  • Study: Food stamps keep people out of poverty

    Study: Food stamps keep people out of poverty

    By Nancy Shute, NPR Food stamps have long been are a favorite whipping boy of politicians looking to beat up on government spending. But the massive food-assistance program does help keep people out of poverty, according to new research. Food stamp benefits led to decline of 4.4 percent in poverty from 2000 to 2009, according […]

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  • Study: Plastic wrappers seeping into food products

    Study: Plastic wrappers seeping into food products

    By Susan Freinkel, Washington Post In a study published last year in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives, researchers put five San Francisco families on a three-day diet of food that hadn’t been in contact with plastic. When they compared urine samples before and after the diet, the scientists were stunned to see what a difference […]

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  • ’11 vintage has winemakers apprehensive; ’10 looks OK

    ’11 vintage has winemakers apprehensive; ’10 looks OK

    By Kathryn Reed SOMERSET – Take a bottle of Zinfandel from any two years and they won’t taste the same. In large part that is because the weather wasn’t the same those two years. While winemakers can work some magic with fermentation and blending, Mother Nature plays a huge role in what comes out of […]

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  • Salt content in U.S. fast food outweighs other countries

    Salt content in U.S. fast food outweighs other countries

    By Nancy Shute, NPR Want extra salt with that fast-food meal? Then buy it in the United States, where chicken dishes, pizzas, and even salads are loaded with far more salt than in Europe and Australia, according to new research. The McDonald’s Chicken McNuggets in the United States have more than twice as much salt […]

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  • Hot and sweet combine for mouthful of fun at salsa contest

    Hot and sweet combine for mouthful of fun at salsa contest

    By Kathryn Reed TWIN BRIDGES – Take small bites. That was the advice of Dennis, veteran Sierra-at-Tahoe salsa judge. Still, my tongue was numb for a bit of the contest. With 19 concoctions to taste, it was a good thing several criteria are involved to come up with a possible total score of 50. However, […]

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  • Learn about the basics of wine tasting

    Learn about the basics of wine tasting

    Rick Kushman, wine and food writer and educator, will teach a Wine 101 class called “Why Wine is More Fun Than People Make it Seem” on May 12 from 1:30-3pm at Lava Cap Winery in Placerville. Kushman will cover how to get more out of a wine country experience and drinking wine. Learn tips on […]

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  • Some salsa judges like it hot, hot, hot

    Some salsa judges like it hot, hot, hot

    I like hot salsa. That’s all I’m going to say. Oh, and I’m going to be a judge at the salsa contest April 15 at Sierra-at-Tahoe. But I’m only one of five judges, so this piece of insider information may not help. But it might be worth your while to start mixing up a batch […]

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  • Quinoa goes from staple in Andean culture to U.S. superfood

    Quinoa goes from staple in Andean culture to U.S. superfood

    By Jean Friedman-Rudovsky, Time As a child, Benjamin Huarachi, 55, ate quinoa almost every day, as a matter of practicality. The crop is one of few that thrive on Bolivia’s high plains, 13,000 ft. (4,000 m) above sea level, explains the farmer. His impoverished family had no idea that the colorful tall tufts yield one […]

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  • K’s Kitchen: Hummus from a pizza guy

    K’s Kitchen: Hummus from a pizza guy

    By Kathryn Reed Pigeonholing people is never a good idea – especially chefs. Just because someone works in a pizza place doesn’t mean pies are the only things he knows how to make. Marc Vaccaro is a bit of a world traveler who likes to cook foods from where he has traveled. Some of these […]

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  • Walking, eating, history combined into one event

    Walking, eating, history combined into one event

    A progressive dinner along Ski Run Boulevard in South Lake Tahoe will combine local storytellers with local cuisine. The April 28 event is a collaboration of Lake Tahoe Leadership and Lake Tahoe Historical Society to raise funds for the Friends of the El Dorado County Library. Dinner guests will start at Black Bear Inn for […]

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