  • Home brewing tests some legal boundaries

    Home brewing tests some legal boundaries

    By Melissa Maynard, WASHINGTON — Americans have been brewing beer in their homes since colonial times – both George Washington and Thomas Jefferson were home brewers. Even so, a recent explosion of interest in the hobby has created tricky questions for state alcohol regulators. As of July 1, home brewing will be legal in […]

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  • Food map details what people in U.S. eat

    Food map details what people in U.S. eat

    By Mary Clare Jalonick, AP CHAPEL HILL, N.C. — Do your kids love chocolate milk? It may have more calories on average than you thought. Same goes for soda. Until now, the only way to find out what people in the United States eat and how many calories they consume has been government data, which […]

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  • Spoiled food being converted into power

    Spoiled food being converted into power

    By Tiffany Hsu, Los Angeles Times What happens to the 40 percent of food produced but never eaten in the U.S. each year, the mounds of perfect fruit passed over by grocery store shoppers, the tons of meat and milk left to expire? At Ralphs, one of the oldest and largest supermarket chains on the […]

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  • Organic food movement hits Capitol Hill

    Organic food movement hits Capitol Hill

    By Mary Clarie Jalonick, AP WASHINGTON — The organic food industry is gaining clout on Capitol Hill, prompted by rising consumer demand and its entry into traditional farm states. But that isn’t going over well with everyone in Congress. Tensions between conventional and organic agriculture boiled over this week during a late-night House Agriculture Committee […]

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  • Study: Too little salt could be bad

    Study: Too little salt could be bad

    By Allison Aubrey, NPR Americans are repeatedly told to cut back on salt to reduce the risk of heart disease. But there are new questions being raised about the possible risks of reducing sodium too much. So, how low should we go? Currently, the government recommends that Americans should aim for 2,300 milligrams per day. […]

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  • Grocery stores slow to embrace Obamacare labeling

    Grocery stores slow to embrace Obamacare labeling

    By Sarah Kliff, Washington Post Back when it was passed just over three years ago, the Affordable Care Act included a provision to add calorie information to all chain restaurant menus. Fast forward to 2013, and that requirement still has not gone into effect. While some restaurants took preemptive action and have posted calorie information […]

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  • Rhone wine event in El Dorado County

    Rhone wine event in El Dorado County

    Five El Dorado County wineries in a region known for its handcrafted Rhone-style wines will celebrate local wine and food during the 10th annual Rocks & Rhones Festival on Memorial Day Weekend. On May 25-26 Auriga Wine Cellars, Holly’s Hill Vineyards, Miraflores Winery, Narrow Gate Vineyards and Sierra Vista Winery will pair locally sourced food […]

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  • Oak — a conundrum for wine aficionados

    Oak — a conundrum for wine aficionados

    By Eric Pfanner, New York Times AŸ, FRANCE — Want to start a fight at a wine tasting? Just mention “oak.” Few issues get wine lovers as worked up as the question of whether to ferment or age wine in wooden barrels, usually made of oak. Doing so can help mellow the wine and add […]

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  • El Dorado County winery reuses bottles

    El Dorado County winery reuses bottles

    By Mike Dunne, Sacramento Bee Don’t know what to do with those empty wine bottles other than toss them into the recycling bin? For ideas, go to the website Pinterest. Judging by the photos posted there, old wine bottles can continue to provide happy service as hummingbird feeders, chandeliers, tiki torches, wind chimes and that […]

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  • Wine event benefits Tahoe Art League

    Wine event benefits Tahoe Art League

    The Cork & More is hosting a wine tasting event May 16 with a portion of the proceeds benefiting the Tahoe Art League’s scholarship program. The event starts at 7pm. Cost is $15. It is recommended tickets be purchased in advance by calling (530) 544.5253. Cork & More is located at 1032 Al Tahoe Blvd., […]

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