2015 could be year of the gun in Nev. Legislature


By Sean Whaley, Las Vegas Review-Journal

CARSON CITY — A flurry of firearm and Second Amendment related bills introduced in the Legislature have already generated plenty of controversy even though none of the major proposals have even had hearings yet.

First there was a dust-up between Senate Democrats and Republicans over a GOP gun measure that includes domestic violence provisions that Democrats said fell short of what is needed.

Firearms are making some noise in the Nevada Legislature this session.

This could be the year of the gun, as Republicans, who are in the majority in the Legislature for the first time in decades, see a chance to enact Second Amendment measures supported by many of their constituents.

Assembly Judiciary Chairman Ira Hansen, R-Sparks, said the large number of bills is in part a reflection of concerns that there is a strong movement to curtail gun rights nationally.

At least nine bills directly relating to firearms have either been introduced or are being drafted.

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Comments (59)
  1. Biggerpicture says - Posted: February 23, 2015

    And yet Nevada has the sixth highest gun death rate per capita in the US.

    The argument that more gun ownership makes for less gun deaths is not only a myth, it’s simply absurd!

  2. Kits Carson says - Posted: February 23, 2015

    Bigger: It’s your right to choose not to protect yourself if that’s the case. If you’re scared or simply don’t know how to use one that’s ok. You can call the cops when needed but it will be over before they arrive.

  3. Biggerpicture says - Posted: February 23, 2015

    Kits, the ones that live in fear are those such as yourself! I walk fearless through my world and have no use for weapons. I rely on my intelligence, not a “tool” as you folks refer to guns. If you need a gun to empower yourself I think you might have some issues, or be lacking in some way, shape, or form.

    But that’s just MY opinion.

  4. copper says - Posted: February 23, 2015

    One contributor to that high Nevada death rate was my neighbor who several years ago shot and killed the armed intruder who broke through his front door and was threatening his family. Of course, had he not made his single contribution to the death rate, the intruder likely would have made several.

    The fatal stopping shot was the fifth and last from his handgun. Fortunately my household is protected by several 13 round magazines, protection that Californians have deemed too upsetting to their sensitive natures to be legal.

  5. Kits Carson says - Posted: February 23, 2015

    Bigger: See Coppers comment.
    Good luck with your “Intelligence” while pleading to some unintelligent crack head in your home. I have no fear either. I have friends like Rugar, Ithica, Browning, Colt and of course Smith & Wesson.
    You are fearless? I think Clueless is a more accurate word. Have a nice day.

  6. Biggerpicture says - Posted: February 23, 2015

    Kits, I’m well into my fifties and only once in my life was I preseneed with a situation that involved a gun. I was tending bar with a full house and I diffused the situation with a cool demeanor and literally a soft hand. Had I had a gun and decided to try and use it to diffuse the situation I’m quite positive very bad things would have happened to innocent people around the confrontation. And until it was resolved and the police arrested the person outside of the bar, no one in the bar even knew it took place.

    PEACE out bro!

  7. nature bats last says - Posted: February 23, 2015


  8. copper says - Posted: February 23, 2015

    Not meaning to be overly technical, but actually they blow.

  9. Gaspen Aspen says - Posted: February 23, 2015

    Biggerpicture: A person always needs to know their limitations.

    Guns are not the solution to every situation, (unless maybe you’re at a birthday party, Christmas or other family gathering in Sacramento or Oakland) but it sounds (not based on your one time event) like you and everyone else is better off with you not owning one.

  10. Biggerpicture says - Posted: February 23, 2015

    Well Gaspen, from what I’ve read of the comments made by you and those of your ilk here on this LTN forum, it sounds like me and everyone else is better off with you and the likes of you NOT owning one!

    Copper and other even minded folks that I personally know very akin to him, on the other hand, is EXACTLY the type of person I have absolutely no problem with owning a gun!

  11. Dan Stroehler says - Posted: February 23, 2015

    I wonder how many of those gun related deaths were the criminals, and how many were “others”.

  12. Justice says - Posted: February 23, 2015

    Nevada will move to insure that their law abiding residents will be protected by two things; armed citizens and the 2nd Amendment. All criminals should beware. This is a simple well founded fifty state concept and one that not only is as important as the 1st Amendment, as a history lesson the armed citizenry caused great concern in Japan and Germany when they considered an invasion of this country in WWII. This history will repeat at some point when other invaders consider the same course.

  13. Biggerpicture says - Posted: February 23, 2015

    Hey Justice, how well did it work out for that “armed” woman in Las Vegas last week?

  14. Justice says - Posted: February 23, 2015

    For your info she wasn’t armed, her son was, but they were ambushed in their driveway from what I recall in a basic drive by gangster shooting.

  15. Dogula says - Posted: February 23, 2015

    Occasionally being armed is not helpful for some folks in a deadly situation. Sometimes it’s because they’re stupid, sometimes unprepared, sometimes outgunned, sometimes just unlucky.
    But still, EVERY American has the right to to be armed for their own defense if they want to be. At least that way they have a chance against the bad guys. More than if you deny them the opportunity to even try.
    Bad guys will always have weapons. Keep the playing field level.

  16. duke of prunes says - Posted: February 23, 2015

    More accurately, being armed is not helpful in most situations when someone is taken by surprise, which is most situations.
    “Keep the playing field level.”
    Once surprised this is not possible.
    Unless you live in gun nut fantasy land.

  17. Chief Slowroller says - Posted: February 23, 2015

    last Friday I went to the shooting range in Carson City, I did not see anybody shoot anybody else I did see a lot of people having a real good time.

    last summer old Charlie told me ” if I get down to my last bullet I am going to shoot them in the Head”

    I witnessed a gun death in Nevada back in 97, my Dad was on his death bed and he just did not want to go to the Hospital.

  18. Justice says - Posted: February 23, 2015

    Lay off the prune juice and get out of the bathroom for a change Mr. Prunes, you have no idea of what you are saying as usual. There is nothing to support your “surprise” theory that I have ever seen. An armed citizen will have a much greater chance of defending themselves than the opposite. It isn’t that hard to understand.

  19. Dogula says - Posted: February 23, 2015

    Fish, You are so wrong, so out of your element, it’s incredible. You’re making that crap up out of thin air. How do you define, ‘surprised’? Regardless, I’d rather have my little pocket gun than not. ‘Cause then I have a little element of surprise myself.
    But you rarely let facts get in the way of your ideology.

  20. sunriser2 says - Posted: February 23, 2015

    Weak people should stay out of my life.

  21. Dale says - Posted: February 23, 2015

    Everybody should freely own a gun, no restrictions. If you don’t want one ok, no problem. The dishonest people do not know if own one or not, might be slower to act. Vigilante justice. Pull a gun in public as a criminal, some law abiding citizen with a gun might blow your poop away. I do not like guns, I will never own a gun. Yet I believe in free gun ownership. When the dust finally clears, this country will be better off because the bad guys will either be dead or thinking twice before they commit the crime. Crimes of passion? Offing your spouse or family or transgressor of love? Well, knife, strangulation, blunt trauma to the head, these things can happen without a gun.

  22. Biggerpicture says - Posted: February 23, 2015

    I find it almost laughable, ALMOST, that some of you gun toting heroes think by virtue of owning guns and even spending hours at gun ranges practicing shooting at stationary targets in an atmosphere completely free from ANY stress that would be accompanied with an ACTUAL, REAL LIFE violent incident, that you would act properly. LET ALONE act at all!

    Until you’ve been there it’s impossible to know or guarantee how you would react. And I would bet that more often than not, by virtue of me NOT having a gun, I would stand a better chance of survival.

  23. Gaspen Aspen says - Posted: February 23, 2015

    Bigger: You have ZERO clue of who I am or what I own. Always remember that.

  24. Biggerpicture says - Posted: February 23, 2015

    Guess I hit a nerve, didn’t I Gaspen?

    What I’ll always remember is folks like you are ALL show, and NO go!

    You’re pathetic!

    Good night Irene!

  25. Gaspen Aspen says - Posted: February 23, 2015

    Hey Bigger: Your last comment is quite a stupid/ill informed one. I’ll let you in on something…..I HAVE BEEN THERE!!! I “acted” and “properly.” So your comments don’t impress me. Until you have walked in MY shoes, you have no opinion that matters to me.

  26. Look at it this way says - Posted: February 23, 2015

    I liked the robber who tried to hold up the pharmacy today, low and behold the pharmacist stereotyped the look of the crook and is a packing heat concealed carry citizen. Crook got dead a done deal. Criminals beware! Video on fox news

  27. Dogula says - Posted: February 24, 2015

    Those people who THINK they know how other people think (Bigger?) are the biggest danger to us all. The believe that by virtue of their superior understanding of the world, they should be allowed to determine how the rest of us are allowed to eat, drink, travel, and live.
    THOSE are the people the Constitution was written to prevent from having that power.

  28. legal beagle says - Posted: February 24, 2015

    Do not you anti-gun folks realize you sully the Constitution by attacking the Second Amendment. Thank G-D the greatest men that ever lived wrote the American founding documents including the greatest piece of writing ever, bar none, our Constitution. The blessings bestowed by this magnificent group of words could not have come about, I believe, unless divine intervention had occurred, as it has never occurred anywhere else on Earth.
    Why was America selected to receive the Constitution?
    It is no coincidence our country also was selected to be graced with an abundance of natural resources that allowed us commoners to live better than Kings and Queens of just a few years ago.
    Instead of attacking the Constitution, you should celebrate it everyday and give grateful thanks.

  29. Haddi T. Uptahere says - Posted: February 24, 2015

    Guns don’t kill people, husbands who come home early do! :)
    Seriously though, having grown up in a time when we played with toy guns as small children, idolized TV and movie cowboys who were “dead eye” shooters, had BB guns that were replaced by 22 caliber pellet guns, then actual fire arms, I believe in every Americans right to own guns. Just as long as they are registered, obtained legally, stored properly and the user is properly trained. As for being able to actually carry them in public whenever and wherever you want, that is a risky situation. Think about the Good Samaritan at the Kmart store that got blown away by the couple not long ago. He would still be alive today had he not drawn his weapon. The villainous couple would still be gone thanks to the TRAINED police that took them out. Having been shot at and having shot at others has taught me that guns have a place in our world. It’s just a really, really sad one.

  30. Justice says - Posted: February 24, 2015

    Some countries require mandatory military training for all who are young and they require their people to have arms ready to defend their nation in these dangerous times. People should remember that an armed citizenry comprised of law abiding people will always be a barrier and concern to those who would like to invade and take and murder and pillage and right now dangerous enemies are gathering armies of dangerous murdering stone aged zealots to do just that and this is why we need people prepared not for just the common criminal or early release career criminal and felon. It was also true when Pancho Villa’s bandits invaded New Mexico and about wiped out a town and in WWI when Germany had plans to invade from Mexico and also true in early WWII. There was also a time in the country when our local law enforcement would need armed citizens to help in many instances and this could be the case again, there could also be any other number of reasons why people should know how to defend and be prepared for the basics of their own survival.

  31. Dogula says - Posted: February 24, 2015

    The problem with registered guns is, what happens when we have to protect ourselves from our own government? They know where the guns are, they come and take them.
    And don’t pooh pooh the idea, and call me paranoid. That is exactly what happened in Germany to the Jews before WWII.
    Don’t say it could never happen here.

  32. nature bats last says - Posted: February 24, 2015

    There are some pretty scarry gun fanatics on this blog who are all the people my parents warned me about, mentally unstable carrying guns. YIKES!!!! It really wont matter much cuz Nature Bats Last !

  33. AROD says - Posted: February 24, 2015

    You think you have more fire power and expertise in tactical assaults than the Federal Government? Unless you have a tank and a nuke in your backyard your losing. This is all fantasy land thinking, no one is coming for your guns or your fairy tale book aka Bible.

  34. nature bats last says - Posted: February 24, 2015

    The paranoid whack jobs above deserve to waste their time hiding behind their doors.

  35. Dogula says - Posted: February 24, 2015

    “Paranoid whack jobs”
    Nothing to offer but insults, huh, Bats?
    The Federal government can’t send in nukes against all its little armed citizens. And I personally have no intentions of going to war against my government. But knowing that so many of us out here ARE armed is surely a deterrent to them becoming even MORE tyrannical than they already are. As has been noted before, the Japanese leadership was intimidated enough by armed armed American citizens to be very cautious in their approach.

  36. TeaTotal says - Posted: February 24, 2015

    I think ‘paranoid whack jobs’ is an insult to that group.
    -more like lunatic fringe never-ending babble from the pathetic ‘Me the People’ gunnuts. The bigger the gun the smaller the…

  37. Biggerpicture says - Posted: February 24, 2015

    Dog, what’s the difference between someone using the term “paranoid whack jobs” to describe a group of people, and you using the word “commies” to describe a group of people?

    And to legal beagle, framing slave owners that felt women and non land owners had no say in their own lives as “the greatest men that have ever lived” is a wee bit of a stretch. Yes they created a wonderful living document, but they were human just like you and me. And many of them were NOT followers of Christianity, but were diests.

  38. duke of prunes says - Posted: February 24, 2015

    “How do you define, ‘surprised’?”
    They have their weapon out before you even start fumbling for yours.
    And then you expect the average person to not become paralyzed by fear and adrenaline, and land 4 quick shots to center of mass to drop the first person and are prepared to finish off the rest. That is fantasy.

  39. Mama Bear says - Posted: February 24, 2015

    I am always amused by the knee-jerk rhetoric spewed by those with differing opinions. Not a lot of facts, just a lot of name-calling and finger pointing and ‘blah, blah, blah’.
    I own, and know how to use, several weapons from handguns to rifles to pellet guns. If you threaten me or someone I care about you will find out the lengths I will go to protect that which is important to me.
    There have been several towns and/or counties in the south that have made gun ownership mandatory. They have shown that such mandatory ownership has resulted in a seriously decreased number of armed assaults. I believe that an armed population is a safer population.
    Just my 3 cents worth.

  40. Justice says - Posted: February 24, 2015

    More baseless leftist blather. Notice the people busy letting out all the criminals and making serious crimes minor offences want the citizens disarmed? While the gun sales are at record levels because people know what these liberals are doing by letting out all the hard core career criminals they can in the state and not enforcing laws against millions with criminal records and recent arrests illegally in the country who have never had a background check for previous crimes. Like the recent murders of two Sheriff Deputies by a multiple deported felon. Where would all criminals go knowing this?

  41. Dogula says - Posted: February 24, 2015

    @ Bigs: “Paranoid whack jobs” is clearly an insult. While “commies” is the shortened word for “communists”. Last time I checked, the words commie/communist were not an insult, they were a description of people who held a particular socio-economic philosphical stance.
    If you are insulted by your own beliefs, maybe you should rethink them.

  42. Biggerpicture says - Posted: February 24, 2015

    Oh I get it Dog. When you use a term to describe someone that you don’t actually know their exact political beliefs, you’re justified by labeling them, in a derogatory way, as YOU see fit. But someone else uses a derogatory label to describe someone they don’t know, they’re wrong. Or are you now saying “commie” in the way you used it means a good thing?

    And by arguing this point I’m not condoning nature’s statement at all, I’m just trying to point out your hypocrisy.

  43. copper says - Posted: February 24, 2015

    I learned shooting and firearm safety at a range in the Berkeley Hills when I was 12 years old. My instructor was a former army captain who’d served with Patton in Europe. I received my first gun, a .22 rifle that I still have, when I was 14.

    Learning at 12, with other 12 year olds, you can bet that our instructor was a stickler for safety rules. I had additional training serving in two different branches of the military (ours), and working for two different law enforcement agencies. But their training was never as strict or thorough as the training I received as a kid.

    I taught each of my two kids how to shoot and handle firearms when each of them reached 12. They are now in their forties.

    Having been married twice, both of my wives already knew how to shoot and owned their own guns when I met them.

    But for those of you reaching for your stereotypewriters, I, both kids and both wives have been active Democrats all of our lives, and remain strong supporters of our President.

  44. Dogula says - Posted: February 24, 2015

    Being a communist doesn’t negate love for one’s country. You guys need to learn your definitions better.
    But Copper, one of my favorite attorneys at the bar I worked, where most of the local attorney would come to drink their lunch, was proud of being strongly leftist, a card carry ACLU member, and he was just as proud of his concealed weapon permit. He was a great guy. We just didn’t talk politics.

  45. copper says - Posted: February 24, 2015

    I’m also an ACLU card carrier, Ms Dog, but the Nevada branch of ACLU is strongly supportive of citizen’s rights of gun ownership.

  46. Dogula says - Posted: February 24, 2015

    That’s good, Copper! The California ACLU, where I knew my attorney friend, was not!

  47. nature bats last says - Posted: February 24, 2015

    Bla bla bla bla bla, bang bang bla bla. Dogs use of the word commie was not derogatory? I call b s. Everytime she types liberal or democrat or environmentalist she is typing it in a derogatory manner. Its the words before and after that give it away. I can use whatever adjectives I want in describing how I feel, could care less if anyone above is offended. GUNS SUCK IMHO

  48. sunriser2 says - Posted: February 24, 2015

    I hate people who want to tell me what to eat, what I can drive and if I can own guns. They need to stay out of my personal life.

    Americans have had guns in in their homes since the country was formed, historically with a minimum of problems.

    Fatherless households, violent movies and video games seem to have come along at the same time as the increase in gun crimes. Handing gangs unlimited dollars to buy big guns with because of the anti drug laws is a large factor too.

  49. Kits Carson says - Posted: February 24, 2015

    Nature: Dog can use whatever words wanted just like you. If you’re offended, get over it!! This country is over run by little fuzzy people who get offended by every little thing.
    BTW Guns don’t SUCK. As Copper said, “They BLOW”. :)

  50. Haddi T. Uptahere says - Posted: February 24, 2015

    Where in the hell do they make gun ownership “mandatory”. For who? Everyone? That is the most moronic thing I could ever think of!

  51. nature bats last says - Posted: February 24, 2015

    Haddi, the word moronic fits perfectly.

    Ksh its…im not offended by dog, she can believe and do and think whatever she wants. I could care less if she is offended. My hide is alot tougher than you know. I was pointing out her usage of condescending words as she seems to believe she isnt being deragatory. Most people see this differently.

  52. Chief Slowroller says - Posted: February 24, 2015

    here is my suggestion for you folks that do not have a gun.

    when the Whip comes down, go into the kitchen and grab a butter knife and scream real loud.

  53. Biggerpicture says - Posted: February 24, 2015

    Here is a little flame to add to the fire in this debate. This article just came out 20 minutes ago. Here is an excerpt and the link:

    ‘Seven medical groups representing most U.S. physicians are seeking to recast gun-related casualties as a public health crisis, pointing to data that blames firearms for 33,000 U.S. deaths and more than double that many injuries in 2013.

    The coalition, which also includes the American Bar Association and the American Public Health Association, issued a “call to action” Tuesday that implores the medical community to study deaths and injuries caused by firearms without “political influence or restriction.”‘

  54. mountaindude says - Posted: February 25, 2015

    I saved 5 lives by having a gun. The children I protected are all young adults and have grown up with, and been trained with firearms.

    I dislike that anyone believes that they can make choices for me.

    Anyone with a domestic violence conviction is prohibited from gun ownership or possession since the early 1990s.

    If you don’t like guns, don’t buy one. You do need to realize that the state is not obligated to provide you protection, see City of Castle Rock v. Gonzales.

    I will continue to protect my family and I support the expansion of my rights that better allows me to protect myself. Had the state had its way, they would have preferred me disarmed against the violent convicted gang members who came to kill my family. The AR15 I possessed was the deciding factor in my family’s survival.

    El Dorado County is a concealed weapons issuing county. Get trained, secure your firearms in a safe, and be active in your own protection. The good guys need guns.

  55. Dogula says - Posted: February 25, 2015

    Statists turn EVERYTHING into a ‘public health crisis’. It’s how they suck down their own share of tax funding. And you fools keep lettin’ the Federal government get bigger and stronger and take more of your money. Pretty soon you’ll have no freedom, no money, and you’ll be living completely at the whim of your noble leaders.
    Good job. 1984 was supposed to be a warning, not a training manual.

  56. Mama Bear says - Posted: February 25, 2015

    Mandatory gun ownership in Nucla, CO and Kennesaw, GA. Also being considered in towns in Maine and Utah. Look it up!

  57. Haddi T. Uptahere says - Posted: February 25, 2015

    Yep, it’s the law in those towns. On further inspection, the loopholes in those laws make them more political statement than law. If you want a gun in your home, fine, if you don’t, that’s fine too. Same under BOTH cities laws.
    I guess the Beatles were right, happiness IS a warm gun.
    30 people die EACH and EVERY day from guns in the United States.
    10950 living, breathing human beings a year. Multiply that number by family members and loved ones and you have a lot of impacted lives.
    Oh well, shoot em if ya got em.
    Just remember folks, live by the sword, die by the sword.
    PS: In Nevada it’s still against the law to drive a camel on the hiway but is IS legal to hang someone for shooting your dog on your property. Amazing.

  58. snoplease says - Posted: March 6, 2015

    Same old story from the anti-gunners. Quoting biased statistics and articles. When are you people going to start taking care of the REAL problem of mental health in our society?? Yeah…the GUN bought itself and the bullets, loaded itself and walked around and then killed someone ALL BY ITSELF. Never does the subject of mental health comes into the picture or the media. Never hold the person doing the murdering and killing responsible, its ALWAYS about the gun…ALWAYS… Just an FYI to you anti-gunners living here in SLT and Eldorado County, we are a VERY gun friendly county. There are many CCW holders in this county, they sit by you at breakfast, in the movie theater, and while you shop. Each and every CCW holder has been individually interviewed by the EDSO Sheriff and has had a full FBI background investigation and have been deemed safe and competent to carry a firearm…AS WE CHOOSE TO. We are not “fear-mongers”, “gun-nuts” or whatever you want to call us.

    Anti-gunners…Start thinking about what your going to do with the mental health care access in our society instead of blaming the gun, or shoving more anti-depressent pills down their throats and calling it good. Blame the person doing the shooting/killing.

    We live in a gun loving society folks, GUNS ARE NEVER GOING AWAY…EVER…no matter what legislation comes forward, guns are already in our society. So take some responsibility and stop blaming the gun. I welcome any comments…

  59. business owner says - Posted: March 20, 2015

    I was asked once why I carry a firearm. I told him because a cop doesn’t fit in my pocket.