Nevada leads nation in unauthorized immigrants
A report from the Pew Research Center shows the number of immigrants who are in Nevada illegally has dropped by about 20,000 people from 2009 to 2012.
But Nevada still has the largest share of unauthorized immigrants of any state. Pew reports that about 210,000 people, or 7.6 percent of Nevada residents, are in the country illegally.
The study released Tuesday also found that nearly 18 percent of Nevada students have at least one unauthorized immigrant parent.
Pew says the number of immigrants in the U.S. illegally has remained steady at 11.2 million from 2009 to 2012, but trends at the state level have shifted.
Fourteen states have seen declines in their unauthorized immigrant populations, largely due to fewer new arrivals from Mexico and more people returning to Mexico.
— Associated Press
Well what will justass and his ilk do now that they have Nevada as the state with this honor. They seem to think its all Californias fault, you know, the liberal, gov. Brown thing. Oh ya, Ebola isnt taking over the US either. I guess his ranting and finger pointing is backfiring. Imagine that…
Well Now! Imagine that.
Sorry Nature….it’s got to be a liberal media conspiracy not reporting the true numbers. Check Faux Noise for the real truth.
The number one state with the highest percentage of illegals as of the 2000 Census was Cal, the pie chart is at This same chart showed Nevada way down the list. These numbers being reported from Pew may reflect a new surge of illegals into Nevada which are high per capita in a small population state.
The point being the word illegal still means those breaking the law and unlawfully in the country and unlawfully receiving all of the benefits of a citizen and costing billions. Regarding what the angry defeated lying comic book clown does tonight, Bummer has lost the respect of a large majority of the legal residents of the country already, and by being even more illegal he will only have fewer accomplishments, less respect, and a dark stain for flaunting and ignoring the law and trying to create law for a first in history attempt which he himself said he couldn’t do and was not legal. Now he doesn’t care what laws he breaks. This is what a defeated leftist head of a defeated party does in a temper tantrum and to reward agitators and to try to secure a huge new welfare base of Dem voters which is really the primary reason.
I find it ‘cute’ that no matter what, those infected with Obola find a way to blame anything and everything on the current president.
I arrived at work this morning by breaking numerous American laws. I sped. I didn’t come to a full halt at a stop sign. I didn’t yield to a pedestrian. I guess I’m an “illegal” too! Good thing I’m white, or else Just-ass might actually care!
“2000 Census.” Sounds current.
I urge all leftists to join the law breaking as set by example of Insane Husseine by illegally entering Mexico and see what happens, if they aren’t murdered or held for ransom it would be surprising and if they just disappeared it would be uninvestigated. Luckily their party has been defeated from power for years all the way down to dog catcher or more of their lunacy would have been attempted, the People who vote and pay taxes knew better.
Justice says: “These numbers being reported from Pew may reflect a new surge of illegals into Nevada which are high per capita in a small population state.”
The article states: ‘A report from the Pew Research Center shows the number of immigrants who are in Nevada illegally has dropped by about 20,000 people from 2009 to 2012.’
That’s some interesting math you are proposing to be at work in this situation Justice.
Justass just makes it up as he goes. Has absolutely nothing to say that matters.
orale, you have the giggles today! Must be something injustass said….laughter is good for the soul…
This headline is very misleading. The Pew report found that Nevada is highest in percentage of population, the headline is implying that Nevada has the most numerically. Which is far from the truth.
The recent study from UCLA contradicts PEW and shows this state as the number 1 illegal destination of law breaking illegals as welcomed by the old senile goat, Hook-Beak.
Being a “leftist” can be really quite a challenge. I’ve learned from some of the “scholars” here that President “HUSSEINE” is destroying our country and allowing massive immigration of “illegals” from Mexico to enter the USA bringing drugs and carrying the ebola virus. Harry Reid along with Nancy Pelosi are planning for world domination. A slowly growing economy, with more people finding work, the right wing geniuses tell me, that’s a bad thing!
So maybe it’s time all we Lefties move to Canada, at least they have a good health care system and it’s a big beautiful place with opened minded folks, not like the narrow minded conservative folks around here.
You know, we all have the right to believe in what we want, If i disagree with someones views , I listen and respectfully take into consideration of what that persons opinions are. Sometimes we just dont agree.
As always, take care, OLS
You call them illegals Justice, but under our Constitution they are guaranteed due process under the law, and if memory serves our actual JUSTICE system says innocent until proven guilty, does it not? Since they haven’t been convicted of a crime (a misdemeanor in this case) yet, technically they are not “illegals”.
Due process? What’s that got to do with them being here illegally? If they can’t document that they are here legally, chances are pretty good they aren’t. Especially if they don’t speak the language.
When you hear hoofbeats, you don’t think zebras.
There are millions with legal deportation orders that are not being enforced, so yes they had their day in court and were ordered to leave so they are in violation of a court order and our laws. Next Point?
When does the racism stop? From what I’ve seen it’s getting worse. There is always a new race or religion for people to pile on about because of their beliefs or their race. So they’re (the newest group to hate) is put in the head of the people that love to hate other in the hate parade! You know, the ones that so many people ridicule and are viewed with contempt by a certain segment of our society.
It’s very sad that they’re so many hateful people in the world that hate others that are different than themselves.
Maybe one day we’ll mature and grow as a species. OLS
Justice, “millions” with deportation orders? Any facts to back that up?
It’s not about “hate”, OLS. It’s about a President who disregards the law to the detriment of the citizens he is under oath to defend. Why does he treat people from foreign countries better than he treats us? Why?
What about all the people who are waiting their turn, trying to immigrate LEGALLY?? What about all the American citizens who can’t find jobs? America is not breaking up families. People who jump the border without their family members are the ones breaking up their own families. And they are free to go back to their home countries with those families to keep them together.
Try and for the confirmation on millions of unenforced deportation orders. I have to do research for oblivious leftists who still can’t believe because they are lazy and could do it themselves.
I find it sad (and offensive) that you think it’s about hate. I like Mexican people. Most of the other white people I know here do, too. Why do you assume it’s about hate?
We middle class working people are suffering and struggling here. And the President continues to burden US with more taxes, more regulations, while giving people from other countries benefits with money that WE work to earn, and he is taking food from the mouths of OUR children.
You want to talk about fairness???
Further, do you leftists demand people respect the lot lines and property you bought? Or do you allow whomever on it? Do you allow your neighbor to claim it? People to use it you don’t know from a foreign country? If they want to? Do you invite them to camp on it and put up tents and buildings? Or do you want others who pay taxes to do this? To support law breakers with their property and taxes? Just not your own? You either see what is legal or you don’t it is not difficult. All leftists who support no borders should start with their own properties! Why would they oppose this? This is their belief.
It is difficult to imagine the US rounding up 11 million people and deporting them. What we should do is solve this problem so it doesn’t reoccur and then find a way to legalize those who are here.
That would involve a tamper proof Social Security card and stiff jail time for anyone who hires without one. Then we can find a way to legalize those here who aren’t going away. That would remove the attraction for illegal immigration.
The problem will be solved when the CEO of Tyson foods, who hires illegals to operate his plants, shares a cell with my brother who hires illegals to paint his house.
Rob5 they tried that in the 80s and they still did not get it to work. Obama does not really want to close the border, That is why he took the State of Arizona to court to stop them from enforcing immigration laws, under the guise that this should be up to the Federal government to enforce. Which is really stupid to say because there are lots of federal laws the local governments enforce, should they stop enforcing all federal laws, of course not.
Looked at both those sites Justice. They are websites of user submitted pieces somewhat like Reddit, which is great for perusing news, but far from a “source”. A source would be from the person or agency of origin of a specific fact.
I thought you understood that I was asking for facts to back up your claim. You know, like actual statistics. Wait, I guess you didn’t realize that.
Open question to all those conservative domestic policy experts:
How exactly would you accomplish “closing the borders”? Now let’s not forget you are talking about the fact that we share over 7,000 miles of border between Canada and Mexico. Please enlighten us as to how this could be done in an economic manner that would actually work.
Of course, you’re right. We could never in a million years build a wall which would span the entire southern border, nearly two thousand miles! (Unless we just happened to be Chinese builders who labored long before the birth of Christ, who miraculously managed to construct one which was at least 5500 miles long -actually thought to be at one time 13,000 miles- and averaged over 75 feet tall, all without the aid of any powered machinery or earth movers. Then we might have a chance.)
Ralph, you left out the part about how exactly to do it and pay for it. Sounds great in theory though.
In lieu of the Chinese, maybe we could ask the Israelis, they seem to know how to build a wall… but I’m sure it’s “sooper sophisticated” and “very high-techy” stuff, that modern wall building is really hard!
And as an added bonus we could put a whole bunch of willing people to work, kind of like the Keystone pipeline… Think of it as one of those hard-to-find “shovel ready jobs” that Obama and Biden were so excited about.
Ralph, if the real world was only that simple.
How those walls workin’ out for the Israel’s?
If you knew anything about the first and second Intifadas you would know that the number of bus bombings, restaurant bombings, theater bombings, shopping center bombings and a whole host of other violent gun, knife and vehicle acts have been greatly reduced in Israel. If you ask any Israeli they will gladly tell you that WALLS DO WORK, but they are not a guarantee of safety. Unfortunately, the Hamassholes have taken to launching rockets over the walls since they can’t get through them. Can you ever end all violence? No, but they have greatly reduced incidences by erecting the walls which segregate the perpetrators from their prey.
Thankfully, I don’t think we have to worry all that much about Mexicans launching rockets over the southern border.
Build a 2000 mile wall across desert. Brilliant. What could possibly go wrong?
Bigger, you seem to think it is such a difficult thing. Fact is it is that simple, 700 miles of it is already built, why not just finish off the remaining 1300 miles and be done with it? We pay tens of millions of people NOT to work, we could certainly pay them TO work. Put that vast untapped resource of ready labor to work building the fence.
Building a wall might be cheaper in the long run. I’ve personally seen $30K+ border patrol vehicles stuck in the sand at the border. If a $10K or so vehicle can drive on top of the wall for border enforcement, last around 5 times longer than the current $30K+ patrol vehicles,….
This is a transcript from an interview with a Gay Conservative from Massachusetts who has been working to bring his partner here legally. Yes, gay conservatives do exist.
“Below is a rough transcript of Eric’s comments:
Well, just yesterday he had an interview with the US embassy. And it was a success. After 17 months and $6,000, you know. And we’re just waiting on some medical stuff to come through.
Again, my point being, there are people coming over the border giving foot-and-mouth disease, and I have to get a medical certificate for my spouse.
But, nonetheless, what the president is going to do tonight with the stroke of a pen, not only spits in the face of me…but having lived in Central America for a year, I know what this is — what this move is going to do to the country tonight. And it’s not good. You cannot allow — and 9 million is a conservative estimate. We’re talking up to possibly 34 million illegal immigrants, you know, into this country.
It’s one thing if you want to come to a country to be American.
My spouse is a biologist, a chemist, and a pharmacist. He currently tests the water content in El Salvador. He will come to the United States to hopefully be a contributor, you know, a pharmacist, a chemist, a biologist, whatever.
But you can’t bring 9 to 34 million people with a third world mentality into the United States and have this country remain a first world country. It doesn’t work. You’re going to destroy this country. That’s not a bigoted statement. It’s fact. I’ve lived down there and know what the conditions are like.
I’m so sick to my stomach over what he’ll do tonight. Not only because of what it will do to America, but also because of what I’ve personally gone through. This president is not a friend to the LGBT community. And I really, really wish that my gay brothers and sisters would wake up and see that
So long as this man kowtows to Saudi Arabia and makes deal with Iran and is pro-Islam, he is not a friend to the gay community friend. Period. The end. There’s no solidarity there. There is no solidarity there. There is no common ground.”
Ok lefty excuse makers. tell me the pros of legalizing millions…aaannnd go
I would like to comment but I have to visit my bank and make an unauthorized withdraw.
business owner, you said in part “tell me the pros of legalizing millions”. I’ll say because they’re people who want to come to America with the hope of bettering their lives. Maybe the government in there home country is corrupt with little freedoms,the country is in shambles, economicaly, enviroumentaly and with no chance for a good paying job.
So they come to America with hopes and dreams for a better life. Just like your and my ancestors did. OLS
When our ancestors came there was no AFDC, food stamps, “free” medical care, “free” education, etc. . . you worked or you starved.
Now the middle class is taxed into oblivion to pay for benefits for everybody who can’t or won’t work.
It ain’t the same world.
I wish this place was a better world to live in,I pray someday ,that everyone will put all together,We are one nation under God.
So much sense coming from places of fear and hatred. What is this the West Bank? Can we be civil in our discourse? We have one President at a time and like this one said,” Pass a bill.”
No individual has gotten away with what Wall Street, big business and white collar criminals have under the current administration. We individuals are really in this together and are all about the same….and that seems to scare us to death.
gee, kathy, that’s presumptuous.
littleone, Congress DID send a bill to the Senate. It’s still sitting on Harry Reid’s desk, along with the couple hundred other bills Harry refused to even present.
Your so-called ‘do nothing congress’ has done plenty. But Harry Reid makes sure none of it ever sees the light of day.
Government is not your friend
While our own “proud” history involves the invasion and theft of land that belonged, rightfully, to the original (aka “native”) Americans and resulted in the bloody genocide that killed millions of native peoples and virtually destroyed the rich cultures they represented. The original illegal immigration that we so often overlook in the pointing of fingers at Mexican immigrants. Hmmmmm.
What this stinking president did to us last night is no surprise. He has continually thumbed his nose to America. He is systematically ruining what used to be the greatest country. He’s LAME and insulting and obviously doesn’t give a crap. Citing one persons story (who is still here ILLEGALLYl) and mentioning his kids was so pathetic. He really thinks we are stupid? I heard nothing but lies dribbling out of him. He’s so pathetic he could tell be the sky was blue and I wouldn’t buy into it. He wouldn’t know the truth if it was etched into his forehead. Make no mistake this fool is very calculating and dangerous.
From dogula’s comment above. “But you can’t bring 9 to 34 million people with a third world mentality into the United States and have this country remain a first world country”
The glory days of a mass society being more equal and elevated are long gone. According to around 2013, this country doesn’t even rank in the top 25% most free press countries on the planet. Health care and quality of life ratings aren’t very high for an industrialized country, ect…. Around 1960/1965 having a Chevy was most likely a good thing, very questionable now. Things change, and not always for the best for everyone.
So thats your pro…they want a better life. great, just like obamacare let me pay thousands more a year so others can have a better life. you folks dont get it. instead of raising our standard of living for all we are punishing the haves to benefit the lazy and lowering our standard of living. both sides are corrupt, our history isnt the most pleasent but lets make a better future for our kids not make excuses. promoting illegal lawless behavior in any form at any level is not the path to a better future. give me some actual benefits for the american tax payer to amnesty….tax payer meaning you pay more into the system than u recieve
Oh yeah and if your home country is so horrible stay there and fix it dont spread it to us
If I was an illegal immigrant I would never fall for this. This is a executive order and may very well be undone by the next president. Imagine getting a temporary work permit then two years later deported because there is a new sheriff in town, and you gave them you address making it easier to deport you.
Janice, those rich cultures of which you speak were pretty doggoned bloody themselves. Human sacrifice, slavery, were all a part of it.
How far back do you want to go in history? EVERY culture has been overrun and enslaved at some point in time. That’s irrelevant. We are talking about NOW, a President who picks and chooses the laws he wants to uphold, and makes new ones whenever he feels like it. All against OUR laws, and such behavior will NOT benefit the people, not now, not in the future.
The right wing loonies are out in force on this one. It’s gonna be a LONG couple of years.
“How far back do you want to go in history?”
4.5 billion years.
But with you we have to stop at a few thousand.
Ive always wondered why i am called a rigyt wing loon or faux news watcher or racist just because i am against communism, socialism, or wealth redistribution, which history has shown that it always lead to totalitarinism and poverty…oh and i must love bush too.
There were many reasons the Cubans cleared out their prisons and sent their refuse here to cause trouble and Peanuts Carter took them in calling them refugees and the staggering amount of illegals in our jails and prisons now shows that other countries are doing the same. Here all illegals who are in the country should be deported unless they can prove they have no criminal records from their home countries or while illegally in this country, no ties to drug cartels, no ties to terrorists, no serious diseases, no history of welfare and a history of employment. Then they should have to agree to not vote for a few decades or receive public assistance. All prisoners who are illegally here should be deported as they have already demonstrated their criminality. These actions would seriously cut the numbers to a manageable Level. Insane Hussein is thinking by waving a magic pen around and saying he is making illegal legal now will do something other then cause more illegal entry and cause a huge rush to the border of thousands.
“Ive always wondered why i am called a rigyt wing loon or faux news watcher or racist just because i am against communism, socialism, or wealth redistribution, which history has shown that it always lead to totalitarinism and poverty…oh and i must love bush too.”
You are offensive to the English language.
Well mr. Cosa i may be all of those things and then some but i still havent heard how the american taxpayer will benefit from granting amnesty to uneducated third world law breakers.
Mr cosa i may be offensive and a loon but as a business owner, property owner, father, and taxpayer i would really like to know how the american taxpayer will benefit from granting amnesty to uneducated, lawbreaking third worlders.
Some of the comments here are really offensive to Hispanics, The President and all people of ALL colors
and all the other citizens from different countries.
You do know Lake Tahoe News has a wide readership beyond little So. Lake Tahoe, right?
So if your intent was to offend people you don’t know and probably never will? Well your goal has been achieved. You have been successful!!!
I hope you’re proud and I bet you most likely are.
Good luck in life, because you’re gonna need it. OLS
^^always the same excuse. im cuban and my wife is mexican (descendants of LEGAL immigrants) and what justice said is spot on. stop being so sensitive and answer the question ols. by the way, your blessed illegals are heavily backed by la raza which is the race.
OLS: I am offended that the president completely ignored the recent American voters, the Federal Law law and the fact that all these (future democrats) ILLEGALS are being taken care of before our own people. I AM OFFENDED!! But I don’t see anyone bowing down to smooth things out like some would have us do to others who get offended if a word is used that they don’t like.
One thing left in this country is my right to free speech and others rights to be offended. So let them be offended. I DON’T CARE! When I am offended they don’t care. We didn’t invite any of them here from all the different countries that are so pathetic they come here. Conform to America, fly OUR flag on top, or simply go back. Do NOT come here and tell me to conform to your beliefs. THAT will NEVER happen.
I’m speaking in general OLS when I say “Your”. Not pointing a finger at you.
business owner: Thumbs up to you. We are on the same page.
The Mexicans should be more offended that the little sore loser in the White House called them Entrepreneurs (seriously?) in one sentence then in another tells us they are the ones who make our beds and pick our vegetables….for little wages.
Also, WE are not tearing families apart. THEY did that of their own choice when they sent 60k family members to illegally enter OUR country. Haven’t seen any Entrepreneurs out of that bunch yet. If they want to be a family unit again the compass points SOUTH.
The little Tyrant pointed fingers at everyone but the clown in the mirror.
Gaspen is RIGHT on the money as is business owner. I saw an interview with an Arizona Sheriff about what King Hussein is trying to do. The Sheriff said fake documents will be easily produced to show any illegal was here “five years” so this is a fraud against the people right off the bat and with a motive of producing millions of people dependent on the government for liberal votes. King Insane also wants deportations halted for millions already convicted of crimes. There is also the earned income credit for low wage earners with families that will be heavily used by this group of people, this credit pays thousands to those with low incomes and children who pay little to no income tax. The far reaching results of something like this pen waving King Insane are yet to be seen, but people can bet that middle income tax payers will be hit hardest to subsidize this expansion and they didn’t vote for it or tell their representative they support it, in fact a majority are against it.
Deport Ted Cruz
And put the whack job called Pelosi out to pasture. Or better yet, invite her to invite several of these illegals into her own home. Yeah, like THAT will happen. She’s so far gone she should be retired and be heavily medicated so she cant speak. She already can’t think or respond to a legit question intelligently.
Okay, okay!!! I get it! You don’t like the President or anyone of color. You don’t like Hispanics. You don’t like people who come here looking for the prosperity and freedoms that we take for granted here in the USA.
I would bet you don’t like anyone who is different than yourself. Women? Our seniors? The poor? The disabled? How about Veterans? People with health problems who lose their homes due to our ridiculous health care costs? A military budget that gobbles up the majority of our nations budget while our infrastructure crumbles all aound us? Large and some of the wealthiest corporations in the world who pay nothing in taxes and don’t pay their employees a living wage?
My partial list was not brought upon us by President Obama. He’s trying to correct things that were put into place by his predecessors in executive, legislative and the juidicial branches as well as us, you know, the people that vote!!!
So go ahead and slam me if you want. You do have freedom of speech but I would ask you be a little more respectful of our President and your fellow man.
We’re all in this together! OLS
OLS: He never said he doesn’t like any other race from what I read. That is not the issue. Maybe you should re read posts. You libs continually blast people as racists JUST because they don’t use the same word as you. “Hispanic or Mexican, Colored, Black, White, Caucasian, none of which are racist words. If you have issue with that then it would seem your issue.
Whooo OLS you are on a roll! Its funny many hear thing that this order will allow illegals to vote. It won’t they are still illegal under the law and are not citizens and it would take a new law to allow them to become citizens, which at this point will go nowhere.
OLS the military budget is not a majority of the us budget, it is only 19% Social security and medicare is 46%, safetynet programs (wellfair, food stamps & medicaid) and penions are 18%. Can you tell me what companies you are talking about that are not paying a living wage and are not paying income taxes? I realise you are not talking about WalMart and MacDonald’s as their effective tax rates are above 30%, And most MacDonald locations are franchise and are small businesses.
The President had better hope that the Republicans never get the presidency again because he will hate some of the executive orders they will do. IThink he has really opened up a whole can of worms. And it really does away with the checks and balances system written into the constitution. I would bet they will defend a lot of the things he holds dear just to make the point that he can’t bypass team.
Carsons Pass, I was refering to several comments made here by several people. Sorry I didn’t clarify that.
I’m usually not an argumentitivr person but sometimes some topics do get me stirred up.
Hope you understand , OLS
Reloman, there is a huge potential for non-citizens to be able to vote through this action. Part of obama’s plan is to give them work permits. If you have a work permit, you are entitled to get a drivers’ license. When you get a drivers’ license, they must, by law, offer to register you to vote, no questions.
None of this is happening by accident.
gee, OLS, i’m sure glad you clarified that!
Dog, sorry but legally you must be a citizen in order to vote, if some one registrars to vote and they are not a citizen of this country that is voter fraud. Even people who are via a so called green cards are not legally able to vote.
reloman, Altho I could’nt find a pay rate for these companies that pay no income tax, as I guess that would depend on position and length of time employed. There is a list of 26 online. Boeing, Exxon mobil, Bank of America, General Motors, Merck. That’s just a few. Lots more out there.
As I said I could’nt find an employee pay rate. Just Google “corporations that pay no taxes” and you’ll see.
As far as the military budget I remember seeing a pie chart some time ago and it showed a huge amount(51% ?) going to military as a total cost but there was some dispute over that amount, so I don’t know what the real number is.
I’ll look into these numbers and companies further at another time and report back. Thanks, OLS
Yes, Relo, I understand that. But that is the process, and that is how people who are ineligible to vote WILL be voting.
The voter fraud we’ve experienced has been more about redistricting and ‘losing’ voter registration forms and sending out misleading and intimidating mailers, to limiting early voting and closing polls, and you know it(I think you are insane, I don’t think you’re stupid). If you’re looking for a conspiracies, Dogula, look at how the Republicans have manipulated this most recent election.
Hmmm, I realise that you don’t want to hear this, but all of the things you mention are done regularly by both parties. May people have blinders on in regards to their own parties esp many on this forum
A border not secured is kinda scary. Remember around 90% of the heroin on this planet supposedly comes from Afghanistan, a Muslim country. I can’t believe there hasn’t been one Muslim laughing as they easily crossed the border from Mexico to this country with contraband. What if that Muslim hates this country, at least the people in this country who are not Muslim. Hard for me to believe a border that easy to cross is good for our security. If security is beefed up(great wall of China type situation?), then manageable legal immigration might be better managed.
Yo Perry the Heroin trade is protected and run by our own Government.
why do you think W. started the War and took over Afghanistan?
just like his dad had the CIA selling Crack Cocaine to the Crips, who ran it all over America.
Chief Slowroller,
Definitely a complicated situation. Point was, it might be cheaper to build a wall to be used to drive cheap vehicles on than to buy expensive vehicles to drive in harsh conditions with skyrocketing vehicle costs. The border is going to be monitored, might as well do it in the most competent manner.
If human beings from south of OUR border wish to come to America to seek a better life for themselves and a better education(? better may not actually be accurate for the end result of an American education) I say no problem–HOWEVER-all persons living and working WITHIN our borders MUST COMPLY with laws that govern all people living and working in America. ALL persons who live and work in the USA for 6 months or more in a calendar year are required to obtain a social security number(ie. tax ID#) and have onfile with that person’s employer a W-4 withholding. And at the end of the TAX Year are obligated to FILE FEDERAL INCOME TAXES!!! Just yesterday the Fed Gov was almost forced to close due to lack of funds!! BUT more important if the US looks like the road to a better life then it has to be fair to those who are documented or have a birth right to live and work here as taxpaying Americans. I say meet our new friends AT the border and hand them a green card accompanied by a brief verbal rundown on what is required for themn to live and work in the US. simple and ,mandatory: 1st stop SS Admin to be assigned a SS#/and or TAX ID #, 60 days to find gainful legal employment with a Fed Taxpaying employer, and be working and having ALL Federal and/or state required TAX and FICA/Medicare withholding being deducted. and last but as important–if any of the new taxpaying employees choose to own and drive a vehicle the same rules apply to them as to ALL other US drivers–be a license and insured driver of the state of their residence. It should also be 100% clear without ANY exception that if ANY of the above requirements are NOT met, that person will be deported and not allowed to return during the rest of their natural life! To all who are listening–stop trying to come up with a fix and or a solution and call it reform—it is what it is–come across our borders to live and work and educate your children, don’t commit any crimes and be accountable for being allowed to seek a better life by playing by the most basic rules of living in the USA!
Hey Nature: I watched Governor Moonbutt tell ALL IMMIGRANTS ARE WELCOME HERE IN CA. LEGAL OR ILLEGAL!
I have no problem with the LEGAL ones. I have a worse problem with a senile old goat INVITING crime!