
If OK’d, sports betting in N.J. could dwarf Nev.

By Tim Dahlberg, AP There’s a brand new sports bar at Monmouth Park with televisions hanging from nearly every available rafter. Mostly empty now except on racing weekends at the horse track little more than an hour from Manhattan, it may not stay empty long. Depending on how a judge rules, it could soon become […]

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Letter: Heavenly helps at Bread & Broth

To the community, On Sept. 22, Bread & Broth volunteers and the sponsor volunteer crew from Heavenly Mountain Resort served a beef and mushroom stroganoff dinner to the 124 guests that arrived at St. Theresa Church’s Grace Hall. As the number of individuals needing assistance increases, Bread & Broth is able to continue to provide […]

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Fatal crash in Pollock Pines

 By KXTV A person was killed in a head-on crash in Pollock Pines Saturday afternoon. The two vehicles crashed just after noon on Mormon Emigrant Trail, south of Sly Park Road, the California Highway Patrol said. Read the whole story

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Who’s the meanest U.S. senator?

By Amber Phillips, Las Vegas Sun Congress can be a lot like high school. There are the popular kids (often the lawmakers in front of TV cameras), the hanger-oners (often the lobbyists trying to befriend said lawmakers) the nerds (often the policy-wonk staffers) and the misfits (often the journalists trying to keep up with it […]

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CDC: Americans can expect to live longer

By Karen Kaplan, Los Angeles Times Americans are living longer than ever before, government data show. A typical toddler born in 2012 can expect to live 78.8 years — a new record, according to a report published Wednesday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. That’s 36.5 days longer than in 2011. Adults who […]

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Tahoe National Forest to discuss roads

Tahoe National Forest will host two public open houses in October to discuss the forest roads system and look at the relationship between roads and various resource impacts. The open houses are part of engaging the public in Subpart A of the U.S. Forest Service’s 2005 Travel Management Rule. Subpart A is an analysis of […]

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KGID on verge of issuing $6 mil. in bonds

Kingsbury General Improvement District’s board is having a public hearing Oct. 21 regarding the sale of bonds. The board at its September meeting approved the intent to issue the bonds. The bonds are not to exceed $6 million. The money will be spent on improving the water system. The 6pm meeting will be at 169 […]

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Workshop to address King, Sand fire issues

The University of California is co-hosting a workshop for El Dorado and Amador county residents titled Recovering from Wildfire: Resources for Private Landowners. The workshop will be at the Pleasant Valley Grange on Oct. 24 from 9am-4pm. The workshop objectives are to increase understanding of the role of wildfire in forest development and change, post-fire […]

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Lukins seeks 53.9% water rate increase

By Kathryn Reed Paying for the more than 6,000 feet of lineal water line Lukins Brothers Water Company put in doesn’t stop with the contractor’s last bill. The South Lake Tahoe company’s liability insurance went up 60 percent because of those lines. In the last two years Lukins has put in 6,000 lineal feet of […]

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Letter: Alpine County receives state award

To the community, The California State Association of Counties is honored to recognize Alpine County in our 2014 Challenge Awards program, which recognizes the most innovative, cost-effective programs developed by our 58 counties. In March of this year, Alpine County and the Washoe Tribe created an unprecedented memorandum of understanding in order to provide child […]

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