Tahoe Tails — Adoptable Pets in South Lake Tahoe



Chuck is a 3-year-old American Staffordshire terrier who is smart, friendly, and well behaved.

He walks nicely on the leash, and knows sit, stay, and down.

Staffordshire terriers are often compared to pit bulls, but while they have similar characteristics, they are generally shorter and stockier. Both breeds are known for being loyal, fearless, and affectionate. Chuck appears to have all of these traits, and will make a great pet for just about any household.

Chuck is neutered, microchipped, tested for heart worm, and vaccinated. He is at the El Dorado County Animal Services shelter in Meyers, along with many other dogs and cats who are waiting for their new homes. Go to the Tahoe animal shelter’s Facebook page to see photos and descriptions of all pets at the shelter.

Call 530.573.7925 for directions, hours, and other information on adopting a pet. For spay-neuter assistance for South Tahoe residents, go online.

— Karen Kuentz


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Comments (18)
  1. Cranky Gerald says - Posted: February 9, 2015

    Has anyone but me noticed how many ways the pounds and other pet adoption agencies have to try to avoid saying PIT BULL.
    While the above write-up does not have any specifics about Chuck, many of them up for adoption have guidance connected to them… for instance “no cats, no kids”….or “should be only dog”.
    Loyal, fearless and affectionate are typical descriptors.

    Further, why is it that a far more significant number of pits or pit mixes wind up connected to violent attacks than their percentage representation in the total dog population?

    I am fed up with the pit protectors old excuse “it is not the dog it is the owner” to explain why there are so many pit bull incidents where animals or humans are injured.

    We obviously cannot control the owners, but we can control the animals if we only will.

  2. littleone says - Posted: February 9, 2015

    Having seen a Pit attack another dog, I agreee with Gerald. They should be discouraged as pets because when they attack – they lock-on and it’s a one bite kill.

  3. Kits Carson says - Posted: February 9, 2015

    I saw a PIT BULL like the PIT BULL pictured attack another dog at Sierra. It DID lock on and the owner had a hard time freeing the injured dog. They are a ghetto mentality owners dog and should not be pets. I’m with cranky and littleone. Give Chuck a shot and say good night.

  4. Roxy says - Posted: February 9, 2015

    All of these comments above are written by ignorant and narrow minded individuals. My dog is a PIT mix and he is in no shape or form an aggressive dog. He is calm, mellow, GREAT with my cat who does everything in her power to try to bug him and set him off but he doesn’t even flinch. He’s a sweet and kind hearted dog. And furthermore, I’ve known PLENTY of full pit bulls that are kind and sweet and extremely smart dogs. On another note, Dalmatians and small dog breeds are linked to WAY more dog attacks and bitings then pit bulls have ever commited. Don’t be ignorant and know your FACTS before slandering and accusing based on ONE incident that you may have heard about on fox 40 news. #dumbasses

  5. Kimmi says - Posted: February 9, 2015

    How dare the three of you… Especially you kits carson. Give him a shot Goodnight? Could you be any more heartless cold and rude?This poor dog is guilty of nothing. The only thing he is guilty of is waiting for a loving home. You on the other hand are guilty of accusing this wonderful animal of being a killing machine based on a stereotype that we as humans have created for this breed. I hope you feel good about yourself and can sleep at night , your post sickens me to think I share a planet with people like you.

  6. Chris says - Posted: February 9, 2015

    As an owner of two pits and student of biology, nothing in any of the above comments carries any validity. There is no physical abnormality or variation that pitbulls have that allows them to lock their jaw. Sorry it’s science can’t argue. I’m assuming these three people feel the same way about minorities, grouping things into a label and classifying them with stereotypes. It’s what the weak mind does when attempting to have a complex thought, but failing miserably.

  7. fromform says - Posted: February 10, 2015

    my experience as a long time dog ‘owner’ has led me to the conclusion that canine behavior problems by and large originate with the human component. except for pit bulls. as much as i love dogs in general, these ‘staffordshire terriers’ are time bombs.

  8. Kits Carson says - Posted: February 10, 2015

    . Don’t be ignorant and know your FACTS

    I know what I witnessed. It was not pretty. Everyone says, “Not my Pit. He/she is an angel”. Maybe in your home, but what I saw was an owner trying to get the monster off an innocent dog. HIS nice/friendly Pit would not listen to him. It’s lucky it wasn’t shot.
    I sleep just fine.

  9. Level says - Posted: February 10, 2015

    Kits, I witnessed a Tea Party republican (a friend) voting a democratic ticket. I know what I witnessed!

    By your logic then, all Tea Party members are closet democrats?

  10. maria says - Posted: February 10, 2015

    People are ignorant I have pit bull and he is the best dog I ever had love him .make me sad how people talk about dog’s I’m a pit lover and if u don’t like them is u problem

  11. Isee says - Posted: February 10, 2015

    I love animals. I grew up on a farm. I know what I saw and how tramatizing it was. I am allowed my own opinion based on my experiences. On the farm, no pit would be allowed because when they do bite- it’s over. I’ve never seen another dog breed behave that way. My Life, My Opinion. You weren’t there- you don’t know. Suggestions from animal control for getting a dog unlocked from another dog’s neck. 1) Pour water on the locking dog’s face so they have to let go to breathe. 2) carry a sharp ended pole or stick- to shove at the butt hole of the locking dog so it’ll let go.

  12. LeanForward says - Posted: February 10, 2015

    My neighbor has a pitbull. Sweetest dog ever. My toddler loves their pit. He’s gentle and fun. Sits on your feet while you scratch his head.

    I’ve also seen a lab attack another dog. Bad pet owners are bad pet owners. I love how people try to put the blame on the dog.

  13. Ignorent says - Posted: February 10, 2015

    So your personal experience…So all Pits should die. So if you experienced a human kill someone the whole human race is bad and needs to be eradicated?

    Oh…So this Pit should be put down and the Labrador is a good dog?

    5-year-old bitten by Labrador recovering, says her pit bull saved her from being seriously injured

  14. Forum154 says - Posted: February 10, 2015

    i have a lab/ shepherd mix that I adopted when he was a year and a half old. His description said not good with children, or other pets, prefers to be the only dog.
    It’s not a matter of the breed, but the poor socialization job and care of the first owner. The pit/ bull dog mix at our house is a total couch potato. He lives for food and is ONLY gentle with every dog he meets. He’s 8 and has never had one problem because he has GOOD owners.

  15. reloman says - Posted: February 10, 2015

    Pit bulls are on the list of the top 4 dogs for insurance companies to deny coverage forhomeowners and renters policies( not all companies but many) this is because of their experience with dog bites in the past.

  16. Tahoe927 says - Posted: February 10, 2015

    Think outside your ignorant brains for just a second. How dare some of you say the things you are. A dog does not choose it’s breed, so as a human race we must do our best to bring them into loving homes and teach them right from wrong. No dog is perfect, no matter what breed it is – All dogs have potential to have flaws. Closed minded people like you make it so pit bulls don’t stand a chance in this world to find loving homes. A dogs behavior is a direct result of the environment they are raised in.

  17. KN says - Posted: February 10, 2015

    I’ve been around numerous dogs in my life. I have never been bit or threatened by a pit, pit mix, staffie, etc. BUT I have been bitten twice by “friendly-breed” dogs.

  18. Cranky gerald says - Posted: February 10, 2015

    I believe media hype and let my ignorance outweigh the cold hard facts. I’m an old bitter man, set in my uninformed ways and anything I see on fox will solidify my stupidity. I believe unjust murder of an innocent canine is OK, because I’ve seen horror stories and have read biased articles that have little to no factuality. Guns and McDonald’s are also murderers. Obama has done a wonderful job…