
LT Marathon includes free kids’ events

A slew of events are on tap for this weekend’s 19th annual Lake Tahoe Marathon. On Saturday at Pope Beach in addition to the kayak, stand up paddleboard, three swim events, duathon, super hero 5K costume race, the Optimist Club will host the annual Kids Fun Runs. The kids runs are  free. It is for toddlers to […]

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Climate change could affect your breakfast

By Lori Popkewitz Alper, Huffington Post The impacts of climate change can be felt throughout the world. We’re witnessing firsthand hotter summers, extreme weather, droughts and severe wildfires, making the climate crisis something that’s impossible to ignore. Over the past century, the earth’s average temperature has risen by 1.4 degrees and is projected to rise […]

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Zephyr Cove students make a racket on court

By Kathryn Reed ZEPHYR COVE – “To be a tennis champion, you have to be inflexible. You have to be stubborn. You have to be arrogant. You have to be selfish and self-absorbed. Kind of tunnel vision almost.” — Chris Evert The youngsters on the court don’t know yet how true Evert’s words are. They […]

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Letter: Fireworks cleanup thank you

To the community, The Lake Tahoe Visitors Authority would like to thank all of our community members, visitors, businesses and agencies who have helped keep our Lake Tahoe beaches clean throughout a busy summer season. Debris on Lake Tahoe’s beaches affects everyone’s enjoyment of the lake, and trash and debris on the beaches and streets […]

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Frentzen wins special EDC supervisor election

There will not be another Nutting on the El Dorado County Board of Supervisors. The first of three new El Dorado County supervisors was elected Sept. 9. Shiva Frentzen earned 30.96 percent of the vote in Tuesday’s special election, with 2,374 votes. The election was to replace Ray Nutting who had been ousted earlier this […]

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Hard ciders making a resurgence in U.S.

By Kathryn Reed Hard cider was a common drink pre-Prohibition. And while so many varieties of booze have recovered from those dry times, cider until just recently was hard to find in stores and bars. That is changing. A number of small distillers have cropped up across the country. Even the big guys – like […]

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Exhibit to show Reno as world’s divorce capital

By Martin Griffith, AP RENO — For nearly six decades, Reno was known as the divorce capital of the world because of liberal divorce laws that drew hundreds of thousands of estranged spouses from across the country, including Arthur Miller, Jack Dempsey, Clare Boothe Luce and Cornelius Vanderbilt Jr. Now, a group of Nevada researchers […]

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Anti-pot academics paid by drug companies

By Lee Fang, Vice As Americans continue to embrace pot — as medicine and for recreational use — opponents are turning to a set of academic researchers to claim that policymakers should avoid relaxing restrictions around marijuana. It’s too dangerous, risky, and untested, they say. Just as drug company-funded research has become incredibly controversial in […]

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Calif. creates website with city, county data

California on Monday opened a website listing more than 13 million fields of financial data for cities and counties as part of his ongoing efforts to promote transparency in government. The site makes it easier for taxpayers to track revenues, expenditures, liabilities, assets, fund balances and even basic statistics about each city and county. The […]

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Smoke choking parts of Tahoe region

Smoke from wildland fires outside the Lake Tahoe Basin continue to impact the region. The Truckee area is being impacted by smoke drifting down from the Klamath National Forest complex of fires approximately 300 miles to the northwest. The South Shore is seeing smoke from the Meadow Fire in Yosemite that has been burned more than 2,600 […]

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