Gun control advocates see Nev. as a source of hope


By Amber Phillips, Las Vegas Sun

WASHINGTON — As a gun-loving state where Republicans have launched a wave of pro-firearm proposals since taking control of the Legislature in 2014, Nevada might seem like anything but a source of hope for supporters of tougher gun laws.

But gun control advocates say they’re optimistic that Nevada could provide a turning point in the national gun-control debate, thanks to a 2016 ballot initiative that would expand background checks to all gun sales in the state. Advocates in Washington, D.C., are planning to aggressively organize in Nevada to help it pass, fueled by the belief that if change can come to this state, it can happen anywhere.

So far, Nevada is the only state with a background-check question on its ballot next year. Current Nevada law doesn’t require FBI background checks for unlicensed firearm dealers at gun shows and private sales. Republican Gov. Brian Sandoval vetoed a Democratic bill to expand background checks in 2013, saying it restricted Nevadans’ rights.

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Comments (29)
  1. Biggerpicture says - Posted: February 11, 2015

    Overall it’s harder to register to vote and vote in an election in the United States than it is to purchase a firearm.

    Now that is some SERIOUS pretzel logic!

  2. BaddogLT says - Posted: February 11, 2015

    @BiggerP, hunh? You can register online at the SoS web site, at the Tahoe Admin. center, at the clerk’s office – you can even mail-in. And for a good part of the election cycle you’ll see plenty of folding tables to register voters at the PO and such – I’ve never seen a table of guns outside the PO.

  3. Biggerpicture says - Posted: February 11, 2015

    Baddog, I was speaking on national basis, many states now having voter ID laws. And go to a gun show in NV and I don’t need diddly to purchase a firearm from a private dealer, do I? Or I could just purchase that gun from a private citizen out of his trunk in a Post Office parking lot, or off of the internet and be totally legal.

  4. nature bats last says - Posted: February 11, 2015


  5. Dogula says - Posted: February 11, 2015

    The group that calls itself “Nevadans for Background Checks” is close to fraudulent. it’s an LLC from Arizona, and all the principals are from back east, except one who has PO box in Las Vegas. The address in Washington DC is the same as Michael Bloomberg’s address for “Everytown for Gun Safety” organization.
    As usual, it’s a bunch of back-east elites who think they’re smarter than us western country bumpkins. They can’t be honest about who they are or what it is they’re doing, they have to hide behind a fake name to try to gain more control over OUR lives.

  6. ?!? says - Posted: February 11, 2015

    Guns don’t suck, bad people with guns suck. Guns are inanimate objects, and are not capable of harming people on their own. They way people choose to use guns sucks.

  7. copper says - Posted: February 11, 2015

    As a gun owner, a resident of Nevada and a member of the American Civil Liberties Union, I’m proud of all three since my Nevada chapter of ACLU is a strong supporter of the civil rights of gun owners to own our firearms.

    I’m not opposed to the concept of background checks for gun purchasers, but as anyone who grew up around guns, as I did, growing up in Berkeley and, after range training, receiving my first rifle at about age 14 (which firearm followed me around during my years in the Air Force, and I still have, among others) I consider the tactics of the anti-gun folks as being fed by both hysteria and ignorance – the ignorance most apparent in the rants of the background check folks who might have a point if they pursued it with even a small amount of intelligence and accuracy. Not to mention honesty. But, for now, the concept of background checks to keep the crazies from gun ownership is so tainted by the collection of anti-gun ignorant screwballs that I can’t support it.

    And this, from a guy who is a life-long Democrat, and a long time supporter of our President (whose supposed opposition to gun ownership is largely myth, and imaginative wishful thinking on the part of his haters),I strongly support gun ownership, for myself and others, and would likewise support preventing the truly dangerous from owning guns if the laws were proposed and accepted by the truly sensible.

  8. ?!? says - Posted: February 11, 2015

    Well said Copper.

  9. John Liddy says - Posted: February 12, 2015

    Background checks must be performed if the dealer has a FFL, anyone in the “business” of selling guns would have to. These “feel good” laws do nothing to stop crime/mayhem and only serve to add expense and frustration to honest folks who might want to sell a gun to their neighbor. We have all these and more in California and they do NO good. I believe NV enjoys a much lower murder rate than CA.

  10. nature bats last says - Posted: February 12, 2015

    GUNS SUCK AND SO DO THE PEOPLE WHO USE GUNS TO SHOOT ANIMALS AND PEOPLE. Does that clarify my statement for you?

  11. dumbfounded says - Posted: February 12, 2015

    Yes, hiding behind fake names is horrible… LOL.

    And, apparently, having a P.O. Box, like half of Tahoe’s residents do, is also a sure sign of being “… close to fraudulent”. Got assumptions?

  12. Biggerpicture says - Posted: February 12, 2015

    John Liddy you are dead wrong (pun intended!). Nevada has one of the HIGHEST gun death rates per captia in the nation! It has the sixth worst gun death rate at 16.1 per 100,000. California doesn’t even fall into the top 20. Nevada also has the sixth highest gun death rate for women killed by men!

  13. legal beagle says - Posted: February 12, 2015

    Who needs the second amendment or the first or the forth? Heck who needs the Bill of Rights?
    That’s correct, everyone of us, whether lib or conserve.
    Copper, you really confuse me. Either you don’t know the Dem party line or you are really conservative, but it bothers you.
    Nature, you are either a vegetarian or a hypocrite. Which is it? If you are a vegetarian I am on your side regarding killing animals for food.

  14. ?!? says - Posted: February 12, 2015

    So Nature, according to your statement, if someone is trying to mug me, and I shoot him to save my life, I suck? What about the guy a few years ago who shot the coyote that was mauling his kid? He sucks too? Actually, he wen to jail for “discharging a firearm in the Tahoe basin.” Sad. Police who use their guns to save others lives? Do they suck too? What about the military that keeps your country from being invaded by others? They use guns too. If you think killing wild animals with guns sucks, then you better never eat any kind of meat ever again in your life. Guns are way more humane than slaughter houses. Somehow, I think your fear of guns stems from “ignorance and hysteria,” as Copper puts it, not rational thinking.
    The point is, laws to prevent criminals from getting guns won’t work because criminals don’t obey the law! It doesn’t matter how illegal they are, bad guys will still get their hands on guns! The only difference will be that the rest of the law-abiding citizens will be unarmed, which will encourage bad guys to do bad things.
    In 2007, you were 5 times more likely to be killed by a gun in Chicago than in the Afghan War. And Chicago has some of the strictest gun laws in the country!

  15. nature bats last says - Posted: February 12, 2015

    ?!? You believe what you want and ill believe what I want. Let me be more specific GUNS SUCK AND SO DO THE PEOPLE WHO USE GUNS FOR VIOLENT CRIMES AGAINST ANIMALS AND HUMANS. This includes killing wildlife for sport, letting innocent children have access to guns not under lock and key, all violent crimes committed against humans by guns owned both legally and illegally, the creeps at the NRA that dont give a rats ass about violent crime but are only motivated by greed and power, politicians that think rights of humans to have any kind of gun is a right as long as they get paid by the NRA to keep that message in the media to polarize people on this issue. The NRA has bastardized the 2nd ammendment which is a well known truth. IMHO

  16. Dogula says - Posted: February 12, 2015

    Bats, have you actually read the 2nd Amendment? Not much there to “bastardize”.

  17. ?!? says - Posted: February 12, 2015

    That’s better Nature. People who use guns for violent crimes suck, not innocent folks who are just trying to defend themselves. I still stick to what I said though. Guns can’t suck because they are just a pile of metal parts. The people who use guns for violent crimes are the real insects. As far as hunting, if you aren’t killing in self defense, then you should ALWAYS eat what you kill. I don’t know much about nor support the NRA, as I am just a regular gun owner, who enjoys target practice and the feeling that I am not completely unprotected. Not every gun owner is part of some “right wing conspiracy” or a “creep at the NRA.” Thank you for clarifying you statement that “GUNS SUCK AND SO DO THE PEOPLE WHO USE GUNS TO SHOOT ANIMALS AND PEOPLE.”

  18. Kits Carson says - Posted: February 12, 2015

    Nature, you have neither clarified or been more specific about your original statement. It’s called back pedaling.

  19. Gaspen Aspen says - Posted: February 12, 2015

    HA! Nature, looks like Kits caught you trying to reverse directions.

  20. Gaspen Aspen says - Posted: February 12, 2015

    Legal: What’s wrong with killing animals for food? Veggies are great with meat. After all our mouths are full of teeth (yes, I have all of mine) for tearing at meat and the like.

  21. nature bats last says - Posted: February 12, 2015

    Kits, most of what you contribute is about as clear as mud, keep on pointing those fingers. I dont have to clarify anything to you, my responses are to ?!?.

  22. legal beagle says - Posted: February 12, 2015

    Gaspen, I was only referring to Nature. Our omnivorous dentition indicates humans are flesh eaters, of which I am one. Personally I don’t like killing animals for food but I am weak and sizzling bacon or steak aroma just turns on my carnivorous self.
    Nature, may I suggest you up your meds. You are going off the deep end.

  23. Old Long Skiis says - Posted: February 12, 2015

    I am a gun owner and one of those scary Leftist/ Liberals. Being a RESPONSIBLE gun owner is what it’s all about.Hunt for food? Fine! To protect yourself? Fine!
    That being said, some people should NOT be allowed to own guns.Too many have physicological problems or substance abuse problems. Hence, all these mass shootings.
    I’m all for the second ammendment but as gun violence rises more people die from some nut pulling the trigger.
    Hunting for food? I’m cool with that.I will admit the ducks had little to fear from me as I was a rather bad shot.
    I don’t shoot anymore, but I did hold onto those two old Winchester and Remington 12 gauge shotguns. And some old decoys as wellas my duck calls and other duck hunting stuff.
    just for nostalgia reasons I guess. Happy hunting, OLS

  24. ?!? says - Posted: February 12, 2015

    OLS is spot on. It’s not the guns that are the problem. It’s the psychopaths that manage to get guns. Unfortunately, It is difficult to take the guns away from them without taking them away from everyone, which would be a disaster.

  25. Chief Slowroller says - Posted: February 12, 2015

    any of you folks thought about shooting up some cardboard and making it into Swiss Cheese?

  26. Justice says - Posted: February 12, 2015

    Liberals are often funny, they rail against guns in the wrong hands and then are the ones who don’t demand the criminals be punished with harsh sentences for using guns in crimes and stealing guns that end up in the wrong hands and these stolen guns are used in committing violent crimes. If people want criminals who misuse guns stopped, it takes the law to do it, not new laws letting thousands of felons out early and Moonbeam’s tens of thousands of new felons on the streets. Public safety is taking criminals with guns off the streets, not letting them out by the thousands it isn’t that hard to figure it out.

  27. Gaspen Aspen says - Posted: February 12, 2015

    legal: I know.
    I’m with you on “nature batty” upping meds.

  28. Kits Carson says - Posted: February 12, 2015

    nature: But apparently you had to clarify it with ?!?. I rest my case.

  29. nature bats last says - Posted: February 13, 2015

    Kit. Bite me…GUNS SUCK