Traffic stop ends with 2 people in custody


A routine traffic stop ended with two arrests, and firearms, drugs and stolen property being confiscated by El Dorado County sheriff’s deputies.

Deputy Jeff Tucker stopped a Nissan Maxima on Feb. 4 at 4:20pm on the West Slope for a possible code infraction. Tucker knew one of the occupants is a member of the Sureno gang in Placerville. The deputy asked to search the vehicle.

A stolen Toshiba laptop computer from Santa Cruz was found as well as mail and bank checks. Rafael Cardoza, 27, of Diamond Springs was arrested on charges of possession of the stolen computer.

Nalana Omega, 31, of Placerville had an unregistered .40-caliber Glock handgun loaded with a high capacity magazine in her purse, according to authorities. In a backpack, a loaded .22-caliber revolver was recovered. The revolver was confirmed stolen from Citrus Heights, according to deputies. Omega was arrested on charges of possession of a concealed weapon in a vehicle, carrying a loaded firearm, and carrying a loaded stolen firearm. At the jail, it was discovered she had suspected heroin, hypodermic needles and a meth pipe. Charges of possession of a controlled substance while armed, possession of narcotics, and possession of narcotic paraphernalia were added.

The two other occupants of the vehicle were not detained.

— Read the whole story



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Comments (27)
  1. copper says - Posted: February 9, 2015

    This can’t be accurate. I keep reading on the LTN “forum” about how incompetent Tahoe area public safety folks are. Perhaps the arrests were actually performed by posse comitatus geniuses and the cops put aside their donuts long enough to take credit. Makes sense – at least, here.

  2. Look at it this way says - Posted: February 9, 2015

    Nice police work Deputy Tucker, keep safe out there! Getting really tired of crooks trying to degrade this free country… Send them to isis country where it’s lawless, survival of the fittest Wild Wild east. Crooks you are so ungrateful for what you have here!!!!! Change or rot in prison

  3. Ronnie says - Posted: February 9, 2015

    Nice work deputy, keep locking them up. We support you 100%.

  4. Perry R. Obray says - Posted: February 9, 2015

    I guess it wasn’t a lucky 4:20.

  5. Justice says - Posted: February 10, 2015

    These gangsters will be out in no time and this is more evidence that armed criminal street gangs are traveling around looking for new targets out of their “hood” and could care less about driving with loaded guns and stolen property or who their next target is. The only defense to this other than armed citizens is the street cop and deputy who are still doing their jobs, and in my opinion, in spite of Hussein and Holder trying to discourage all of law enforcement from making arrests of “certain” races and dealing with suspected illegals. Yesterday it was reported that King Hussein has set up new phone lines for illegals in the country to report law enforcement “abuses” of the illegal amnesty order that is a violation of federal law. The lawlessness in DC encourages criminals everywhere.

  6. LeanForward says - Posted: February 10, 2015

    Justice it didn’t say anything about them being illegals. Just so you know there are white gangs, black gangs, asian gangs, every type of gang. Immigration isn’t the cause, just stupid people living a life so poor they think it to be the best option.

  7. Dogula says - Posted: February 10, 2015

    LeanForward, the Surenos are a Mexican gang. And the article DID say the guy was a member of that gang.
    And yes, we have enough crime and criminals of our own without importing extras.
    Maybe if we did away with the drug laws, there would be less money for them to make and they’d go away. . .

  8. nature bats last says - Posted: February 10, 2015

    Yup, the race issue is more important than the crime. Go figure…

  9. southie says - Posted: February 10, 2015

    > stopped .. for a possible code infraction.

    “Possible” code infraction? The lawyer in me wonders if this was a legal stop.

    > Tucker knew one of the occupants is a member of the Sureno gang in Placerville.

    Did Tucker stop the vehicle for a “possible code infraction” after he identified the driver as a gang member, or did he recognize the occupant as a gang member after the stop? The lawyers are going to have a field day if the report is accurate.

    It will be interesting to see if this case holds up. Hopefully it does and we read about the outcome here.

  10. Gaspen Aspen says - Posted: February 10, 2015

    Dog, we are not importing them, they are INFESTING us. Insects will always be in need of squashing.

  11. Justice says - Posted: February 10, 2015

    The deputy has the training and every legal right to recognize gang members and legally arrest them as all want them to do. These gangs from Mexico are the primary drug traffickers for the drug cartels and the judges in this county have to harshly sentence them as such before their numbers start to increase any further. Being armed and committing other crimes is normal for them. Being a criminal street gang member should be an automatic three strike sentence. If the people demanded these common sense crime solutions all would be safer by far.

  12. AROD says - Posted: February 10, 2015

    Southie, I am with you. All though these criminals need to be off the streets, it has to be done under the color of law. Adhering to the Bill of Rights and the Constitution. Specifically, the Fourth and Fifth Amendments.

  13. Real Life Lawyer says - Posted: February 10, 2015

    “The deputy has the training and every legal right to recognize gang members and legally arrest them as all want them to do.”

    It’s simply stunning how little “Justice” understands about U.S. Law and, in particular, the U.S. Constitution. Google the 4th Amendment to the Bill of Rights, Justice. You’ll probably learn a lot.

    Being recognized as a gang member, without any evidence of a crime, is NOT probable cause to arrest someone. It’s actually called freedom of assembly, largely enshrined in the 1st Amendment of the Bill of Rights. So I guess Justice is a big fan of the Constitution, except for those pesky 1st and 4th Amendments.

    Blame the founding fathers if you want. But I’m sure you’ll just blame Obama. Oops… I mean “Hussein.”

  14. nature bats last says - Posted: February 10, 2015

    Real life lawyer, you are absolutly right about justanass and his limited knowledge. He just wants to use racially charged words and put downs against obama, even if it has no relevance to the story.

  15. Dogula says - Posted: February 10, 2015

    Bats, is “Mexican” a race? An ethnicity? I thought it was a nationality.

  16. Another Real Lawyer says - Posted: February 10, 2015

    Since we’re on the subject of how little Justice actually understands about the U.S. Constitution, I’ll also point out his statement:

    “Being a criminal street gang member should be an automatic three strike sentence,”

    Such a law would be a violation of the 14th Amendment. You know… that whole annoying “due process” thing.

    Maybe we can send Justice one of those little pocket Constitutions so he can bone up.

  17. copper says - Posted: February 10, 2015

    One of the more difficult parts of a police officer’s job is articulating what he /she saw, what conclusions were drawn from it, and was it sufficient probable cause to justify her actions.

    Attorney’s will pound and pound on that issue in court, but usually it’s just a show for their client. On professional agencies like the ones that police the Lake Tahoe area, those decisions are only rarely thrown out in court.

  18. Justice says - Posted: February 10, 2015

    Both were probably on probation and/or parole, you know that paper you sign when you waive your rights in court. The deputy knows what he is doing and makes arrests under the law, can any of these brilliant people prove otherwise? The deputy also has the extensive training to do it. Unlike the ignorant commenters here supporting the criminals and “Dare Rights” to be a criminal and be armed and be predators which is the problem with ignorant jailbirds posing here as lawyers.

  19. LeanForward says - Posted: February 10, 2015

    Dogula, I’m well aware of XIV and 13. I grew up in a town with gang problems. Just because they are Mexican in ethnicity doesn’t mean they are illegals. That was all I was pointing out. I’ve known members of both gangs (growing up) and all were US Citizens.

  20. Real Life Lawyer says - Posted: February 10, 2015

    Nice guess, Justice, but I’m a criminal prosecutor. Educated at one of the best law schools in the country. I just know what the Constitution says, unlike you. I walk the walk, whereas you just talk the talk.

  21. reloman says - Posted: February 10, 2015

    Since no one on this board knows, including the 2 supposed lawyers all of this is conjecture and as such not admissible in court.

  22. Biggerpicture says - Posted: February 10, 2015

    Funny that the resident Fox News/Rush Limbaugh law scholars continue to argue when proven completely wrong by actual practicing lawyers. But at least they’re consistent!

  23. Justice says - Posted: February 10, 2015

    “Real Life” really what is your point? I said that validated street gang members should receive a three strike sentence, most prosecutors from any county’s DA office in the state would agree which the voters could pass. I didn’t say it was the law now. Also these may or may not be legal citizens of the country anyway. You can throw out the 14th Amendment as a challenge, I am sure it would be for defense attorneys, that wasn’t the point.

  24. mr mustache says - Posted: February 10, 2015

    Anyone ever heard of a 4th amendment waiver? Good chance this cucaracha was subject to that already. If not, who cares? Gang members don’t deserve any rights. I’m watching South Lake Tahoe turn into East LA before my eyes. But we have to pretend like it’s OK because we wouldn’t wanna offend anyone. Sure, bring your thugged out vatos here! Sur Lago Tahoe. We should probably change the name. It’s the PC thing to do.

  25. Justice says - Posted: February 10, 2015

    Mr. M is right, this demand for “tolerance” of criminals, illegals operating as gang members, armed felons in public looking for victims and a score of other criminals being early released or walking in through the border is THE problem. This has to be reversed, not encouraged for leftist PC BS. This country has to wake up before it can turn into Europe or Mexico’s systems of failure and corruption.

  26. Look at it this way says - Posted: February 11, 2015

    Aledged misconduct, possible code violation, suspected homicide. Media has the responsibility to report possibilities, remember it’s news and a man is innocent until proven guilty… Don’t look into the media too hard like it is a police report.

  27. SeaMoore says - Posted: February 11, 2015

    I am glad they have made it illegal to purchase high capacity magazines here in this state. Now I don’t have to worry about them being in the hands of criminals. Oh… wait, they still have them. It’s me that doesn’t have them any more. How’s that law working out. Four armed gang members probably high on meth get pulled over by one cop. We should all be thankful to be reading this article here and not seeing another manhunt on the National news.