Sorting through myths-facts of flu vaccine

By Tara Haelle, NPR Brace yourselves: Flu season is coming. And along with the coughing, fevers and aches you can expect a lot of unreliable or downright wrong information about the flu vaccine. Flu kills more people in a year in the U.S. than Ebola has killed in the history of the world. Many people […]

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Treat Street moving to Lake Tahoe Airport

The 13th annual Treat Street will be Oct. 31 at Lake Tahoe Airport. All trick or treaters are invited to this free evening of fun and games from 5-8 pm. The purpose of this event is to provide a safe environment for youth on Halloween. There will be a haunted house, a bounce house, live radio remote […]

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Safe connections to STMS being plotted

By Kathryn Reed On a good day maybe three dozen of the nearly 800 students at South Tahoe Middle School ride their bike to school. Some walk, even more get a ride either from their parents, friends’ parents or via the school bus. For anyone who has been by the school in the morning or […]

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Tahoe Tails — Adoptable Pets in South Lake Tahoe

Jose seems to enjoy posing for his photo — what a cute face. He is 12 weeks old, and one of three male and three female kittens at the shelter right now. Plus, there are several nice adult cats. Jose is an energetic, handsome brown tiger longhair kitten. He is neutered, microchipped, tested for FIV, […]

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Metastatic breast cancer needs more attention

By Kelly Shanahan Oct. 13 is Metastatic Breast Cancer Awareness Day. It is important to recognize the elephant in the pink room that is October: metastatic breast cancer, cancer that spreads outside the breasts, affects 155,000 Americans, killing 40,000 of us every year, yet it only receives 2 percent of breast cancer research dollars. Metastatic […]

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Letter: Important to vote yes on H

To the community, Voting yes on Measure H helps to transform Meyers and the county into one of the many fire-adapted communities sprouting up around the country. An additional $100 per household is actually a sound investment considering the staggering cost of catastrophic wildfire. The creation of a healthy forest through fire hazard reduction protects […]

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Tahoe rapper releases album

South Lake Tahoe native rapper Patterns of Perfection (P.O.P.) has released his latest LP, “Pappa’s Back.” The 13 original tracks were published on the World Records independent music label without support of the corporate music industry. He says there are party tracks, groove tracks, chill out tracks, hardcore tracks, and tracks he included just for fun. His first […]

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Firm to look at Olympic Valley incorporation

Placer County LAFCo unanimously voted last week to award RSG of Santa Ana a contract to develop a comprehensive fiscal analysis of the possibility of incorporating Olympic Valley. The $85,360 fee will be paid for by Incorporate Olympic Valley. “A comprehensive fiscal analysis is required for any incorporation proposal. It shows us whether the proposed town will […]

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McClintock, Moore to debate

By Jon Ortiz, Sacramento Bee The on-again, off-again debate between 4th Congressional District incumbent Tom McClintock and challenger Art Moore is back on. A day after McClintock backed away from a one-hour debate that would have been hosted by the League of Women Voters next week, the Elk Grove Republican’s camp issued a press release […]

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Sierra House to be growing veggies this fall

By Kathryn Reed Grading began this weekend at Sierra House Elementary School on what will be two growing domes by the end of November. A cadre of parents determined to make this a reality has never wavered in their desire to bring this to fruition. With the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency signing off on the […]

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