  • Temperature a key to drinkable box wine

    Temperature a key to drinkable box wine

    By Helen Thompson, NPR Bag-in-the-box wine doesn’t have the classiest of reputations. It’s usually cheap and in the past at least, has been aimed at less sophisticated consumers. But in recent years, boxed wine has tried to buck the stereotype, whether by gussying up the product packaging or simply putting higher-quality wine in the box. […]

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  • Study offers support for taxing soda and other junk foods

    Study offers support for taxing soda and other junk foods

    By Karen Kaplan, Los Angeles Times Want to get people to eat more salad and less junk food? Make vegetables cheaper and soda more expensive. It’s not exactly a new idea, but a study out Tuesday offers some fresh support for those in favor of using sin taxes and subsidies to steer people toward a […]

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  • Food waste a low priority for restaurants

    Food waste a low priority for restaurants

    By Eliza Barclay, NPR A row of restaurants in the Cleveland Park neighborhood of Washington, D.C., looks tantalizing — there are Vietnamese, Italian, New American. But if you walk around to the alley at the back of this row you might gag. Dumpsters packed with trash are lined up, and they get emptied only twice […]

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  • Death cap mushrooms taste good, but have fatal consequences

    Death cap mushrooms taste good, but have fatal consequences

    By Cynthia Hubert, Sacramento Bee It is a killer disguised in a luscious package. Amanita phalloides, the mushroom suspected of fatally poisoning four elderly people at a Loomis care home, is commonly called the death cap. The death cap draws in mushroom hunters with its sturdy stem and smooth, bald top, ranging in color from […]

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  • Time to enter holiday cookie contest

    Time to enter holiday cookie contest

    Lake Tahoe’s The Weekly magazine is looking for holiday cookie recipes. The inaugural Christmas Cookie Contest gives everyone the chance to show off his or her baking talents. Everyone is welcome to enter their favorite, original recipe in the contest for the chance to win a gift certificate to Spindleshanks Wine Bar & Bistro in […]

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  • Forget what the foodies and gourmands tell you

    Forget what the foodies and gourmands tell you

    By Mehmet Oz, Time There’s nothing like a block of frozen spinach to make you feel bad about your family dinner. There’s good food and bad food and pretty food and ugly food–and then there’s the frozen-spinach block. By any rights, this is not something you should want to eat. The picture on the box […]

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  • Endurance athletes using caffeine to keep them going

    Endurance athletes using caffeine to keep them going

    By Murray Carpenter, NPR The Ironman World Championship in Kona, Hawaii, is an extreme event — a 2.4-mile swim, followed by a 112-mile bike ride, topped off by a marathon. Throughout the event, racers drink plenty of fluids and eat energy bars or gels. Most also take a performance-enhancing substance that is legal and effective […]

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  • Thanksgiving dinner does not have to break the bank

    Thanksgiving dinner does not have to break the bank

    By Lauren Salkeld, Epicurious Thanksgiving may be a holiday about plenty, but some years your wallet simply won’t support that much abundance. With these 10 money-saving tips, your Turkey Day can still include an impressive feast. Read on for ways to save on groceries, plus ideas for making even the most humble ingredients shine. 1. […]

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  • Nebbiolo fans congregate to discuss their favorite varietal

    Nebbiolo fans congregate to discuss their favorite varietal

    By Mike Dunne, Sacramento Bee Varieties of grapes and styles of wine often develop fan clubs. There’s Zinfandel Advocates & Producers, the International Riesling Foundation and the Rhone Rangers, to name a few that have been around awhile. The most obscure and most hopeful just might be Nebbiolo Enthusiasts & Believers. It’s a casual group […]

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