  • Study: Health gap between vegetarians and meat eaters

    Study: Health gap between vegetarians and meat eaters

    By David Newbury, Scotsman Vegetarians are about a third less likely to suffer from heart disease, diabetes or a stroke than meat eaters, according to new medical research. Those who shun meat and fish stand a better chance of not developing the high blood pressure and soaring levels of “bad” cholesterol that leads to heart […]

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  • Lake Tahoe Restaurant Week returns in October

    Lake Tahoe Restaurant Week returns in October

    The 2nd annual Lake Tahoe Restaurant Week (Oct. 2-9), according to organizers, is a celebration of the scrumptious cuisine and culinary talent that has made the Lake Tahoe region the best mountain-dining destination in the country. Local food aficionados and visitors may participate in three-course prix-fixe menus at exceptional values that incorporate organic, seasonal and […]

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  • Chef brings home-cooked meals to individuals

    Chef brings home-cooked meals to individuals

    Today’s fast-paced lifestyle makes it hard to spend time in the kitchen or sit down as a family for a home-cooked meal. Chef 2 U, a personal chef service serving the Sierra foothills, offers a solution to this problem. Chef David Mori, whose resume includes working as the pastry chef Cal Neva Resort and as […]

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  • Mother Nature delays California’s strawberry season

    Mother Nature delays California’s strawberry season

    By Debbie Arrington, Sacramento Bee When it comes to this spring’s strawberry season, it’s better late than never. In Northern and Central California, the unusual spring weather delayed planting – and picking – by two to four weeks. Despite hail and freezing temperatures, the crop will come through relatively unscathed. “We won’t even put the […]

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  • Obesity Prevention Foundation promoting healthy eating

    Obesity Prevention Foundation promoting healthy eating

    One part luxurious luncheon, one part chef-led cooking demonstration, and one part charitable fundraiser — the recipe for the Obesity Prevention Foundation’s “Life Inspired” event brings together some of the top chefs in the region to showcase local food for a good cause. The May 21 fundraiser at Rancharrah, the exclusive and storied Harrah estate, […]

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  • UC Davis study critical of imported ‘extra virgin’ olive oil

    UC Davis study critical of imported ‘extra virgin’ olive oil

    By Mark Glover, Sacramento Bee For the second time in a year, a University of California, Davis, study has found that most olive oil imported into the United States fails to meet the international criteria for “extra virgin.” The new study released by the Olive Center at UCD found that 73 percent of 134 samples […]

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  • Finding pain relief in kitchen cupboards

    Finding pain relief in kitchen cupboards

    By Beth Howard, AARP Got knee pain? Drink some soy milk. Sore back? Eat salmon. The right foods can ease your aches: Recent research suggests that some pack as much pain-fighting power as common pain medications like ibuprofen. “What we eat has a dramatic impact on levels of pain in the body,” says Beth Reardon, […]

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  • Tech tycoon serves up ultimate cookbook

    Tech tycoon serves up ultimate cookbook

    By Katrina Heron, Newsweek For a wunderkind who began his career as a research assistant to Stephen Hawking, went on to become chief technology officer for Bill Gates at Microsoft, and now leads an invention brain trust, producing a cookbook might suggest, well, a half-baked anticlimax. Or would, if the work in question could by […]

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  • Salsa contest fires up riders at Sierra

    Salsa contest fires up riders at Sierra

    By Kathryn Reed TWIN BRIDGES — It was hot, hot, hot at Sierra-at-Tahoe and it wasn’t just because the sun was beating down. The fourth annual Salsa Showdown was April 10 at the ski resort. Thirty contestants entered this year’s event that drew a throng of people to the West Bowl area for much of […]

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  • K’s Kitchen: Pastry flour makes for yummy pancakes

    K’s Kitchen: Pastry flour makes for yummy pancakes

    By Kathryn Reed Sue often says she could skip the pancakes and just have the syrup. It’s something about being from Vermont. I need something to go with my syrup. And every now and then I like her to try a new pancake recipe. The recipe below we got while on our girls camping trip […]

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