Letter: Meyers needs democratic process


To the community,

The following issues and concerns were recently presented to the El Dorado County Board of Supervisors regarding the Meyers Area Plan process, and they are reframed here for your readers.

I would like to say a few words to the Board of Supervisors members about the lack of process concerning the Meyers Area Plan. The facts are that the Meyers community was not always given published notice for Meyers Community Advisory Council (MCAC) meetings that involved the planning for Meyers community, and the MCAC took no notes and have no minutes from their meetings. This shows distrust for the process that you are now going to be voting on.

The idea that government and their advisory groups did not follow California’s open meeting laws (Brown Act) in the set-up of the MCAC clouds the validity of any proposed Meyers plan that the MCAC and all the agencies have agreed. The fact that the public was not formally involved leads people to believe that the interest of the community is not being listened too. Questions have been asked if outside special interest are more important than the desire of the Meyers community. The people of Meyers want to be informed and to be involved with the planning process.

In the meetings that were held by the El Dorado County and TRPA last spring, the community gathered and voted on heights of 35 feet, removal of the Catalyst Program (renamed Incentive Program), and less of an increase in density than the TRPA’s 2012 Regional Plan update placed on Meyers. Now it appears the agency personnel have gone back on their word. The question is who do you represent, the people that vote you into office or corporations and special interests that stand to make millions off the decision you make?

What has happened to the local democratic process? We have on many occasions asked for an unbiased survey so that the entire community can be informed and involved. We want the agencies to have a process with clarity, and without double speak or inundation by acronyms. Do you all know what RPU, ERUs, CFA, CUP, and so many more mean? This is planner speak and is not intended for the public to try to decipher. We want clear language when it comes to policies that impact our lives.

Most of the people that I talk to enjoy the rural life that Meyers offers and want to see appropriate growth.

Transparency goes without saying. Government should pride itself on its ability to be open and honest with the public. After two years of poor public process, there is a cloud of distrust with government and the agencies that governs us about the future of the Meyers community.

In short I would like to see you:

1. Scrap the Meyers Draft Plan until a Brown Act board has been selected that represents the community, then begin a transparent public process to update our community plan.

2. Wait for our new district supervisor to take office.

3. Have a validated survey on the issues that divide us, taken from the Meyers area community using an unbiased and honest survey.

Joe Cardinale, Meyers


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This article was written by admin


Comments (10)
  1. Irish Wahini says - Posted: November 8, 2014

    Very good letter with a suggested plan of action. I would also send a copy to Kamala Harris, Attorney General, and invite her to intervene. I salute the citizens of Meyers for having the resolve to keep their community from being desimated by agencies like the old Board of Stupidvisors. I think an investigation by the Attorney General into the violations of the Brown Act are called for here. I also think some movie-maker entrepreneur should start scripting the movie about the wonderful Town and people of Meyers who develop high-achievers & Olympians – not high density and sky-scrapers!

  2. Old Long Skiis says - Posted: November 8, 2014

    Joe Cardinale, Good letter about the Meyers plan! I’m glad to see the people of Meyers as well as some of the folks in the city of SLT that are speaking out!
    Be vigilant, be strong, be aware, be vocal and be active on this issue! Thank you, OLS

  3. Slapshot says - Posted: November 8, 2014

    Not sure a survey would help as I am sure those people who didn’t agree with the results would say the survey is bad. That would further fuel the issue adding a new dimension, a perceived biased survey. This issue has become emotional and many times people don’t let facts get in the way of their emotions.

  4. Atomic says - Posted: November 8, 2014

    Erect timber framed light poles along the bike paths on either side of the roadway. Hang Meyers banners from the light poles. Meyers is now instantly better and looks like a thoughtful place to stop. Any questions?

    Just do something within our lifetimes…..

  5. Michael B. Clark says - Posted: November 8, 2014

    Thank you for your thoughtful letter. It is apparent that the idea of democratic process is becoming scarce. There is more that has happened in Meyers that is also significant to the democratic process and the “Meyers Plan”. The Tahoe Paradise Resort Improvement District (TPRID, or “the Park”), has enjoyed elected (or nominated) board members for at least the last thirty-five years. However, for some reason, the last two members of the board were appointed by the County without any democratic process whatsoever. Since that time, the board has been in disarray. Perhaps this is not accidental. While it is imperative that the TPRID Board come to terms with the dysfunction and again become a valued part of the recreation community, it is very odd that the only official body in Meyers would be so disrupted by El Dorado County involvement at this particular time.

    It was apparent at the El Dorado County BOS meeting at the airport recently that many of the Supervisors were unaware of the TPRID and it’s status. Ron “Mik” Mikulaco, indicated that he thought that the Board should operate as it’s own entity. He said, “Why would we (the El Dorado County BOS) be involved in the TPRID Board?” Why, indeed?

  6. Louis says - Posted: November 8, 2014

    Well written letter. I personally agree. I also think its pointless, I don’t think the people of Meyers get it, there is an entity, or a group of people determined to have their way. They have filled the government with other “progressive” mindset people, who know better than the poor stupid locals because they are better educated and smarter and they “know” better what is best us poor stupid locals. After all they are the educated elite and we are just the poor slobs crying to cling to our own stupid old ways. It ain’t going to change no matter how much we cry until those who have sold out in office are gone. Changing one supervisor won’t cut it. Why? Because the other 4 are already on board. Think of how its proposed to them, a new project up at the lake, will bring in more revenue, locals don’t care for it, who cares, it’ll bring us more revenue. We’ll see how this ends up.

    Clock is ticking.

  7. Slapshot says - Posted: November 8, 2014

    I am not worried about this or any other plan. Meyers is a poor investment opportunity, l

  8. Duane says - Posted: November 8, 2014

    Joe, you wrote a very good letter. Lois is right about a collection of people who have tried to stack the odds in their favor on these issues. They believe they are enlightened with knowledge that we ordinary folks couldn’t possibly understand. I want you to know that I am not one of them. I’m not sure what STPUD can do to help but as a fellow citizen and a former 30 year resident of Meyers, I get it and want to support the Meyers residents right to self government. While I may not agree on every point as I think giving the plan flexibility in the future might be a good thing, I am 100% in favor of the people of Meyers having it go their way. It is not good to have TRPA and the County as over lords with only one Supervisor out of five to help you. Hang in there.

  9. littleone says - Posted: November 11, 2014

    You are right, Joe but the chances of changing direction now seem to be slim. After all, the most sensetive land in Upper Lake Valley has been put in the plan area. I am talking about the stream environment zone at the end of So. Upper Truckee Rd which is the only residential street in the plan – even tho it is not in Meyers. The BOS is incompetent and should not be deciding these things in the Meyers area that they have zero clue about.

  10. gigguy says - Posted: November 11, 2014

    Joe, Thank You! The BOS is incompetent and shouldn’t be involved at all. We knew we were in trouble when a planning commission member asked “where is Meyers” at the 10/16 meeting. Help!!