Editorial: It’s time for a humane immigration solution


Publisher’s note: This editorial is from the Jan. 1, 2015, Los Angeles Times.

In this nation’s never-ending debate over immigration, those who demand strict enforcement of existing laws are armed with a simple rejoinder: What, they ask, do you not understand about “illegal”? To them, the solution to illegal immigration is to identify those who are here illegally and deport them.

It’s a reasonable point. A law should be enforced. But the argument can’t be isolated from the realities of immigration, which is propelled by regional economic imbalances, familial connections and the basic human desire to live a better, safer and richer life. Those are powerful forces, unlikely to be thwarted by stepped-up deportation. Instead, under those pressures, our immigration system has crumbled, and strict enforcement has become impractical, even impossible.

Congress can and should, but probably won’t, fix it.

That leaves pragmatism — which President Obama exhibited with his recent directives offering deportation reprieves for some 5 million immigrants here illegally.

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This article was written by admin


Comments (16)
  1. David DeWitt says - Posted: January 4, 2015

    We inforce our border policy for our own convience .If we need cheepe labor you are in if not stay out.

  2. Justice says - Posted: January 4, 2015

    Enforce the law and secure the border? The friendly Drug Cartels say no, they want the border open for their business of kidnapping, murdering, and drug smuggling and sales of poison to kids like their meth and cheap heroin along with their business of immigrant smuggling and any enforcement of the law impacts their business and lack of enforcement encourages their business. An open border also allows the walk in diseases and epidemics and allows the tens of thousands of wanted criminals from foreign countries a hiding place and a new area to operate in. Dem’s want the border open for the placement of poor people into their ever expanding government dependence programs of the poverty-welfare trap for masses of the poor and uneducated low skilled people enslaved for imagined votes, so they sell out this country and encourage the laws to be broken with promises of no enforcement. Pure and simple Corruption and Treason on display and it causes a disrespect for other laws by people who’s first act is an illegal entry and it really impacts the people trying to immigrate legally that wait up to ten years to follow our laws.

  3. nature bats last says - Posted: January 4, 2015

    Justanass YAWN

  4. Justice says - Posted: January 4, 2015

    Keep it up, your liberal wisdom shines a light on your kind and ensures a continued defeat at the polls.

  5. Cranky Gerald says - Posted: January 4, 2015

    Your last post is simply wrong and not supported by fact. What is the matter with you?

    Psychologists say, if you say something to yourself often enough, for long enough, you believe it is true even if it is not.
    You must be suffering from that delusion.

  6. Bill Davis says - Posted: January 4, 2015

    Justice, your comments are evil and unfounded.

  7. MH says - Posted: January 4, 2015

    The legal number is one million a year. To let 5-11.5 million in just because is not going to work financially. One million, going thru the proper channels, per the law. That is what my family has fought for since the revolutionary war, fought in the civil war(both sides), were a part of the underground railroad and have always believed in the law. If you don’t believe in the laws move or change them working thru the system.

  8. nature bats last says - Posted: January 4, 2015

    Justanass has a script he copies that comes from the flakes at foxnoise written by rush limpaugh and believed by his ilk. Delusional is putting it easy, more like insanity.

  9. Justice says - Posted: January 4, 2015

    I agree with MH. Love it or leave it, liberals who don’t like our laws, leave. And all the angry liberals can take the illegals with them. Our veterans didn’t fight for freedom of what laws liberals like or don’t and open borders for whomever to enter with no criminal or disease checks. They didn’t defend this country to see it overrun by law-breaking criminal aliens supported by a community agitator and likely native of Kenya with illegal relatives in the country and the biggest lying joke in history.

  10. nature bats last says - Posted: January 4, 2015

    Hey justanass, where is your birth certificate? what are your roots? Unless you are a native american indian, 100%, you are from somewhere else. You are nothing but a hypocrit and lunatic. You and your creepy ilk can have texas.

  11. Justice says - Posted: January 4, 2015

    ILL-Natured Bat, keep it up, your exposing your lack of a brain every time you type something. It is entertaining to see it though and if you keep it up more will become conservatives because the truth will always defeat liberals.

  12. legal beagle says - Posted: January 4, 2015

    I demand humane bank robbery laws and larceny laws and murder laws and drunk driving laws and oh yeah, tax laws. Doesn’t amnesty sound good for bank robbers, etc. Just think how many fathers were ripped away from their children just because they had to go to jail. No matter how you frame it, the country’s laws were violated and continue to be violated.
    There is plenty of cheap labor available in America if so many welfare folks were made to work.

  13. Old Long Skiis says - Posted: January 4, 2015

    Getting a little testy are we? I could make a joke here about MY teste’s as to which pant leg I should put them, as thats already been done by another LTN commenter, so I won’t go there.
    So everyone chill out and ask youself… why am I so angry at somebody I don’t know who uses a fake name, when there are so many other things to be thinking and writing about?
    What about the illegal land grab of state owned land by the Keys Marina owner? What about all the logging, er, excuse me, ” thinning the trees for a healthy forest” by the USFS? What about renting out school property to a drug addled crowd listening to loud “music” near a residential area who then tear up the fake grass only to be replaced at taxpayer expense?
    There’s lots more to be angry about besides one another! Sure we disagree over things, but step back and look at the bigger picture.
    UNITED WE STAND, DIVIDED WE FALL. And THAT’S what “they” want, is us to argue amongst ourselves as “they “push thru their fiendish plans .
    Thanks for reading LTN and listening to this ol’ goat. OLS

  14. Mexico says - Posted: January 4, 2015

    I still wonder how on earth Mexican people are crossing the boarder so easily….

    Before we sold our place in Mecixo I would drive there several times a year with my boys and sometimes our dog. Many times my husband could not come because of work. I crossed at Nogales and traveled about 7 hours south from the boarder. The boarder control/Federales are intense! I have to have every stitch of ID and paper work that I’m not kidnapping my children because there dad is back in California. The dog has to have shots and a kennel. If my stay is longer than 2 weeks I have to go to the Bank in the town we owned in and pay a long term visa fee. If you fail to pay it and leave on the way out where they check you again…your butt will get tossed in jail.

    I had 2 different stops to go through while crossing the boarder. One that searches you and everything else…and the next one does the paper work…then you either get a green or red light to possibly be searched again! It’s a pain in the butt. Leaving is a whole other story…

    It just surprises me on how difficult it is for Americans to cross and visit and if we break any law the Federales are so quick to throw you in jail or negotiate money. We saw it happen so many times with many Americans or Canadians who owned down there.

    There are laws for a reason. Is America following their own laws?
    And now illegal immigrants can get a license-

  15. nature bats last says - Posted: January 5, 2015

    OLS, My gripe and repetitions that are replys to Just—– are there because someone needs to let him know that his name calling and finger pointing arent swaying anyone in his favor nor do any of us (insert his favorite adjective here) like the name calling. Where he is being all encompasing of anyone that thinks differently than him, I try (but not on every occasion) to only address him in my rebuttals. I really could care less about who he is and what he believes (and im sure its a shared thing) but I dont have to be nice cuz he sure as h ell isnt. I am gonna try hard to not let him have the last ugly word. Hey, call it a little friendly (or not) competition. Personally I think its just cj with a different moniker. Not even sure how some of his rants pass the sniff test. Adm must be on a coffee break half the time…

  16. rock4tahoe says - Posted: January 8, 2015

    Hey Just@ss. There has never been a “secure border” between America and Mexico.

    Hey Bagel. Who died and made you the hanging judge for undocumented workers, a misdemeanor charge? A misdemeanor is not equal to a felony charge like a bank robbery or murder. We do NOT string up people in America for misdemeanor charges.