posted: November 5, 2014

    No comment !! Larry Weitzman said it all.

  7. ElDoCo Worker Bee says - Posted: November 5, 2014

    Try working for this County… Good people jumping ship left and right because of the toxic environment this administration has created.

  8. fireman says - Posted: November 5, 2014

    So now Pamela Knorr is running the show. From what I understand she did the same thing to Alpine County as Daly has done to El Dorado. I think some good investigation into the new CAO should be done and brought to light. I posted the link on another story that showed the Undersheriff of Alpine County in a law suit with Pamela Knorr. I think the people who can get to the bottom of this could really help out the residents and not let this ship continue with just a different leader running the same agenda.

  9. Fly on the Wall says - Posted: November 5, 2014

    Kudos to Weitzman for his investigative journalism. EDC would make a great reality show where fact is stranger than fiction, better than any scriptwriter could ever dream up with this cast of dysfunctional clowns.

  10. Helen Wilson says - Posted: November 6, 2014

    Kim Kerr resigned from the city of Ione, ahead of the results of the Grand Jury report that condemned her and the City Council that went along with everything she said. She wasn’t held to account because she said she didn’t do anything without the council’s approval. So true! She systematically got rid of people on staff and replaced them with her people from Eureka, where she came from. Her cronyism gave Ione a Police Chief and Sargent, from Eureka, and an inflated company to head out the sewer and water. She tried to fight off the State Water Board with bogus results from consultants that cost the City of Ione millions of dollars. Good riddance for you and all!

  11. Amanda B. Reckonedwith says - Posted: November 7, 2014

    “Fireman” (above) is absolutely correct. Pamela Knorr did do the same thing in Alpine as Daly did in El Dorado. Some of her unqualified cronies – fired from other counties – are still there raking in their six figure county incomes until Knorr or another crony friend can recruit them to another county. It’s a game these people are playing. Step 1: Convince the BOS (usually made up of “good old boys” from the county) into hiring you for a county position. Step 2: Eliminate anyone that makes waves or makes you look bad and replace them with your buddies. Step 3: “Milk” that six figure income until a larger one becomes available. Step 4: MAKE SURE you leave under confidential (questionable) terms. This eliminates the “paper trail” that could haunt you later, plus it gives you the threat of lawsuit as a backup IF something happens to be leaked. Step 5: Call your friend in another county and start all over again, usually with a pay increase.

    They’ve got this cronyism dialed in, don’t they?!

  12. Kevin Murphy says - Posted: November 7, 2014

    Who elects the people in ElDo County that hire these miscreants and also support the rapacious developers?…. the answer is willfully ignorant Teabagger loons.
    You get the gov’t you deserve.