Opinion: What will it cost to cut carbon?
By Dan Walters, Sacramento Bee
When Democrat Jerry Brown succeeded Republican Arnold Schwarzenegger as governor four years ago, some gubernatorial policies changed and some didn’t.
The most prominent of the latter is the state’s cutting-edge efforts at reducing greenhouse gases, which both governors believe cause perilous climate change.
Whether that’s true remains, in the eyes of many, an unsettled issue, but California has, under those two governors, fully embraced it as scientifically proven, even though California’s contribution to atmospheric carbon dioxide is infinitesimal.
During a brief speech to a United Nations conference a few weeks ago, Brown called California “a hopeful example” as it reduces carbon emissions to 1990 levels by 2020 and added that he wants new goals “that will be more ambitious, that will require more technology and will also require heightened political will.”
Hey Dan, you lose all credibility the moment you say that this climate change issue is unsettled in the minds of ‘many’. Many? Many who? Bought and paid for politicians? Fox News ‘oholics who somehow thrive on anger and garbage?
You are living in a fantasy world if you think climate change is unsettled. For those who doubt, go find another planet to delude yourselves on. There, in your new world, you can burn it up, shoot it up, thrash about all you want. This one is reserved for the thinking.
Done with this manufactured ‘controversy’ of climate change. The rest of the world knows what’s up. Why don’t you?
Too bad they both didn’t believe in G-D instead of carbon. CA would be a lot better off without these apostates to common sense and rationality.
Their god “Liberalism” lead them to further inflict punishment on the citizen who dares to want to live well.
As a large part of the country is buried deep in snow with more to come these clowns are radically forcing up the price of carbon based energy used to heat homes.
As luck would have it fracking is diminishing the impact of their irresponsible actions to punish the average Joe.
just checking in. i got off the planet long ago. so can you
‘As a large part of the country is buried deep in snow with more to come ‘
Care to elaborate?
Ok, one more time.
Weather: Not climate.
Weather is the small picture.
Climate is the big picture.
Any questions?
Facts don’t change, no matter who many times you say the words “unsettled issue” and the real question is what is the cost if we DON’T do something. If you can’t grow food,your water is undrinkable or a major portion of the world’s populations centers are inhabitable, it matters not one whit how much money you had in the bank.
Lisa have you looked up lately? The sky isn’t falling and Humpty Dumpty is just fiction.
That was the Chicken Little story moron. You can’t even begin to make this stuff about how completely pathetic these rushzoids are.
“… CA would be a lot better off without these apostates to common sense and rationality. Their god “Liberalism” lead them to further inflict punishment on the citizen who dares to want to live well.”
That’s really loony. Batsh*t crazy. But please, tell us more.
Apparently climate change involves northern areas getting more precipitation, areas such as Sacramento and south(southwest)are pretty much out of luck on precipitation. Things change, try and deal with it. I got old and try to deal with it.
An interesting read: