Then and now: Evolution of Crescent V
Perry Boys’ Smorgy in the 1960s offered cafeteria-style lunch for $1.15 and dinner for $1.75 in the Crescent V Center near the state line.
Next door to the right was Raley’s Supermarket and Lawrence’s Department Store.
That same corner location today offers pizza and art in the remodeled and renamed Village Center.
Years after Perry Boys, Sizzler Restaurant also occupied that corner in 2003, just prior to the remodeling of the center.
— Bill Kingman
Bill Kingman, Those three old pictures on the front of the building were pictures of the Perry brothers, but I’m sure you remember that!
The food wasn’t that great there but it sure was affordable!
My buddy’s and I would pack in there to Perry Boys and get stuffed on their crummy food. What fun! OLS
Bring back The old Sizzler – soup, salad, steak,e tc and cheap!
Who has photo’s of the old movie theater and Greyhound terminal across from Perry’s?
What happened to Lawrences? Where did they go?
Les Wright, I don’t have any photos of that old Greyhound bus station but I remember it well, along with the other stores in that building. The Dead Head record and gift store run by Jimmy Valentine, El Pavo which was a fine mexican resturuant, ate there many times myself and there were other shops and resturauants in there over the years. OLS
LAURA, I think Lawrences went belly up, both of them, many years ago! Have’nt seen hide nor hair of them for many years. Kinda like The Outdoorsman. Gone, but not forgotten! OLS
I use to stuff my face big time at Perry Boys Smorgy and Okie Frieole (their other brand in Sacramento, featuring fried chicken) at respectively one dollar fifty and a dollar even. Of course back then in the 60’s my body could handle the incredible calorie load. I would look like some of our towns more esteemed citizens if I kept up my old eating habits.
I remember one night of food excess in particular because it was the day three astronauts died in a reentry capsule being tested on the ground.
Thanks Bill for the rekindled memories.
yeah, i think the time has come for the re-emergence of sizzler. by the way, is it PC, especially on the day of worship, to use the e-word in a headline?
Don’t forget about Joseph Magnins across the parking lot from Smorgy’s. I was in the store when it was announced Elvis had died and watched as Natalie Wood came in and bought her dress that she was going to wear to his funeral.
I sure miss the Outdoorsman also. The best store to go to as a kid. Loved the Labor Day sale.
Thanks Bill for the memories. Always look forward to Sundays for your look back in time.
Ahhh..the Old Crescent V!! Remember that little coffee shop (Michele’s?), and of course Mitchell’s Jewelry Store was great! I remember walking around Laurence’s Dept. Store after I got my ears pierced at the jewelry store thinking “Ow-Ow!Ow!-Ow!-yeah, right, they said it wouldn’t hurt!”. Guess I have sensitive ears! So many great memories of the old days! Spent one Christmas Eve sitting in the Greyhound Bus station waiting for a bus to come from Reno to take us the LOOOOONG way West for the Holidays!! Highway 50 was closed, but my sister and I were determined to make it down the hill. I think that was in the early 80’s…Saw the first Superman movie in that movie theater! Great movie, but EW!! sticky, yeechy floors in that place! Thank you Bill!! (aka “The Voice of Tahoe” in MY mind forever!)
And the Cream Puff Bakery!! Some of the best cakes and pies in the world.
Used to see a band called the Clone Rangers play at El Pavo.
Speaking of the Ceam Puff Bakery, lets not forget the radio ad sung on KTHO radio ,”Willieey, the craaazy baker, king of the Crescent V!”.
Just a little blast from the past. OLS
I had forgotten about Cream Puff Bakery. Loved the cinnamon roles. The post office was in the Crescent V center also.
Oh my! Before it was Michele’s it was Stax n Snacks. And then, there was also the Candlewick gift shop. Anyone else remember Martha Washington’s ice cream shop? At their grand opening they handed out ink pens made of feathers.
What great memories are conjured up as a result of your efforts, Bill Kingman – thank you!!!
I remember going to a birthday party for walkin jack at Lawrence’s . Had a big cake and was his 70 or 80 th I think