
Nevada historic preservation grants available

The Nevada Historic Preservation Office will distribute federal grant funds to nonprofit organizations and local and state agencies throughout the state to support historic building rehabilitation or restoration, public education, surveys and planning. The deadline for the 2015 Historic Preservation Fund grant applications is Dec. 5. Application forms are available online. HPF grants are a 60/40 […]

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Letter: Time for DCSO leadership change

To the community, Sheriff [Ron] Pierini’s campaign cheerleaders have been working hard to broadcast the mantra that the Douglas County Sheriff’s Department isn’t broken and doesn’t need fixing. They wouldn’t have to work so hard if the sheriff would just answer a couple of simple questions: How come your department’s budget went up fivefold in […]

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Law aims to rid farmers markets of cheaters

By David Karp, Los Angeles Times Bringing to fruition a decade-long campaign by farmers market stakeholders, Gov. Jerry Brown signed AB1871, which for the first time provides what supporters say is adequate funding to ensure that growers at certified farmers markets produce what they sell. “This is the single-most significant change to farmers market laws […]

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Snippets about Lake Tahoe

• Tahoe Best Friends’ Howloween party is Nov. 1 starting at 2:30pm, 2197 Ruth Ave., South Lake Tahoe. There will be a costume contest for dogs and people. Bobbling for Howl’owennies (for dogs), dog dancing contest, face-licking contest, best trick, musical sits and more. • Truckee is hosting early voting for Nevada County residents in […]

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9th Circuit hearing Whittemore appeal today

By Associated Press SAN FRANCISCO — Lawyers for a former lobbyist are going before a federal appeals court in San Francisco to try to overturn his conviction for carrying out a scheme to raise money illegally for Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. Federal prosecutors and lawyers for Harvey Whittemore, a one-time Nevada political powerbroker who […]

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King Fire smoke drifting west

Smoke from the King Fire could be seen in Cool and Auburn overnight. This is normal as the fire continues to burn within the interior. Smoke will settle with the cooler night air and follow canyons and drainages, and will lift and disperse as the day warms. It should become progressively lighter until the fire […]

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Shared space brings solo workers together

By Kathryn Reed Boss doesn’t believe you’ll work in Tahoe? Mom doesn’t believe you’ll meet anyone being self-employed? Spouse wonders how the home office is suddenly so neat? Tahoe Mountain Lab may prove working on vacation isn’t so stuff, that like-minded entrepreneurs flock together, and working independently and alone are two very different things. It […]

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Opinion: Props. 45-46 not resonating with voters

By Dan Walters, Sacramento Bee By any measure, health care is now California’s largest single economic sector, churning well over $200 billion a year in private and public funds each year, and growing fast. Obamacare, the aging of the population and other factors expand demand for medical services and pump more money into the system. […]

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Flask mittens make winter bearably boozy

By Julie R. Thomson, Huffington Post Winter is cold, guys. But you know what makes it a little more bearable? Booze. That’s why winter is not only the season of cheer, but also of hard, stiff drinks. The stronger, the better. Better, that is, if you don’t have to take off your gloves to have […]

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Deer Valley buys Solitude ski resort

By Michael McFall, Salt Lake Tribune Deer Valley Resort is buying Solitude Mountain Resort and will take over its operations this May — the second major shift in Utah’s ski industry in weeks. The purchase was a private acquisition and a news release about the deal does not disclose how much Deer Valley paid. The […]

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