Feinstein resolute in opposition to legalizing pot


By Evan Halper, Los Angeles Times

As the majority of California voters grow comfortable with the idea of pot legalization, their senior senator in Washington is making it clear that she most certainly is not.

Dianne Feinstein is emerging as one of Washington’s toughest critics of the Obama administration’s tolerance for marijuana use. Long a strident supporter of the government’s War on Drugs, the 81-year-old Democrat is showing no sign of bowing to the shifting views of constituents in California and colleagues on Capitol Hill.

Feinstein’s resolve was on full display in two letters she and Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, her co-chair on a Senate panel that oversees international narcotics control, fired off this month to the administration.

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Comments (21)
  1. Justice says - Posted: January 16, 2015

    Since King Awol Hussein has admitted to heavy illegal narcotic use, why would anyone be surprised he favors easier access to drugs. This entire clown show of leftists in DC is the biggest fraud ever elected by people who were duped and promised everything from high paying jobs, free low/no cost medical care, and free phones and housing. How is all that free stuff working for the new tens of millions caught in the leftist poverty trap?

  2. Elvis says - Posted: January 16, 2015

    We have an 81 year old Senator? Wow.

    Was she in Reefer Madness?

  3. Biggerpicture says - Posted: January 16, 2015

    Justice you seem to be omitting George W’s cocaine use along with the DUI he got as a young man.

  4. Gaspen Aspen says - Posted: January 16, 2015

    This senile goat should be more concerned about her lame boss and his eagerness to keep all illegals, and borders open for more. POT is not the problem. She and Moonbutt should be put out to pasture. She is as hard to watch as the little tyrant in DC.

  5. Paul says - Posted: January 16, 2015

    Silly Biggerpicture! You just don’t get it… George W’s decades of cocaine use and his DUI’s were nothing more than “youthful indiscretions.” Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s usage of those same drugs a few times as a teenager makes him a “thug!”

  6. rock4tahoe says - Posted: January 16, 2015

    Just@ss. It was Bush Jr that went AWOL in 1972 while in the Air National Guard and was arrested for DUI in 1976. Mission Accomplished.

    Gasp. Ah yes, the Unicorn of Cons about the “closed” border… like there has ever been a closed border since we took the Western States away from Mexico in 1848.

  7. nature bats last says - Posted: January 16, 2015

    R4t. They keep repeating the same lies figureing if they keep saying and beliving those lies they will eventually be true. I think thats the definition of delusional, or insanity, or both.

  8. Justice says - Posted: January 16, 2015

    There were a few pictures of Reefer Madness Hussein smoking away covered up until he was elected and his own books state he was using hard drugs frequently the difference is no-one knows when or if he ever stopped. With all of the rappers at the WH in DC I am sure a lot of drugs are there for a first in history. But don’t tell this to any of his voters still making excuses and Dope and Mange chants that have long since faded and there is really nothing left. And all of this while the Iranians are getting close to weapons grade.

  9. Bill Swim says - Posted: January 16, 2015

    81??? Will you retire for crying out loud? We barely had cars when you were born!!

  10. business owner says - Posted: January 16, 2015

    2 wrongs dont make a right…all u lamers above dont get it..bush sucked…obama is worse…face it, none of them work for the people anymore on both sides on every level. Stop blaming start solving.

  11. Hmmm... says - Posted: January 16, 2015


    1. Dianne Feinstein California 81 years, 208 days DEM

    2. Chuck Grassley Iowa 81 years, 121 days REP

    3. Orrin Hatch Utah 80 years, 300 days REP

    4.Richard Shelby Alabama 80 years, 255 days REP

    5.Jim Inhofe Oklahoma 80 years, 60 days REP

    6.Pat Roberts Kansas 78 years, 272 days REP

    7.Barbara Mikulski Maryland 78 years, 180 days DEM

    8. John McCain Arizona 78 years, 140 days REP

    9. Thad Cochran Mississippi 77 years, 40 days REP

    10. Harry Reid Nevada 75 years, 45 days DEM

    Democrats-3 Republicans-7

  12. walter reinthaler says - Posted: January 17, 2015

    We need age limits and term limits. None of these people care about the voters they only care about special interests and their money. We need to elect senators like we do jury duty and be governed by a group of our peers. It sounds crazy but would be more effective than then system we have now. Once your 6 years are up you are out, go back to your real job and live by the laws and policies you created.

  13. Dogula says - Posted: January 17, 2015

    Nearly all the politicians who get to DC are crooked. Diane Feinstein’s businessman husband has made gazillions through her connections, as has Harry Reid, through insider trading on real estate knowledge.
    The longer they stay in office, the more powerful, and the richer, they become. But people keep voting for them because they “bring home the pork” to their states. Selfish, selfish, selfish. And ultimately harmful to all of us.

  14. rock4tahoe says - Posted: January 17, 2015

    So Dog. You are against real estate agents getting commissions on sales now because it sounds like Rick Johnson (link writer) sure is.

    Richard Blum (Diane’s Husband) is CEO of the largest real estate firm in America, CBRE. And yes, CBRE got the bid to sell off post office buildings around the country. But to say he “pockets” the money is stretch because every real estate agent will tell you that commissions from the sale do not equate to profit from the sale.

    Senator Feinstein’s assets have been held in a seperate blind trust since 1992. She even voted for an amendment to a postal reform bill that would have temporarily halted post office closings and the sales but the amendment was defeated in the House.

    Perhaps Rick just does not like wealthy politicians. Funny he didn’t mention Mike McCaul Rep. from Texas and his $300 Million net worth; well he married into wealth I suppose. How about Darrel Issa making about $50 Million each year from Greene Properties and his wealth of $220 Million.

    Is Mr Johnson just envious or cherry pickin’.

    Perhaps I should post my list of Actual Convicted Crooked Republican Presidential Politicians again for you or do you want to discuss Slavery and the US Constitution again.

  15. nature bats last says - Posted: January 17, 2015

    R4T. SNAP…….

  16. duke of prunes says - Posted: January 17, 2015

    Justass can’t back up anything they write.

    -Sr. Fish

  17. rock4tahoe says - Posted: January 17, 2015

    Hey BO. Since when are you an independent with the “Obama is worse the Bush line?” LOL!

    Humm… What about CEO’s that are old…

    Rupert Murdoch (media) 83 years old.
    Warren Buffett (investor) is 84 years old.
    Willard Marriott Jr (hospitality) is 82 years old.
    Sheldon Adelson (casinos) is 81 years old.
    James Sinegal (retail) is 79 years old.

    Term limits for them too!

  18. reloman says - Posted: January 17, 2015

    Rock are you mad at BO because he is independent and doesn’t like Obama or Bush. Being independent means no party affiliation, votes for the candidate not like your self who would never think of voting republican even if the candidate truly was the better candidate in your own eyes.

    Also all of those people you mention own a sizable and in many cases major shares of stock in their companies. At least 2 inherited their companies and built them up to where they are today. The others started their biz from scratch and made them what they are today.
    Really surprised that you didn’t mention Carl Icahn as he is the only one on the list that has a major asset on the south shore.

  19. rock4tahoe says - Posted: January 17, 2015

    Relo. Based on BO’s postings, it is NOT independent.

    Exactly how do you “know” how I have voted over the decades anyway… clairvoyance.

    None of my Grandparents lived to 80 years of age. But, none of my Grandparents were allowed to drive a vehicle several years before their deaths; much less drive a company.

    All of the people I mentioned are Male and over 80 years old or pushing it. I used them for contrast and comparison to the “senile” arguments listed. Unless you think that only elected officials are senile, while CEO’s are not.

    We both know that it would take a Constitutional Amendment to put Age Limits on The Congress, The Executive and the Supreme Court (don’t leave them out). And we both know that an Amendment to the Constitution has not happened since the 27th Amendment in 1992. So, all this is purely academic.

  20. Hmmm... says - Posted: January 17, 2015

    Rock4….you missed two:

    Charles G. Koch (born 1935), Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of Koch Industries
    David H. Koch (born 1940), Executive Vice President of Koch Industries