  • Beer cocktail — an old drink is new again

    Beer cocktail — an old drink is new again

    By Troy Patterson, Slate The big wet story of this incandescent summer concerns your ice-cold beer, America. Ask yourself: Has that pint in your hand been sugared or spiced or juiced up? Repurposed as a mixer? Elevated with a jigger of liquor? All the papers are onto you. News flows from all corners about happy […]

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  • Happy hour in Tahoe not what it was in the 1980s

    Happy hour in Tahoe not what it was in the 1980s

    By Kathryn Reed Poor college students talk about the abundance of ramen noodles consumed. Poor recent college grads talk about the happy hour deals that make for a meal. In a quest to relieve my 20s in Tahoe when happy hours were where I often found dinner, I thought I would see what things were […]

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  • Pints for Paws benefit El Dorado County Canines

    Pints for Paws benefit El Dorado County Canines

    Pints for Paws is a beer tasting featuring beers from Lagunitas Brewing Company with proceeds benefiting the El Dorado County Canine Association. The event is July 19 from 7-9pm at Cork and More, 1032 Al Tahoe Blvd., South Lake Tahoe. Cost is $15. Tickets are limited and may be purchased before that night at the […]

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  • How to clean stains made by juicy summer fruits

    How to clean stains made by juicy summer fruits

    By Laura Fenton, Food Network When we think of summer desserts, our minds turn to grilled plums, peach cobblers, fruit-filled pies and bowls of fresh blueberries and raspberries. The fruits of summer are ripe, sweet and juicy. They’re also pesky stain makers. As Tre Mitchell Wright, a fabric-care expert at Whirlpool Institute of Fabric Science, […]

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  • Quinoa, the popular but misunderstood grain

    Quinoa, the popular but misunderstood grain

    Huffington Post We were sure that by this point, everybody knew what quinoa was. You can find it in most grocery stores and it has been written about again and again. But when we saw that The Bachelorette and her two contestants were not familiar with this popular ingredient, we realized that there might still […]

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  • Tired of zucchini? Try the flower

    Tired of zucchini? Try the flower

    By Melissa Clark, New York Times People are usually sick of zucchini before summer even reaches its sticky height. Not so the gorgeous, ethereal zucchini blossoms. Up until a few years ago, unless you grew them yourself, you would rarely come across those golden flowers, which are far too fragile for most supermarkets to handle. […]

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  • Summer greens with bitter bite too often ignored

    Summer greens with bitter bite too often ignored

    By Emily Horton, Washington Post A couple of years ago, I worked at a greenmarket for a farmer who grows the most glorious chicories: frisee, radicchio, escarole, puntarelle. They are bitter greens whose underlying sweetness is checked by a bite that can surprise you. One spring, we had a customer who would buy seven heads […]

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  • Himmel Haus serves up German fare at opening party

    Himmel Haus serves up German fare at opening party

    By Linda Fine Conaboy A nearly perfect location at the site of the old Christiana Inn coupled with unique menu selections promises to be a winning combo for one of South Lake Tahoe’s newest restaurants. A bevy of beers from Germany and Belgium, some with hard-to-pronounce names, flowed at the preview party thrown by co-owners […]

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  • Cooking tips for car campers and backpackers

    Cooking tips for car campers and backpackers

    By Sarah Kagan and Megan O. Steintrager, Epicurious In the eyes of some hard-core backpackers, car camping is “camping lite.” But to car campers, that so-called wimp factor lies at the heart of what we love about our hobby. Because you don’t have to worry about dragging all your equipment to the site on your […]

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  • Sample the Sierra celebrates regional food and wine

    Sample the Sierra celebrates regional food and wine

    Imagine sipping a big, bold El Dorado County wine, perfectly paired with fare from the region’s best chefs, prepared with fresh seasonal produce grown within a 100 miles from where you stand. This is what Sample the Sierra is all about. Now in its third year, this farm-to-fork festival celebrates food, wine, and art in […]

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