Editorial: On Roe vs. Wade’s birthday, an unscientific attempt to limit abortion rights
Publisher’s note: This editorial is from the Jan. 21, 2015, Los Angeles Times.
Today, the 42nd anniversary of the Supreme Court’s landmark ruling in Roe vs. Wade, the House of Representatives is scheduled to vote on a bill to ban abortions at 20 weeks. The bill is expected to pass the House and may pass the Senate as well, although it is almost certain to be vetoed by President Obama.
But even if it won’t ultimately become law, it is worth pausing for a moment to think about what this bill is about. Under Roe, women have a constitutional right to an abortion up to the point of viability of the fetus outside the womb, which is about 24 weeks.
The bill would flout that, based on the claim that a fetus can feel pain at 20 weeks — an assertion rejected by most medical experts who have studied the issue and who have concluded that all the neurological elements necessary to experience pain are not completely in place and functioning at that point.
Why bother with this editorial. The Rs dropped the idea yesterday.
Because murdering babies is okay . . .
Seems like every time this subject comes up there are plenty of people who have strong opinions about it but they never say how they support the babies born to children, babies conceived while on birth control, babies that are headed for a life of poverty or born to addicted parents. Come-on, let’s hear the grand plan.
In the mean time, stay out of wombs or start removing the penises that cause these unwanted pregnancies.
Why do you think “they” need to support other people’s children?
There are lots of people out there who would love to adopt a child; there aren’t enough available babies for adoption in this country, people are going outside the USA to China, Russia, South America, Africa, anywhere they can. Then there are private charities who can help.
It isn’t necessarily an ‘either/or’ situation.
Abortion is not about murdering anything, it is and has always been about control.
The “Government” has no business in the bedroom or even asking if an American Woman is pregnant…
4th Amendment.
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects,[a] against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
14th Amendment
Section 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
Thank you for publishing this piece. It is an important anniversary.
It is indeed about control, based not on morals, but grounded primarily in religions of many stripes and money.
It has always been absolutely wrong and ridiculous that something that cannot be seen felt or proven (GODs of one type or another) has resulted in so many deaths due to wars, or occupied so much human time in the efforts to convert non believers to a certain way of thought.
You would think humanity could eventually grow out of this.
Funny, dog always wants people that support the rights of the homeless, immigrants, needy folks, poor, etc…to pony up and house, feed, and otherwise support these unfortunates. When asked about how to support the potential unwanted babies born to the people who would otherwise terminate their pregnancys, she is all over telling them in no way would she support or help out these unwanted children. Ah, the finger pointing continues…
Bats, you live in a fantasy world of your own invention. Tell me where I said any of those things?
You make up the most incredible stuff, purely to attack other posters. How about addressing the issues for a change? Can’t do it? Not surprised.
Dog, if your personal philosophy sees it as murdering babies, then by all means don’t seek an abortion. But by the same token, do not tell others what to do who see it differently and if you are truly libertarian, do not advocate for the passage of laws that controls a women’s right to choose. You have expressed what your choice is and I support your choice to not have an abortion, if that is what you choose.
“Bats, you live in a fantasy world of your own invention”
How old is their fantasy world? Your made up book tells you if is 6-20 thousand years old.
“You make up the most incredible stuff, purely to attack other posters.”
And you put words in peoples mouths all the time and use straw man fallacies.
look in a mirror you crazy bat. your main flaw is that you assume that you aren’t dumb, so you do nothing to remedy your condition.
post more links to you teabagger news site and preface it with ‘some people will say this is BS because of their politics’ and ignore the fact that it is a hyper-partisan POS source. you had a sense that is was irreputable, but pushed on anyway. that is an act of being so dumb that you can’t see how dumb you are. i can’t believe you take yourself seriously and live in complete denial of your track record. how many rain drops need to hit your head before you realize it is raining?
i found a passage in your fantasy book about how it is better to be despised by smart people than supported by morons.
as a society we no longer have a use for religion, especially fundamentalism. every other advanced society has moved on and rejected Angry Sky Man in government and are better off because of it.
And the finger pointing continues…
thanks to the others that see this pattern and share their observations as well. I really dont care what dog logic she believes. Her pattern of contradiction is glaringly obvious…
I think the above serves as an illustration of why nothing happens in Washington.