
Blood drive in South Lake Tahoe

BloodSource is having a blood drive in South Lake Tahoe on Oct. 6 form noon-6pm. Walk-ins are welcome. Blood drive participants will receive a parking validation for Lake Tahoe Resort Hotel at the blood drive check in. Donating blood takes about an hour. Donors must weigh at least 110 pounds, be 17 years old (16 year […]

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Skiers accustomed to Mother Nature’s cycles

By Skiing While on a ski tour with a group of friends late last spring, I asked one of the old-timers, who has skied in 
the Sierra since 1967, if he’d ever seen a pair of consecutive below-average seasons stretch into
 a third year as the winter of 2013-14 had done. Without hesitation he replied, […]

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Volunteers needed for Forest Stewardship Day

The League to Save Lake Tahoe needs volunteers to help stabilize stream banks, pull invasive plants and restore trails during the 17th annual Tahoe Forest Stewardship Day on Sept. 27 at Tahoe Paradise Park in Meyers. The park lies along the Upper Truckee River, Lake Tahoe’s largest tributary.  This is the League’s third year hosting the event […]

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TRPA Best in Basin winners announced

Tahoe Regional Planning Agency has announced the recipients of the Best in the Basin awards. The winners are: Building/General Fall Home Green Building Project, Incline Village Tahoe Mountain Boathouse Scenic Improvement Project, Tahoma Chinquapin Home Owners’ Association Lighting Replacement Scenic Improvement Project, Carnelian Bay. Water Quality/Restoration Tahoe House Best Management Practices Retrofit, Tahoe City Southwood […]

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Wallace: Improve the fire flow in our water pipes

Publisher’s note: Lake Tahoe News asked both candidates running to the South Tahoe Public Utility District seat being vacated by Eric Schafer the same questions. Duane Wallace’s opponent did not answer the questions. Name: Duane Wallace Profession/work experience: I’m a businessman. At age 21 I opened the Happy Steak Restaurant at the Y. I opened […]

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Editorial: Fire is a statewide issue

Publisher’s note: This editorial is from the Sept. 18, 2014, Sacramento Bee. Fire has a tipping point in hot, dry weather. As the relative humidity drops – 22 percent is the magic number, according to fire officials – benign situations can morph into catastrophes. A car with a hot engine parked near some dead brush, […]

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Mt. Shasta mudslide blamed on drought, melting glacier

By Veronica Rocha, Los Angeles Times California’s prolonged drought is believed to have caused a massive mudslide on Mt. Shasta over the weekend after meltwater from a glacier sent torrents of debris and mud down the mountain, officials said. Experts believe glacial melting, accelerated by the drought, may have released “pockets of water” that destabilized […]

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Moe’s brings authentic bbq to Lake Tahoe

By Kathryn Reed TAHOE CITY – You know it’s going to be a messy meal when there is a roll of paper towels on the table. And that’s a good thing at a barbecue joint. Anyone who has been to the South knows what you get out West often isn’t authentic barbecue. It’s like it’s […]

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Then and now: Cecil’s Market, 1940-2014

Cecil’s Market was a local’s favorite, offering everything, including groceries, a delicatessen, novelties, liquor, some clothing, and it featured a huge magazine selection. Cecil’s survived the arrival of the big Raley’s store located directly behind it in 1963 for another 50 years. It survived big winters (1952) and little winters (2014). But finally is time […]

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High-altitude training in the flatlands

By CBS News It looks like any other high-intensity fitness class, but this one elevates exercise to a whole new level. Once you step inside the AirFit studio at the Quad in the San Francisco Bay Area, you’re suddenly transported to somewhere like Denver, Half Dome or Lake Tahoe — the altitude many pro-athletes successfully […]

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