Bill would allow dogs in Nevada bars
By Associated Press
Nevada lawmakers reviewed a bill Monday that would allow people to bring their dogs with them into taverns and saloons, but it got a less-than-cuddly response from health officials concerned about slobber and dog hair in cocktails.
The Senate Government Affairs Committee discussed SB105 on Monday, which is sponsored by Sen. James Settelmeyer.
The Minden Republican said the proposal originated from constituents in the small town of Virginia City. It would allow businesses to open their doors to pups if they choose. He noted a number of eateries across the country welcome dogs.
The lawmaker noted that service animals are already allowed in bars and business owners should be allowed to cater to a dog-loving niche.
But officials from several health departments opposed the bill, saying dog hair and bodily fluids might cross-contaminate food or drink. Unruly dogs could bite patrons, and employees would have to be trained on how to safely interact with the dogs, according to lobbyist Dan Musgrove, who represents the Southern Nevada Health District and spoke against the bill.
“I’m an animal lover from birth,” Musgrove said, “but in respect to this, I think we have to stand firm and say we just can’t allow them inside.”
Stupid , stupid idea. Next there will be dog food on the menu. Leave your mutts at home where they will be happier.
We will now have drunk dogs everywhere running amuck, driving off the roads, slurring their barks, and general uncalled for dog fights and excessive mischief. This just can’t stand.
I love my dog. But this is a dumb idea. Drunk people get into argument in bar. Dog bites the other guy. Chaos ensues. Bar is sued. Small business owner goes under. It would happen somewhere. Stupid bill.
Just another reason not to drink or dine in nevada.
Are u kidding?? After 35yrs living in NV I became a CA resident in 2012-seems issues like dogs in bars are very important and high on the list of NV Legislature priorities…………..are u kidding??? I guess the kids and the schools in NV will once again take a backseat to this and other very important issues-I guess it is good to give the voters of NV a say in these serious issues. who are these lawmakers and where do they come from…………………???
We tried allowing dogs at our first motel, hoping to bring in more guests. That lasted just a few days. Too many complaints from adjacent rooms about barking and scratching at the door when the family went out on the town with the dog left alone in a strange room. My folks were not happy about the torn up bedspreads or scratched up doors and the complaints about noise.
In a bar? I think you’re asking for trouble. Some dogs are not good with others and add alcohol? Leave the dog home or with a friend. It’s best for all concerned.
Don’t get me wrong . I’m a big time animal lover from far back as I can remember. Sometimes it’s just better to leave your beloved four legged friend were he is safe and secure. In a good place like or have a neighbor check up on him
A little “hair of the dog”, from OLS
I demand my horse can go into the bar as he is mostly well mannered some times and not so much at other times, yet he does seem to enjoy a good drink at times and likes company. So if this law would pass he should qualify for entry to most bars in Nevada. I do propose all cats be banned though, they can’t be trusted.
A horse goes into a bar, and the bartender asks, “Why the long face?”
A giraffe goes into a bar and says, “The highballs are on me!”
In europe they allow dogs on buses, ferries, trains, and bars…Its been fine.
I think dogs are always welcome…Homeless people could cross contaminate restaurants as well…
Damn Justice, I just pulled up to the bar in Genoa with my cat. His name is RATTS. He was seen scratching a post. I said not to worry. It’s just Cat Scratch Fever. He’ll be fine in a day or two.
Ha, Ha Ha! That old Bar is a good one right up there with the Kirkwood Inn and Carson’s ghost. In the Genoa bar you Might see Old Snowshoe himself ghost walking around with a pair of wooden skis.
I’ll ride over and check it out, my horse said that fever is bad and there should be a strict warning about a certain type of bar cat that should not be taken into or out of the bag in those parts because your parts could be at risk.
Mushroom walks into a bar and hops up on the stool. Bartender yells,’Get outta here. We don’t serve mushrooms!’
Mushroom says, ‘Why not? I’m a real fungi.’
Infinitely many mathematicians walk into a bar. The first says, “I’ll have a beer.” The second says, “I’ll have half a beer.” The third says, “I’ll have a quarter of a beer.” The barman pulls out just two beers. The mathematicians are all like, “That’s all you’re giving us? How drunk do you expect us to get on that?” The bartender says, “Come on guys. Know your limits.”
Better than the standard Nevada sheep caught in the fence joke;
“Guy walks into a bar and a piano player is playing with a monkey sitting on the piano, the guy orders his drink and puts it down and the monkey jumps up and goes and pees in the guys drink, guy says, hey do you know your monkey just peed in my drink? Guy says no but if you hum a few bars I might remember it.”
So the bartender says “we don’t serve nuetrinos in here”
A nuetrino goes into a bar.
Bill allowing dogs in Nevada bars. Some pretty corny jokes and comments, but it is good to see I’m not the only one who makes ’em!!! Nice that we can laugh at one another and stop with hurling insults. So two LTN readers walk into a bar and ( ……….. ). Fill in the blank. That could be fun! OLS, Old Laughing Skiis.
A Priest, a Minister and a Rabbi walk into a bar.
The bartender looks at ’em and asks, “What, is this some kinda joke?”
A conservative, a liberal, and an independent walk into a bar, the bar tender says, “What will it be Mitt?”
Okay, You guys started it. Speaking of dogs in bars, I’ve met many in my younger years at bars and often brought them home so they could roll around on the floor with me, then I’d give the dog a bone.
Can the jokes get any worse than that???
Old Laughing Stock or OLS if you will.
I like that Mitt joke Justice. Good on ya!
Two LTN readers walk into a bar to watch the Dog and Fish show.:) PS Hope you all got the joke about the faster than light particle.
A guy walks into a bar…he says “Ow, that hurts!”
As close as most Gardnerville cowboy transplants from CA have ever been to a cow is picking up on one in a bar.
Haddi: I’m assuming that you’re referring to Dogula and Cosa Pescado ( Now the Duke of Prunes)? That was hilarious. :) Yes, I got the joke about the faster than light particle. Good one! “Corny” No. Nerdy and cool? Abosolutely!
Unfortunately, it looks like no one got my joke about convergent series. Awww. :(
Hmmm, is there something hidden in your joke that I’m not getting or was it intended to be sarcastically simple?
A dog goes into a bar and orders a martini. The bartender says, “You don’t see a dog in here drinking a martini very often.”
The dog says, “At these prices, I’m not surprised.”
Thanks for the jokes everyone! A happy way to start the day.
But, seriously, take a crowded environment, add copius amounts of alcohol and maybe a fight or two. Add dog(s). What could possibly go wrong?
Perhaps the “authorities” should leave it up to the business owners to decide which creatures they prefer to invite into their establishments? What a concept!
“In europe they allow dogs on buses, ferries, trains, and bars…Its been fine.”
Yes and in most of Europe dogs in such places are required to be muzzled! Yes, that eliminates most of the issues – good luck with that here.
Thanks for the laughs, everyone. Justice-you missed your calling- Humor!! (seriously)