
Cancer program focuses on exercise, nutrition

By Angela Moniot Since 2009, South Lake Tahoe resident Rick Robinson has been battling cancer. He traveled more than an hour to Truckee for chemotherapy, and 45 minutes down the hill to Carson City for radiation treatments. While being treated in Truckee, Robinson learned of Tahoe Forest’s cancer wellness program that focused on exercise, yoga, and […]

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Weather may cause King Fire to surge

Updated 1:25pm: Crews are gaining on the massive King Fire in the Eldorado National Forest that officials say was started by an arsonist Sept.13, however the change is weather could hamper efforts. It is at 18 percent containment, with 87,592 acres charred. For Monday the most significant activity is expected to be on the north […]

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Brown signs bills promoting bike paths

By Patrick McGreevy and Melanie Mason, Los Angeles Times Gov. Jerry Brown on Saturday signed into law two measures aimed at helping cities and counties expand and improve bike paths and trails, including one allowing voters to consider whether to increase some fees to pay for the work. Local agencies, including cities and park districts, […]

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$70 mil. grant for biofuels plant near Reno

By AP SPARKS — A California-based biofuel company building a plant east of Reno has been awarded a $70 million grant from the U.S. Department of Defense to help speed delivery of its high-tech process that converts household garbage into jet fuel. Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nev., said the grant announced Friday is in addition to […]

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Tahoe Tails — Adoptable Pets in South Lake Tahoe

Cooper is a 6-year-old Labrador mix, about 55 pounds, who has lived with other dogs and children. Cooper is blind, so he would do best in a home with another dog, preferably a mid-sized female. He is a nice boy who is a bit confused at being in the shelter. He loves to go for […]

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Exec chef at Lake Tahoe Hard Rock a STHS grad

By Kathryn Reed Jonathan Snyder, who is no stranger to Tahoe or the culinary world, is eager to transform the food scene on the South Shore. He has been tapped to be the executive chef at Lake Tahoe Hard Rock hotel-casino. Snyder is a 1991 graduate of South Tahoe High School. He moved to the […]

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Opinion: EDC CAO — arrogance or incompetence?

By Larry Weitzman As the investigation grows, it becomes apparent that the chief administrative officer, her assistant and most of the office are in trouble. A Board of Supervisors meeting on Sept. 9 revealed a new scandal could be happening and it involves a simple snowplow. It seems the CAO’s office can’t even buy equipment […]

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Even today books are banned in the U.S.

By Rebecca Hersher, NPR Banned Books Week kicked off Sunday: Each year, the American Library Association takes this week to sponsor events all over the country to talk about the books that shock, offend, and generally make Americans uncomfortable. Violence and curse words are two of the top three reasons books get banned in the […]

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17% containment of King Fire

Updated 8:45pm: The massive King Fire that destroyed 10 single family residences and 22 other structures, mostly in the White Meadows area, is now 17 percent contained. However, there are 12,000 single residences and 9,000 other minor structures that remain threatened by the blaze burning east of Pollock Pines. Nearly 3,000 people are still displaced. […]

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S. Tahoe library looking for donations

South Lake Tahoe Friends of the Library are requesting donations of books and audio/visual materials for the November book sale. Materials should be good condition and with a copyright date no earlier than 2004. Especially needed are recent children’s books and children’s DVDs, as well as recent materials in Spanish. All donations are tax deductible, with receipts […]

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